Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
All concepts relating to registered retirement fund vehicles (and ancillary benefit structures) are understood and applied.
The roles and responsibilities of trustees, service providers and regulatory bodies in the industry are explained.
The concept of Fund Governance and Maintenance and the Regulatory Landscape with specific reference to Governance provisions for funds and Trustees and governance provisions for service providers are and analysed.
The different types of funds, the legislation that approves and recognises these funds and the classification of funds by the administrator are explained.
All the elements and requirements regarding maintenance and compliance of a retirement fund are discussed.
All the legislative and industry specific requirements to effectively draft all documentation relevant to the Employee Benefits industry are evaluated and applied.
An understanding of the theoretical framework, key concepts and core legal rules and principles for the establishment, maintenance and compliance of Retirements Funds and Employee Benefit Schemes governed by legislation other than the Pension Fund Act and certain specialist funds are demonstrated.
Theoretical legal knowledge of the administration processes in the Employee Benefits industry are applied.
Knowledge of the legal and governance aspects when designing and setting up a new fund or revising the structure of an existing fund is understood.
Case studies and proposals in the field of employee benefits are presented and analysed.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
Information is analysed and interpreted by using applicable industry specific information and relevant legislation is applied to address problems and to produce evidence-based solutions.
Client needs and suggested strategies to address client needs are presented.
Solutions with regard to financial risks, applicable regulatory and legislative requirements and the influence of changing economic conditions and markets are drafted.
Informed decisions are made on challenging issues relating to the Employee Benefits industry, taking into account legislation and applicable case laws.
Simple, sensible, practical and understandable solutions according the client’s needs are provided.
An appropriate fund structure is designed that complies with applicable legislation and meets the needs of all parties.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Relevant legislation and the principle of ethics in the Employee Benefits industry are discussed and applied.
Behaving with dignity, showing respect and courtesy to clients, fellow professionals and others in business-related activities and complying with appropriate rules, regulations and professional requirements is understood.
An understanding of the protection of client information is demonstrated.
Integrated Assessment:
Assessments are conducted in strict compliance with the Assessment Policy of the Financial and Economic Sciences Faculty’s assessment policy. The assessment purpose and the applied competences to be assessed are clearly articulated in terms of relevant exit level outcomes and associated assessment criteria of the qualification.
The essence of the assessment approach will be that of formative and summative assessments, which will incorporate written assignments (case studies) and class tests. Written assignments are will be directly linked to theory and will incorporate the theory and skills related to the Exit Level Outcomes. Continuous formative assessment will provide feedback to learners on their progress in the achievement of specific exit level outcomes.
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