SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151666209

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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

Assessment Criteria associated with Critical Cross-field Outcomes:

1. Collaborate with individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations.
* analyse social dynamics, problems, needs and opportunities.
* identify and describe problems in relevant fields of human service delivery.
* develop solutions appropriate to disciplines and given contexts.
* formulate appropriate responses to solve concrete and abstract problems in social work.
* deliver appropriate services to various sectors of communities.
* use their knowledge and experience to offer suggestions for solving problems at a community, national, international and global level.
* offer proposals for service delivery to the community.
* evaluate human service delivery comprehensively.

2. Show evidence of ‘people skills’ (tolerance, empathy, listening skills, etc.) in inter-personal situations.
* demonstrate an understanding of team, group, organization and community dynamics.
* demonstrate respect for the opinion of others through (written and/or oral) reporting without bias.
* demonstrate tolerance of diversity through (written and/or oral) reporting without bias.
* undertake projects and provide evidence of successful interaction with others.
* use effective communication skills within the group.
* lead people effectively in the social work field.
* are supportive followers and group participants.
* organize themselves and others into effective working groups.
* communicate the evidence of these group interactions through (written and/or oral) reporting.
* identify different roles of group members.
* contribute to a democratic group process.

3. Prioritise their activities.
* plan effectively.
* plan and implement further academic development.
* work efficiently.
* use creative and various learning strategies which suit their personal situations and contexts.
* cope with self-discipline.
* think independently, and offer evidence to support their decisions.
* assess their own strengths and weaknesses and develop coping strategies.
* demonstrate the ability to accept responsibility.

4. Demonstrate the ability to formulate problems creatively.
* demonstrate research skills.
* use library and other resources effectively in the research process.
* integrate information from a variety of sources.
* act responsibly as a researcher and scholar (e.g. appropriate referencing, avoiding plagiarism, etc.).
* show awareness of the conventions of scholarship in the various disciplines under study.
* demonstrate awareness of ethical guidelines in research.
* critically analyse theories, examples, experiences, etc.
* argue appropriately within the relevant discourse community.
* demonstrate knowledge, insight and social sensitivity in the selection of research designs and paradigms.

5. Communicate their ideas and provide supporting evidence in a sustained manner.
* identify conclusions and premises in academic arguments.
* follow the language conventions in the respective disciplines.
* use appropriate models of organization and presentation as required in the respective disciplines.
* use statistics appropriately and responsibly in support of their research.
* create and use visuals appropriately to support their ideas.
* identify and illustrate subject-specific jargon.
* assist others to speak for themselves.
* use language to critically analyse, evaluate and critique others’ ideas.
* present information systematically.
* order information logically.

6. Demonstrate an appropriate attitude towards scholarship and technology.
* use a scientific method of investigation, testing and evaluation.
* select appropriate technology to suit the needs of individuals, groups, families, organizations and communities.
* use other technology (computers, internet, etc.) where appropriate and feasible.
* use natural resources in a sustainable way.
* show respect for and a responsible attitude towards science and technology.
* show concern for health issues of others in community and larger society.
* demonstrate a consideration of the ethics involved in science and technology issues.
* show respect and openness towards the psychological, health and physical environment of others.
* reflect on professional role and values in the application of technology and technological development process in work with individuals, families, groups and communities.
* demonstrate a sensitivity towards the ecology in the application of technology.

7. Understand themselves from a defined perspective.
* apply theory in practice in defined contexts.
* draw upon their prior knowledge (personal and abstract) and personal experience as appropriate when investigating and analysing the world around them.
* look beyond and across traditional disciplinary boundaries for possible solutions.
* follow an integrated approach to learning and studying.
* choose and follow appropriate pathways.
* understand the principles, context and meaning of spirituality in a changing society.
* generate creative ideas and solutions in the solving of problems.
* act as change agents.
* empower individuals, groups, families and local and global communities.

Assessment Criteria associated with Developmental Outcomes:

1. Learn by means of critical reflection and practical field experience.
* explain what they know in their own words.
* follow academic conventions regarding referencing and avoid plagiarism.
* use help-seeking strategies to further their own learning and that of others.
* apply what they study in different contexts, both personal and public, real and simulated.
* display self-awareness of learning preferences and strategies to suit their needs.
* show evidence of effective study skills (e.g. note-taking, summarizing, analysis and synthesis).
* apply study group learning.
* use study resources (for example library, internet) effectively.

2. Engage constructively with diversity and other opinions, for example in issues of human rights, gender sensitivity, disability, ethnicity, classism, racism, linguicism, etc.
* are willing to participate in groups.
* have insight into the process of moral decision-making.
* are willing to express a point of view according to his or her principles in group situations.
* apply what they know and study in culturally diverse contexts.
* apply what they know and study at different levels, from personal to academic contexts.
* apply mediating strategies in a conflict situation.

3. Illustrate the value of open-mindedness, respect and tolerance to self and others.
* use various skills to draw out the cultural accomplishments and contexts of others (e.g. listening skills, empathy, sympathy, open-mindedness, etc).
* demonstrate a sensitivity to and an awareness of cultural diversity.
* demonstrate awareness of own culture and background.
* demonstrate tolerance of diversity and others’ opinions.

4. Illustrate the relationship between the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in studying towards the University Diploma (SW) and those of the community at large (local, national and global).
* make connections from theoretical knowledge to practical application in the real world.
* identify and implement the skills which are highly valued in the workplace.
* use the skills required for efficiency: imaginative intelligence, emotional maturity, effective communication skills, thoughtful accuracy and interpersonal sensitivity.
* deal effectively with real life problems and tasks by drawing upon the skills from the University Diploma (SW) (critical thinking, problem-solving, conflict resolution, etc).
* demonstrate a work ethic which shows responsibility and accountability to the employer and the client / community.

5. Create job opportunities in whatever situation they find themselves.
* have a realistic view of their own worth and value to contribute to their local community and global society.
* communicate that value to others in the real world (CV writing skills, oral communication skills, etc).
* demonstrate a healthy self-esteem and confidence in their knowledge, skills and attitudes as required to complete the University Diploma (SW) qualification.
* deal with various unknown situations with flexibility and adaptability.
* demonstrate knowledge and understanding of consumer needs and social economic development in the community at a national and global level.
* apply entrepreneurial competences and skills in service delivery and job creation.
* reflect on professional role and values in the entrepreneurial process in service delivery and job creation.

Assessment Criteria associated with Specific outcomes:

1. Demonstrate understanding of human functional and dysfunctional individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
* communicate effectively with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
* facilitate interaction between these groups.
* work with dynamics of interaction between individuals and groups in communities.

2. Demonstrate empathy by reacting to authentic and simulated “broken” situations.
* participate in community interactions dealing with healing.
* through group and team work, assess problem areas and growth potential within the individual, family, group, community and organization.
* help heal members of the community (individuals, groups, communities, etc.) through counselling, intervention, etc.
* give counsel appropriately to facilitate healing within the individual, family, group, community etc.
* show awareness of own limitations and when it is necessary to call on others (professionals, lay people, etc).

3. Empower individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to discover potential areas for growth and development.
* facilitate problem-solving during the implementation of individual group and community work.
* enable members to help themselves.
* foster capacity building within the individual, family, group, community and organisation.
* collect, organize and evaluate information from a variety of sources in the community.
* distribute information as needed.

4. Facilitate interaction within groups.
* initiate process of change in individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations.
* apply counselling theories and models to real life situations as they arise in individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations.
* raise awareness of issues in the communities etc.
* generate possible solutions to problems.
* implement applicable social change theory models.
* manage change processes within individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations.
* apply mediating skills appropriately.

5. Show awareness of own culture and others in South African and global society.
* show interest in other cultures in South Africa and globally.
* analyse how cultural issues affect actions in authentic and simulated contexts.
* generate and evaluate alternative solutions.
* assess impacts and benefits of different solutions.

6. Relate knowledge to its contributions to human development.
* relate information from one discipline to another.

7. Use disciplinary- and interdisciplinary-based information related to particular problems (e.g. poverty, violence, racism, gender bias, community development etc.).
* use this information to explore relationships between social and cultural situations.
* take an informed stand on human and social issues with self-confidence and responsibility.

8. Collect, analyse, organize and evaluate information and ideas from a variety of sources in various fields and specific disciplines.
* critically evaluate information from different sources to solve problems in the relevant field(s).
* integrate information from different sources to address problems in the relevant field(s).
* critically connect theories to the problems in the relevant field(s).
* use theories from one or more fields to solve problems within another field.
* apply past and present knowledge to authentic and simulated scenarios.
* apply past and present knowledge to solve problems in future contexts.
* identify patterns in specific Social Work fields, both locally and globally, in order to generalize from a specific context to more universal contexts / principles.

9. Empathise with others.
* be receptive to different points of view.
* identify those things that we have in common and that make us human.

10. Question values, knowledge and culture, both own and others.
* operate as a responsible individual in a culturally diverse society, locally and globally.

11. Explain the need to act professionally and ethically.
* take responsibility within own limits of competence.
* exercise judgement commensurate with knowledge and experience.
* be accountable for achieving own output and / or group output.
* work productively.

Integrated assessment for the purpose of the qualification:

1. Formative assessment: Learning and assessment are integrated. The learners are continuously assessed through different strategies for example: self-assessment tasks with feedback, peer-assessment, verbatims, evaluation and practicals. The process is continuous and focuses on smaller sections of the work and limited numbers of outcomes.

2. Summative assessment: Examinations, or equivalent assessment such as a portfolio of evidence, assess a representative selection of the outcomes practised and assessed in the formative stage. Summative assessment also tests the student’s ability to manage and integrate a large body of knowledge to achieve the stated outcomes of a module. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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