SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516663289

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Fundamental Component:

Home, First and Second Additional Languages.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 Ideas and feelings are creatively, expressively and imaginatively communicated using a wide range of oral text types.
1.2 Ideas, facts and opinions on challenging topics are communicated accurately and coherently using a wide range of factual oral text types.
1.3 Oral language skills are used to explain complex ideas in a sequenced way and to interview using a variety of interviewing techniques.
1.4 Interaction skills are demonstrated by participating in group discussions, debates, conversations, group interviews and surveys.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 A variety of complex, imaginative and informative oral texts are interpreted and responded to orally across a range of transactional situations.
> Range: Transactional situations include requests, apologies, role-players and stating point of view.
2.2 Different kinds of oral texts are analysed, compared and organised in terms of their characteristic features.
2.3 Non-verbal strategies are identified and discussed in terms of their influence on the listener.
2.4 The speaker’s choice of words, phrases, sentences and stylistic effects are discussed in terms of the speaker’s desire to influence the listener.
2.5 Different varieties of language are recognised and considered in terms of the appropriateness for age group and context.
2.6 Social and ethical issues are discussed showing group dynamic skills and showing understanding of historical and social contexts and values.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 A range of text types are read extensively for pleasure and information.
3.2 Independent reading, both aloud and silent, are engaged in for a variety of purposes.
3.3 The purpose, audience and context of a text are explained in order to identify, discuss, understand and evaluate the main ideas and different points of view.
3.4 Different types of texts are explained in terms of their key features and how they contribute to the functioning of the text.
3.5 Texts are understood and analysed in terms of purpose and relationship to own life.
3.6 Evaluative techniques are used to create effects in visual, written and multimedia texts.
3.7 Texts are critically responded to through evaluation and understanding social and cultural contexts.
3.8 Judgements are made about socio-cultural, environmental and ethical values in texts with reflection of own skills as a reader.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

4.1 A variety of imaginative texts are communicated using language creatively and critically across a range of written, visual or graphic texts.
4.2 Factual written and multimedia texts are produced for various purposes.
4.3 A range of writing skills are demonstrated to produce narrative and descriptive texts.
4.4 Complex texts are generated using a range of writing process techniques.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

5.1 Knowledge and understanding of language structure and use are illustrated through thinking and reasoning techniques.
5.2 Language is used to motivate and substantiate national and cross curricula issues through questioning and evidence gathering.
5.3 A range of problems are analysed using critical thinking and reasoning language skills.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:

6.1 Topics from other Learning Areas are explored and investigated using language strategies to plan, organise and present research.
6.2 Different types of information are processed and amended using a range of format and styles.
6.3 Information is collected and recorded to show understanding in various ways.
6.4 An expanding vocabulary is illustrated through using various techniques.
6.5 Language is expressed creatively using a variety of problem solving strategies and techniques.
6.6 The quality and accuracy of information is confirmed using critical reading, writing and listening skills.
6.7 Grammar and language conventions are understood, explained, used and analysed in terms of form and function.
6.8 A critical awareness and use of language style is developed in order to apply appropriately.


Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 Historical development of number systems is described and illustrated using a variety of historical and cultural contexts.
1.2 Rational and irrational numbers are differentiated in terms of their properties.
1.3 Rational and irrational numbers are represented and used in various contexts.
1.4 Algebraic techniques are used to solve mathematical problems.
> Range: Algebraic techniques include percentage, ratio, rate and proportion (direct and indirect).
1.5 Problems are solved in mathematical contexts across Learning Areas.
> Range: Mathematical contexts include financial (e.g. Economic and Management Science), measurement (e.g. Natural Sciences and Technology), statistics (e.g. Social Sciences), proportion (e.g. Arts and Culture).
1.6 Results of estimations and calculations are interrogated in terms of their reasonableness.
> Range: Estimations and calculations include using techniques and tools for accuracy and efficiency, as well as laws and meanings of exponents.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Various geometric patterns and relationships are explained and used through representation and generalisation.
2.2 Rules, relationships and variables are analysed and interpreted in given situations.
2.3 Mathematical models are constructed to represent solutions to problems.
2.4 Equations are solved through various processes.
> Range: Processes include inspection, trial-and-improvement, algebraic (additive and multiplicative inverses and factorisation) and simplification through using laws of exponents, distributive law and manipulative skills.
2.5 Graphs are drawn for given equations.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 Geometric figures and solids in natural and cultural forms are recognised and described to determine their properties.
> Properties include congruence, straight-line geometry, perspective and transformations.
> Geometric figures include regular and irregular polygons and polyhedra, spheres, cylinders.

3.2 Geometric figures are constructed to model situations in the environment.
3.3 Geometry of straight lines and triangles is used to solve problems and justify relationships.
3.4 Various representational systems are used to describe position and movement between positions.
Range: Systems include ordered grids, Cartesian plane (4 quadrants), compass, directions in degrees, and angle of elevation and depression.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

4.1 Problems are solved across a range of contexts to develop awareness of life issues.
> Range: Problems include time, distance, speed, measurement, volume and temperature.
> Range: Life issues include human rights, social, economic, cultural and environmental issues involving known geometric figures and solids, or measurement, estimation, calculation and use of formulae and measurement selection.
4.2 Development of measuring instruments and conventions are described and illustrated using examples of different cultures and conventions throughout history.
4.3 Problems are solved using the Theorem of Pythagoras to find unstated lengths in geometric figures and solids.
4.4 Everyday real objects are measured using correct measuring instruments and units of measurement.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

5.1 Data is collected through the selection of appropriate methods to investigate a question on an issue.
Range: Methods include using questionnaires, interviews, experiments, and/or consulting textbooks, libraries, Internet, media articles and documentaries.
Issues include social, economic, environmental and political issues, human rights and inclusivity issues, characteristics of target groups, attitudes or opinions of people on issues.
5.2 Data is organised using a variety of techniques appropriate to the purpose of the investigation.
> Range: Techniques include summarising, sorting, sequencing and classifying.
5.3 Data presented in a variety of ways is critically read and interpreted to draw conclusions.
> Range: Ways include own representations, representations in the media, words, line/pie/bar graphs, histograms and scatter plots.
5.4 Results are interpreted with awareness of sources of error and manipulation in order to draw conclusions and discuss differences from predictions.
5.5 Predictions are made and tested for validity and probability in a range of contexts.
> Range: Contexts include simple experiments.

Core Component:

Economic and Management Sciences:

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 Different flows of money, factors of production, goods and services in the economic cycle are understood in terms of the South African economy.
1.2 Historical and current labour, political, economic and social transformation influences and actions are understood and explained in terms of their effect on the South African economy.
Range: Influences and actions include trade union activities (strikes, stayaways) and foreign influences (sanctions, exchange rate).
1.3 Influence of demand and supply on prices is illustrated graphically.
1.4 The National budget is discussed to understand its effect on the economy.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Sustainable growth and development is discussed in terms of how national budgets and regional and international agreements can facilitate them.
2.2 The Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) is investigated to understand its successes and shortcomings.
2.3 Savings and investments are understood in terms of how they influence economic prosperity and growth.
2.4 Productivity is explained with reference to its effect on economic prosperity, growth and global competition.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 Income statement and balance sheet is prepared for a sole proprietor in a service or retail business.
3.2 Cash and credit transactions are completed in the books of service and retail businesses using keyboard skills and function keys.
Range: Books include a cash receipts and payments journal, and a debtors and creditors journal; posts journals to the general ledger and draws up a trial balance.
Range: Skills include developing, storing, retrieving and editing.
3.3 Financial statements are analysed for decision-making purposes.
3.4 Forms of credit are differentiated to explain and assess the advantages of cash purchases and the use of different means of payment.
Range: Means of payment includes cash, cheques, postal orders, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards and traveller’s cheques.
3.5 Labour legislation is researched to determine its effect on basic conditions of employment and non-discrimination in the workplace.
3.6 Management responsibilities are explored in terms of how leadership impacts on the performance of the business.
Range: Management responsibilities include public relations, social responsibility strategies and environmental responsibility strategies.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

4.1 A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis is generated to determine business ideas needed for manufactured goods or services.
4.2 A business plan (including a budget) is developed for a manufacturing, service or tourism enterprise.
4.3 A planned business activity is discussed to determine a suitable form of enterprise.
4.4 A market campaign is conducted to promote a product.
4.5 The role of small, medium and micro enterprises is investigated to determine wealth and job creation processes.

Social Sciences:

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 The process of development is explored and compared across geographical and historical contexts in order to understand the positive and negative impact.
1.2 An analysis of a particular situation illustrates understanding of the cause and effect.
1.3 The concept of sustainability is explained in terms of its impact on people, places and environment.
1.4 An investigation into a symbol used to represent an event or society is conducted and reported to show awareness of the power of symbols.
1.5 Historical and geographical sources are critiqued to illustrate awareness of influences on interpretation.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Social and environmental conflicts in South Africa are explored in order to understand the inter-relationship between people, place, time and the environment.
2.2 Factors affecting social and environmental conflicts are identified and analysed for different historical and geographical contexts using different sources of information.
2.3 Categories of conflicts are analysed to determine patterns of cause and effect across geographical and historical contexts.
2.4 Strategies to address conflict are described in terms of how they contribute to sustainability.
2.5 Specific investigations are planned and conducted using various methodologies and sources.
> Methodologies include field trips, observations, interviews and research.
> Sources include maps, photos, cartoons, satellite images, internet, libraries, oral histories, diagrams, graphics and artefacts.
2.6 Own opinion on conflict investigated is presented with evidence of informed argument and substantiation.


Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 A specific, real-life situation is analysed to respond to a need, problem or opportunity.
1.2 A motivation is written to develop a product for the identified context.
1.3 A brief is presented which outlines processes, materials and quality control mechanisms needed to make the product.
1.4 Development plans are presented with the necessary drawings (2- and 3-D), sketches, resource lists and manufacturing sequence diagrams.
1.5 The product is developed in accordance with the brief and the development plans taking into account changes needed, if necessary.
1.6 Tools and materials are used in accordance with safe working practices.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) technologies are explored for optimum usefulness.
2.2 The impact of technological developments on the quality of people’s lives and the environment is analysed in order to reduce undesirable effects.
2.3 Bias in making technological decisions is explored in order to suggest strategies for redress.
2.4 Technological knowledge is applied in an ethical and responsible manner.

Natural Sciences:

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 A procedure to test predictions or hypotheses, with control of an interfering variable, is prepared as a planned investigation.
1.2 Investigation and data collection are conducted in a manner which contributes to systemic data collection, with regard to accuracy, reliability, and the need to control a variable.
1.3 Data is analysed in order to identify generalised patterns and trends.
1.4 Findings are communicated in order to evaluate trends and patterns, presenting data in an appropriate form.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Meaningful information is recalled to describe principles, processes and models.
2.2 Information is categorised applying multiple classifications to familiar and unfamiliar objects, events, organisms and materials.
2.3 Information is interpreted to show conceptual understanding by changing the format of the presentation of the data.
2.4 Known principles and concepts are used to make predictions in unfamiliar contexts.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 The relationship between people and scientific knowledge and technology is explored in terms of changes in context and time.
3.2 The use of the earth’s resources is analysed in terms of the need for sustainable environment and resources.
3.3 The need for conserving resources is understood through offering a solution to a problem/issue in the local community.

Life Orientation:

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 Factors influencing a healthy lifestyle are analysed to make own personal choices.
Range: Factors include social, ecological, political, economic and cultural.
1.2 Health and safety programmes are developed to consider treatment and prevention options.
> Health programmes include HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, nutrition, physical activity.
> Safety programmes include sport, anti bullying and community safety.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Citizens’ rights and cultural diversities are investigated to determine how they contribute to nation building in South Africa.
2.2 Celebrations of national days are planned to show an awareness of the struggles and sacrifices people made for our freedom.
Range: National days include Human Rights Day, Freedom Day and Youth Day.
2.3 Key tenets of different religions are investigated to show how they promote tolerance and peace.
Range: Different religions include the mainstream religions operating in South Africa.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 Positive personal qualities are explored to develop strategies to deal with personal and emotional challenges.
3.3 Action plans are drawn up to reach own personal goals.
3.4 Rights and responsibilities affecting interpersonal relationships are examined in order to deal appropriately with relational issues.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

4.1 Career options are investigated in order to determine suitable own options.
4.2 Possible funding for own career choice is explored and reported with reference to the advantages and disadvantages.
4.3 A personal plan is developed to achieve goals.
4.4 Rights and responsibilities of the workplace are explored and explained according to current legislation.

Arts and Culture:

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

1.1 Examples of art forms are analysed and explained to determine the manner in which they reflect the socio-political, economic, and cultural context in which they originate.
1.2 Specific works are analysed and interpreted to show critical awareness of process, product and style.
1.3 Own response to specific works illustrates ability to reflect critically on effectiveness of these works.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

2.1 Ideas and concepts are explored and described to plan a creative piece in each of the art forms.
2.2 Skills are practised and reflected on critically (either orally or in writing) to improve the product.
2.3 Problems relating to presentation of the creative piece are solved using organisational and entrepreneurial skills.
Range: Problems include planning, advertising, fund-raising, producing an exhibition or a performance.
2.4 A creative piece is presented within given constraints.
Range: Constraints include time frames, space restrictions, medium, style and theme.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

3.1 Responsibilities are understood and executed to achieve group goals.
3.2 Group dynamic skills are understood and used to create a harmonious working group.
Range: Group dynamic skills include turn-taking of roles (leader/follower), sensitivity to feelings, values and attitudes of others, expressing own sense of identity and uniqueness but not aggressively, showing willingness to overcome conflict in order to focus on group goal.

Integrated Assessment

Assessment for the awarding of the GEC qualification will be done though internal and external assessment. The internal and external assessments will each be allocated a weighting in line with the requirements of the Learning Areas and departmental policy.

Internal Assessment:

Internal Assessment is assessment conducted by teachers in schools or other sites of learning, in which the achievement of learning outcomes will count towards the achievement of a qualification. Internal Assessment thus refers to School-Based Assessment or Site-Based Assessment, which include Continuous Assessment (CASS).

Internal Assessment will comprise the following:

The evidence of learner performance consists of Internal Assessment for all Learning Areas conducted by the teacher in line with the relevant guidelines and carried out on a continuous basis. The evidence of learner performance must be based on internal oral, written and task based assessments.
A practical assessment component as prescribed for Learning Areas will be conducted by the teacher on a continuous basis in line with the relevant Learning Areas guidelines and instructions from the assessment body.

This internal assessment must be subject to external moderation put in place by the assessment body and Umalusi.

External Assessment:

External assessment will consist of written assessments and/or practical assessments that are externally set, internally marked and moderated.

Integrated assessment must be designed to achieve the following:

An integration of the achievement of the Exit Level Outcomes in a way that reflects a comprehensive approach to learning and shows that the purpose of the Qualification has been achieved.
Judgement of learner performance to provide evidence of applied competence or capability. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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