1. Routine and specialised radiographic procedures are performed with and without contrast medium
* Correct technique is selected, and patient is correctly positioned
* Knowledge and understanding of CT, MRI and vascular are demonstrated
* Appropriate assistance is rendered during CT, MRI and vascular studies
* Radiation protection and safety measures are applied
1.2. Knowledge of anatomy, anatomical relationships and cross sectional anatomy is demonstrated and applied
* Knowledge of physiology is demonstrated and applied
* Knowledge of pathology is demonstrated and applied
1.3. Imaging systems are selected and appropriately utilised
* Knowledge and understanding of equipment and accessory equipment of imaging systems used are demonstrated
1.4. The correct exposures factors are used
* Image manipulation is appropriately applied
* Image recording media selected are appropriate to the technique and used correctly
* Images are evaluated for diagnostic value
* ALARA – principles are adhered to
* Images of optimal quality are produced
* Digital images are effectively stored and retrieved
1.5. Equipment is operated in a safe manner
* Appropriate radiation safety is effectively applied
2.1 Request form is read and appropriately assessed
*2 The patient is clinically assessed before each examination commences
2.2. Radiographic images are evaluated for quality and positioning and if necessary, corrective measures are applied
* Need for possible additional views is recognised
* The radiograph demonstrates the required patient information to meet medico-legal requirements
2.3. Normal and abnormal radiographic appearances are recognised and appropriate action is taken
* Information relevant to radiological diagnosis and/or patient management is provided
* Knowledge and understanding of pathophysiology is demonstrated
3.1. Patient care is optimally performed
* Knowledge and understanding of human behaviour in a culturally diverse environment is demonstrated and applied
* Appropriate responses to patient’s physical and emotional needs are demonstrated within the ethical code of practice
* Prepare patient’s for specialised contrast examinations
* The nature and requirements of the examinations are clearly communicated to the patient
* Expertise in limiting radiation exposure to patient, self and others, is demonstrated
* The psychological diversity of the patient is acknowledged
* The clinical condition of the patient is considered
3.2. The patient’s rights to quality care are protected
* Practise professional ethics
* Discretion and judgement are exercised
* Responsibility for professional decisions is assumed
* Professional behaviour is demonstrated at all times and the profession is promoted
* The patient’s rights, in accordance with the legislature of rights, are upheld
* Unethical and illegal professional activities are reported to the appropriate authorities
* The process of informed consent is understood and applied
4.1. Knowledge and understanding of relevant legislature and its relationship to the radiographic context, is demonstrated and applied
* Performance is guided and controlled according to relevant safety regulations
* A good work ethos is maintained
4.2. Department radiation protection protocols are developed
* Knowledge and understanding of the physical and biological effects of radiation are demonstrated and applied
* Equipment is used in keeping with radiation protection and quality control principles
4.3. Ethical and legal requirements are adhered to
5.1. Effective decisions regarding the patient are made
* Examinations are organised effectively
* Departmental administration is performed optimally
* Communication and co-operation between patient’s and stakeholders is effectively maintained
* All resources are managed cost-effectively
* An appropriate budget is drawn up and explained
5.2. Time management is optimally implemented
* Conflict between role players is positively resolved
* Human resources are effectively managed within the appropriate legislation
* Human resources are developed
* Good communication with all role-players is maintained
* Supervision and instruction of students are undertaken
* Continuing professional development requirement is understood
* The profession of radiography is promoted
5.3. Mechanisms for stock control are applied
* Resources are maintained cost-effectively
* Working environment is kept neat and clean at all times
* Patient records and department statistics are accurately kept and maintained
* Equipment and consumables are responsibly cared for and maintained
* Financial costs are effectively managed and controlled
* Awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities is demonstrated
* A strategic plan is prepared for the department
5.4. Quality assurance is maintained
* The elements required for quality control are identified
* Equipment and procedures are continuously monitored
* Efficient and cost-effective quality assurance programs are implemented
* Client and patient satisfaction is assured
6.1. Database and spreadsheet software used
* Relevant information is selected from appropriate sources
* Data is gathered, compiled, interpreted and presented
* Information is scientifically presented
* Information technology is effectively used
* Communicate effectively using information technology
Integrated assessment:
Continuous evaluation of theoretical, practical and clinical aspects
Assignments / Projects / Practicals
Case studies
Clinical assessments
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