Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 1:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
An appropriate response as a listener is demonstrated.
Own responses are evaluated.
Own position is put forward and defended.
Tone, approach and style is appropriate to context.
Discourse is evaluated.
Interaction successfully with audience.
Manipulative use of language is identified.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 2:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Text within context is analysed and critically evaluated.
The values, attitudes and assumptions embedded in text are identified and explained.
Readers’ responses to specific texts are evaluated.
Basic research is conducted and findings are analysed.
Reading and viewing strategies are used to demonstrate understanding of a text.
Implicit messages in texts are identified and explained.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 3:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
A range of topics are written effectively and creatively.
Writing is edited for fluency and ease of communicating.
Information required to write own text is identified and collected.
A text is composed using plain language.
A text is organised and structured appropriately.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 4:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Mathematics is used to plan and control financial instruments.
Simple and compound interest is calculated.
Costs and revenue are calculated.
Date are collected, organized and represented.
Theory on probability is described and used correctly.
Probability models are used correctly.
Quantities are measured, estimated and calculated.
Geometrical relationships are described and interpreted.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 5:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Formal equipment and elements in radio studio are investigated.
Meanings in radio production are explained.
Appropriate theoretical models to analysing radio forms are investigated.
Research into aspects of radio studies are undertaken.
Research findings and other conclusions are presented.
Radio as a mass medium is explored.
Radio as a functional system is investigated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 6:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
The characteristics of the studio camera is investigated and explained.
Prompting (Auto Q) abilities and skills are demonstrated.
Processes and skills to present on television is demonstrated and applied.
The characteristics and differences between recorded and live studios are explained and investigated.
Knowledge of preparation in a Television studio are investigated.
Specific functions of rehearsals of microphone and ear systems are investigated.
Make up techniques and wardrobe characteristics are identified.
The elements of voice over is identified.
The characteristics of body language are explained and presented.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 7:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Quiz and light entertainment programmes on radio are investigated and evaluated.
Planning and produce two programmes within the genres of quiz and light entertainment.
Light entertainment is produced and presented.
Production of light entertainment is peer reviewed and evaluated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 8:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Radio genres are identified.
Talk radio programmes are identified and analysed.
Radio programming with interactive programming is investigated and analysed.
Knowledge of Magazine programming on radio is demonstrated and assessed.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 9:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Media projects are identified, devised, negotiated and agreed.
Project specifications are generated.
Comprehensive schedule of tasks for completion of project and implemented.
Oral presentations are demonstrated.
Projects are explained.
Audience comments and critique are dealt with positively and effectively.
Reports on audience response are gathered and analysed.
Project to meet the agreed brief are initiate, develop and complete.
Media projects are managed.
Production paper trials are recorded.
Progress of the project in a production diary are recorded.
Feedback of analysis are kept and recorded.
The project in terms of technical quality and fitness for purpose, is evaluated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 10:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Local government organizations governing media industries are investigated and recorded.
Local market media organizations (private and government) are investigated and recorded.
Funding and ideology of media houses are investigated and recorded.
Media Expenditure are investigated and reviewed.
Regulatory commissions, within the media industry, are investigated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 11:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Current television documentary series are identified and evaluated.
Principles of creating a documentary are discussed.
Characteristics of a documentaries are identified and presented.
Documentary genres are identified and evaluated.
Documentary for television is created.
Television documentary is peer evaluated and reviewed.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 12:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Research methodologies are identified and recorded.
Sources for research in media are identified and recorded.
An understanding of issues relating to accuracy and validity of sources are demonstrated.
An understanding of media production research methods are demonstrated.
Apply research methods and use sources identified in the media field and present findings.
Research is evaluated.
Integrated Assessment:
Assessment of competence is done through a combination of formative and summative assessment methodologies, tools and procedures, which will not discriminate against learners in an unjust or invalid way. Formative assessment integrates theory with practice, with transfer of skills being conducted in a real or simulated workplace environment. Assessment practices are fair, transparent, valid and reliable.
The purpose of assessment is to determine whether a learner has met the outcomes of the qualification in terms of theory and practice. Integrative techniques are therefore used to assess applied competence. Candidates should be required to demonstrate that they can perform the outcomes with understanding and insight.
Assessment should also ensure that all exit level Outcomes, Specific Outcomes and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are evaluated. Assessment of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should therefore be integrated with the assessment criteria. The Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be implicit in the learning process. Assessment should therefore integrate critical cross-field outcomes, exit level outcomes and specific outcomes.
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