SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516672727

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

1. The operating principles of components, devices and systems are explained correctly.
The standards and procedures applicable to components, devices and systems are described.
The initial or current state is described.
The final or desired state of the work package is specified. Information is gathered, structured and evaluated using proven techniques.
Technical variables, factors and cause-effect relationships are identified.
The contextual constraints are identified and stated.
Circuits, devices and systems are modelled to determine their operating characteristics.
Comprehensive technical criteria for the solution or successful project are developed.
The results of the requirements analysis are documented.
Range: the technician`s superior or client normally defines the work package.

The latitude for examining options is established by considering the problem context: time, engineering resources, health and safety issues, environmental issues.
Basic physical principles and engineering sciences, underlying current technology and mathematical calculations are applied to synthesize solutions.
Alternative solutions or approaches are proposed and planned based on experience of successful approaches.
Proven skills, techniques and tools are used to develop solutions for the options.
Solutions are documented in sufficient detail for evaluation.

Solutions are judged against set technical and economic criteria, and within prevailing constraints, to determine the extent to which the specification is met.
Immediate risks and impacts of solutions are evaluated.
Reasoned arguments involving technical and cost factors supporting the choice of option are presented.
Engineering judgement is exercised in arriving at a decision to select an option.
Full responsibility is taken for the technical work package and evaluation is sought from the appropriate authority in respect of any aspect of the solution which is out of range of competency.
The chosen option is further developed and evaluated as required.
The chosen option is clearly documented.

An operational procedure to implement the solution or execute the project is planned.
Information necessary for implementation is gathered, structured and evaluated.
Detailed solution procedures are implemented and the outcomes documented.
Resources necessary to implement the solution or complete the project are identified, sourced and managed.
Contributions are made to technical aspects of drawing up and negotiating contracts.
The solution is implemented in accordance with the chosen solution and procedures approved by superior or client.
Modifications of the chosen solution or implementation procedures are justified and documented, and referred to the appropriate authority when necessary.
Task requirements are clearly communicated, co-ordinated and monitored to ensure effective team work.
Quality management procedures are applied.

The performance criteria for quantities to be monitored are identified.
Performance data on the implemented solution is collected on an going basis.
The performance data is evaluated against set criteria.
Problem-solving cycles are adopted as required.

Engineering drawings, data and instructions are read and interpreted correctly.
Appropriate engineering procedures and tools are used to construct/assemble equipment/systems to specification.
Components, devices and equipment are mounted, installed, maintained and replaced correctly
The operating limits of equipment, devices and components are determined using theoretical and practical knowledge of their functioning.
The functioning of equipment is evaluated to determine whether it is operating within specified limits.
Measuring equipment is correctly used to determine the operating parameters of components, devices and equipment.
Measured performance data of components, devices and equipment are correctly interpreted, and compared to specified operating limits, to decide whether the items are functioning properly.
Appropriate steps to correct malfunctioning equipment and devices are determined and implemented.

Engineering specifications as applied to the operation and functioning of electrical engineering equipment and systems are read and interpreted correctly.
Circuit theory is correctly used to analyse the operation of circuits.
Tools and measuring equipment are identified, prepared, calibrated and maintained appropriately, according to statutory requirements and laid down procedures.
The operation and performance limitations of test equipment is interpreted to select the appropriate equipment and procedure for the task.
Test equipment is used correctly and safely to measure electrical parameters relating to the operation of electrical equipment and systems.
The results of measurements are correctly interpreted to determine whether equipment is operating satisfactorily.
Problems in equipment and systems, and devices which are degrading the operating performance of equipment and systems, are identified.
Faulty components, devices and systems are replaced.

2. Time is managed well.
Work is completed in good time.
Initiative is used in the work situation.
Change is dealt with effectively.
Ethical behaviour in engineering activity is demonstrated.
Professional development is pursued on an ongoing basis
. Candidate advises superiors if he/she is not qualified through training or experience to undertake a task.
Working in a team situation effects change.
Personal responsibilities in the team are recognised and discharged.
Critical contributions are made to team activity.
Communication with team members is effective.
Relationships, respect and trust are built and maintained with team members, customers and suppliers.
Team members are mentored and coached, as appropriate.
Team contributions are documented.

Priorities to achieve stated goals are set.
Projects are analysed to identify critical aspects of the project, and project plans are created.
Project plans are implemented, monitored, reviewed and modified if necessary.
Challenges and opportunities brought about by changing situations are recognised. Industrial relations legislation and principles are applied.
Budgets are prepared and managed. The costs of resources are established.
The candidate contributes to the determining of product and service pricing.
The candidate contributes to determining the financial viability of projects.

Specific customer or stakeholder needs are identified.
Differing values, social and cultural factors are taken into account when dealing with colleagues, clients and stakeholders.
Candidate works collaboratively with customers/suppliers.
Candidate demonstrates commercial awareness in technical work.
Candidate manages the procurement process.
Candidate ensures that the resulting capability meets requirements.
Regular and complete progress reports are provided.
Candidate joins professional societies and groups of users and experts in order to share and gain expertise.
Range: Customer, supplier, regulatory authority, stakeholder.

Engineering drawings and specifications are prepared and interpreted.
Cost estimates, work schedules, and instruction manuals are prepared and presented.
Clear, concise, effective, technically, legally and editorially correct reports are written using a structure and style which meets communication objectives and user/audience requirements.
Technical and legal matter, relevant to the function of the Professional Technician, is read and evaluated.
Correct interpretation of instructions is ensured.
Clear instructions are given to subordinates using appropriate language and communication aids, ensuring that language and other communication barriers are overcome.
Oral presentations are made using language, structure, style, visual media and supporting documents appropriate to the audience and purpose.

Integrated assessment:

Combinations of the following forms of assessment will be used in the context of the typical roles played by a Professional Technician (Electrical Engineering).

The assessor will watch the candidate perform a task that is part of his/her normal workplace responsibility.

The assessor will watch the candidate perform a typical workplace task especially for the assessment, because the task is not part of his/her normal workplace responsibility at that specific time.

Computer simulation
The assessor will watch the candidate perform a simulation of the real life task on the computer.

Role play simulation
The assessor will watch the candidate out a typical workplace scenario to assess his/her interpersonal skills.

Written test/examination
The assessor will evaluate the candidate`s knowledge and understanding by giving him/her written tests or examinations.

Oral questioning
The assessor will evaluate the candidate`s knowledge and understanding by asking him/her to verbally answer questions.

The assessor will evaluate the candidate`s level of competence by setting him/her individual and team projects to complete.

The assessor will evaluate the candidate`s level of competence by considering a portfolio of his/her work. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email:
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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