SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516693596

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Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
The core concepts and principles of the discipline are identified, described and explained.
The relationships among the core concepts and principles are demonstrated.
The range and limits of applicability of the core concepts and principles are identified.
The core concepts and principles are applied to standard problems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
Equipment is set-up and operated.
Routine investigations are performed according to Standard Operating Practices.
An in-depth understanding of protocols regarding laboratory injuries and accidents prevention, control and management of laboratory acquired infections is demonstrated.
Ethical, professional and legal principles and together with rules in the laboratory are applied.
Laboratory results are interpreted and correlated with clinical data and other laboratory tests.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Safety, prevention and control in the microbiology laboratory are demonstrated.
Microbes are identified and classified.
Host-parasite relationships are explained.
Understanding of principles and concepts of quality control and laboratory statistics, quality assurance and safety in specimen handling are demonstrated.
Investigative procedures in the laboratory are explained and demonstrated.
Serological tests in the laboratory are demonstrated and explained.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
The library, internet and other data storage and retrieval facilities are used to access information.
Scientific reasoning is used to evaluate the quality of information.
Information from a variety of sources, which may be contradictory or divergent, is synthesised.
Appropriate forms of enquiry are conducted by applying standard procedures within the discipline such as experimental or computational techniques, or deductive reasoning.
Data are collected and recorded accurately, truthfully and in appropriate formats.
Data and scientific evidence are analysed and valid arguments and conclusions are presented from such analysis.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
Concrete and abstract problems, in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, are formulated, analysed and solved.
The knowledge of theory is applied to particular real-world contexts.
Knowledge is integrated, e.g. from various disciplines or modes of enquiry, in solving scientific problems.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
Practical reports are presented in the form of a scientific/academic paper.
Verbal skills and the ability to argue logically are assessed though debates.
Oral presentations which will be aided by effective and well-designed computer-based presentations are managed.
Scientific language is used correctly to produce clear and coherent written documents, which follow appropriate scientific conventions.
Scientific information is presented verbally to others.
Appropriate referencing conventions are used, plagiarism is avoided and intellectual property is respected.
Non-verbal forms of representation are used correctly and appropriately.

Integrated Assessment:
Assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process is systematically and purposefully used to generate data for grading, ranking, selecting and predicting. Assessment also provides timely feedback on Learner performance that should inform teaching methods and curriculum design. Integrated assessment will be conducted collaboratively in accordance with the requirements of the HPCSA as well as the higher education institutions offering the qualification.

Assessment activities will include the following:
Observation of real or simulated tasks, e.g. practical sessions/demonstrations, role-plays, presentations.
Evaluation of a product after a task has been completed, e.g., projects, assignments, case studies, portfolios, posters, log books, reflective journals.
Questions, oral or written, used either separately or in combination with tests /examinations, including short or long questions, essays, and multiple choice questions.
Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably aligned. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the Exit Level Outcomes will be integrated through the practical application of diagnostics, technology and research in a specified medical laboratory sciences speciality. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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