The effective use of a personal computer and associated understanding of relevant software packages in a business environment is demonstrated.
Management functions and principles are accurately and effectively identified and applied in a business environment.
A good understanding and application of mathematical principles, concepts and skills is demonstrated in a business environment.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and professionally in a business environment.
The role and function of the Internet is clearly explained and the utilisation of services through the Internet are identified.
A basic database is designed, populated, used and maintained.
Hardware components and personal computer components are identified, assembled, repaired and maintained.
The operations and functioning of networks and related architectures are explained.
The financial aspects important for the economic viability of a business and the controls associated with it are explained.
The role and functions of HR in a small business to ensure effective management of human resources is discussed.
A working website is designed and produced and a solid understanding of website technologies, architectures and acceptable practices is demonstrated.
Network components, standards and maintenance and their application in corporate networks is explained.
The ability to analyse requirements for software development and the ability to design a basis for the coding is demonstrated.
The possible influence of a variety of factors on an individual’s or organisation’s financial position is discussed.
Modern strategies and techniques to utilise technology and information in the management of business success are identified.
The ability to identify problems and to design solutions in IT management is demonstrated.
Information security is discussed and important requirements, strategies and techniques to manage it is identified.
The principles of project management are explained and key functions of project management are applied in an IT environment.
The modern approach to business and emerging management techniques and strategies in IT-driven business is discussed.
The impact various financial factors could have on a business or individual, in a global or national context is explained.
The strategic value of knowledge and information, and the organisation and preservation of data is discussed.
Concepts, strategies and techniques important for the effective management of a corporate network are defined.
The ability to configure different operating systems and networking these together to utilise the best features of each is demonstrated.
The important applications to deploy and utilise best practice concepts and corporate governance principles in modern business are identified.
Integrated Assessment:
The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd practices an integrated system of assessment, in terms of which students are assessed on an ongoing basis. Students are required to write class tests and examinations and complete assignments. The results thereof count towards the final mark for each module. The components of the final mark are determined separately for each module.
Assessment is continuous and includes the following:
Formative Assessment:
Practical tests.
Written tests.
Research projects.
Summative Assessment:
Written internal examination with external moderation.
Written and practical examination with external moderation.
Experiential Learning Assessment.
In keeping with the requirements for the Diploma this programme will provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a simulated environment and in the workplace. The experiential component aims to increase knowledge, develop skills, and clarify the work done in the workplace using the action and reflection processes of experiential learning. The experiential learning is structured in such a way that it requires the student to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable.
Assessment Methods and Instruments:
Need to indicate different Assessment Instruments for this programme:
Instrument; Methods:
Portfolios: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Simulations: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Written examinations: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Practical examinations: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Oral examinations: Questioning:written/oral.
Assignments: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Classroom presentations: Observation; Questioning:written/oral.
Participation in group discussions: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Mid-term Tests: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Class Tests: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Case Studies: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Practical exercises/demonstrations: Observation; Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Projects; Observation; Observation: Product evaluation; Questioning:written/oral.
Role Plays: Observation; Questioning:written/oral.
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