Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Analyse construction design elements and components.
Design construction administrative and production methods and systems for problem solving.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
Analyse construction elements, components, procedures and methods.
Design procedures, methods and systems for quantifying and costing construction work.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Analyse construction elements and components.
Design construction methods, procedures and systems for preparing construction project production schedules.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
Analyse construction elements and components.
Design methods, procedures and systems for obtaining and maintaining technical, cost and economic data pertaining to construction.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
Analyse the design and constructability of construction elements through the use of analytical and computer software tools and models.
Solve contract documentation, contract procurement, production planning and control procedures with appropriate methodologies, practice tools, procedures and application compute software.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
Compile design, cost and financial reports for projects under consideration.
Compile cost budget, cost control and production planning, progress and quality standards reports for projects under construction.
Communicate, present and defend reports amongst inter-disciplinary company units, consultants and clients.
Prepare consulting and professional financial and technical reports throughout all project stages.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
Prepare project feasibility reports.
Present and demonstrate innovative project design and production solutions.
Apply knowledge for seeking innovative, cost-effective design solutions to socio-economic development issues involving physical development.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
Work within a team as a team member.
Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements for effective team management.
Communicate effectively on technical project aspects with all project team members.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
Write technical reports on innovative and appropriate construction solutions.
Demonstrate the application of current and advanced construction tools and techniques.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
Adopt ethics, responsibilities and norms associated with professionalism.
Develop a chart for the inculcation of professional ethics.
Apply norms and standards to adhere to professional ethics and responsibilities.
Demonstrate an understanding of workplace practices to solve construction problems.
Develop effective administrative systems.
Develop comprehensive project reporting systems.
Demonstrate work place efficiency, procedures, safety rules and practices.
Integrated Assessment:
There are a number of assessments that a learner will need to complete such as tests/assignments/projects/case studies.
Assessments take place in accordance with the Institution’s Assessment Policy and the Faculty specific assessment policy. Continuous Assessment (CA) is used as a means of evaluation.
Programme specific assessment criteria, rules and regulations, must be communicated to learners in all learning guides.
The expansion and implementation of assessment methods is based on Institution and Faculty principles.
Assessment activities are accompanied by a memorandum/assessment marking guide.
The number and range of assessment methods used in each subject are included in learning guides.
Every assessment opportunity carries a predetermined weight that takes the integration of the outcomes into account.
Each semester subject will have at least 3 formative assessment opportunities that will be used to establish a semester mark and give feedback to the learner on their progress.
Subject lecturers must provide detailed, written and constructive feedback to learner work within fifteen working days after an assessment opportunity.
In continuous assessment subjects, semester mark will be used as a final mark for the subject or to provide access to a further assessment opportunity, where the semester mark carries a 60% weighting.
In non-continuous assessment subjects, the semester mark will usually count 40% and the final summative assessment 60% towards the final mark for the module.
Applications for supplementary final assessments shall be made to the relevant Institution structure.
Pass performance is usually set at 50%.
Formative and Summative Assessment:
The learners’ progress will be checked by means of Continuous Assessment (CA) and their performance will be assessed at various formative points in the learning programme. In CA, rules are in place regarding eligibility for supplementary assessments should learners not pass one of the summative assessments. For summative assessments, especially where more than one assessor is involved, internal moderation checks are undertaken to ensure the reliability of the assessment procedures.
Formative assessment refers to assessment that takes place during the process of learning and teaching. Formative assessment:
Supports the teaching and learning process.
Provides progress feedback to learners.
Diagnoses learner’s strengths and weaknesses.
Assists in the planning of future learning.
Summative assessments are conducted for the purpose of making a judgment about the level of competence of learners in relation to the outcomes of a unit, module and qualification. The results of such formal assessment (e.g. tests, assignments, projects, presentations, creative production or traditional examinations) are expressed as a mark reflecting a pass or a fail. The minimum number of summative opportunities required is specified in the Academic Regulations.
The department uses various integrated assessment strategies, depending on the focus of the subject. Apart from class tests and the traditional examination where appropriate, learners are continuously assessed through assignments, research projects, practical work, work-based projects, case studies etc.
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