1. A comprehensive literature base is critically analysed and evaluated to establish recent trends in technologies, techniques, models and theories in the chosen field.
* Models, principles, theories, techniques and methodologies in the chosen field are analysed, explained, and used correctly in oral presentations and the dissertation.
2. The research problem is clearly identified, defined and detailed in the research proposal where the stated hypothesis directs the investigation.
* The appropriate methods and techniques are selected and applied in the collection of qualitative and quantitative data where appropriate.
* Experimental research is responsibly and ethically conducted.
* Logical interpretation of data reflects clear understanding of the relationship between facts in the study and the ability to evaluate contradictory information.
* The inferences, interpretation and conclusions based on critical review of evidence from measurements and statistical analyses are valid.
3. Information sources are used correctly and appropriately.
* Information technology is applied effectively in the production of the dissertation/research report.
* Language and numeracy skills are applied effectively and correctly in clearly communicating the research problem, its investigation, the outcome, and the recommendations.
Integrated assessment:
Formative assessment:
Oral presentations
Research proposals
Written progress reports
Summative assessment:
Research dissertation
Oral and visual presentations
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