1. Preparation of clinical case reports (where applicable) demonstrating the ability to find and use relevant scientific knowledge in a problem solving context
2. Successfully demonstrate the ability to complete a patient treatment plan at an advanced level in consultation with the patient and other members of the health tem
3. Independently manage diverse comprehensive clinical cases as appropriate at specialist level
1. Regular assessment of assignments based on case reports and literature reviews
2. Written and oral examinations in the prescribed basic subjects and in the main subject with external examiners of national and international repute in attendance
3. Evaluation of diagnostic and clinical skills (where appropriate) and community projects in the case of the speciality Community Dentistry
1. Preparation of an approved major research project in which the results are, in the opinion of the examiners, suitable for acceptance for publication in a refereed scientific journal
2. Formal written and oral examinations based on theoretical knowledge and clinical (where appropriate) and organisation skills (Community Dentistry) at specialist level
3. Formal clinical examination
Candidates are required to demonstrate the ability to handle clinical (where appropriate) and organisational situations (Community Dentistry) at a specialist level employing all aspects of basic theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the course leading to the qualification. Candidates’ ability to do independent research will be evaluated in a research article that is suitable for publication in an accredited, scientific journal
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