SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516665303

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

The qualifying learner should provide evidence of his/her abilities, depending on his/her field of specialisation through:
1. the demonstration of the ability to identify the management functions (*), evaluate and make recommendations from pre-compiled case studies.* planning* organising* leading* control
2. the correct analyzes and interpretation of financial statements.
the correct application of elementary Accounting principles.
the correct application of capital budgeting techniques.
the correct application working capital principles.
3. the full understanding and practical application of the marketing concept.
explaining the role of marketing as well as its integration as one of the functional areas in a business/working environmentorexplaining the role and integration of marketing as one of the functional areas in a business/working environment.
the compilation of a comprehensive marketing plan for a given organisation.
4. the accurate compilation of a human resources planning model.
the execution of a job analysis.
the recruiting and screening of candidates for job vacancies.
interviewing candidates.
compiling and executing an effective induction programme for new employees.
compiling an applicable career plan.
compiling a performance evaluation system.
compiling a training programme for Human Resources.
applying a job grading system in a company e.g. Peromnes, Paterson.
5. describing the strategic role of the operations function in an organisation
analyzing the environment and developing a realistic operations strategy in terms of the performance objectives
putting measures in place to ensure the design of an effective service or product
designing an effective operations network
optemising operations factors, such as layout, flow, process technology and work organisation can be to support the strategic objectives of the organisation.
planning and controlling capacity, inventory, quality, projects and the supply chain in the organisation
putting in place effective measures to prevent failures and to improve the operations in an organisation
6. correctly applying elementary accounting principles.
correctly analyzing and interpreting income statements and balance sheets of a business.
correctly analyzing and interpret ratios and cash flow statements of a business.
analyzing, interpreting and compiling a short and long-term capital structure for a business.

analyzing, interpreting and compiling an effective working capital policy and procedure for a business.
correctly analyzing, interpreting and applying job order costing, process costing, and standard costing principles.
correctly analyzing, interpreting and setting a budgetary system for a business.
7. forecasting short term economic trends and its influence on the Bruto Geogrphic Product, based on given historical data.
8. correctly identifying applications for use in the organisation.
correctly identifying the most suitable and applicable software application for a specific need.
the correct identification of hardware to meet specific application needs.
the application and solving of problems through electronic means
demonstrating the ability to make use of DSS in decision making
discussing the application of data warehousing in a business context.
discussing the use of information systems in over coming barriers to business.
discussing the application of e-commerce in business and the advantages and disadvantages of the application thereof.

Integrated assessment:

Theory, practical case studies.
Assignments / Projects

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email:
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website:

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