Formative and summative assessment is used to gauge the learner`s performance. Learners are continuously assessed via practical, group and class assignments, essays, presentations, and tests. Integrated assessment is done by means of a 3 hour written examination and practical assignments at the end of each semester.
Learners are expected to demonstrate knowledge and skill through:
The correct and effective use and application of verbal and non-verbal communication and communication formats accepted in the business environment by incorporating theoretical understanding of the principles and models of communication in the processing of calls, the provision of customer services and the selling of products.
Demonstrating the effective operating of a computer and application of computer literacy competence in the efficient use of industry specific software and systems.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structure, operation and functioning of a safe and professional business environment.
Demonstrate understanding of the principles of marketing, customer care and the provision of customer services in a culturally aware business and services environment.
Demonstrate understanding, knowledge and the ability to analyse the South African Tourism industry and the operational structures within the environment.
Demonstrate knowledge of the world from a travel perspective and having knowledge on a variety of tourist destinations including:
Southern and Central Africa as well as African countries north of the equator.
Eastern Africa, Indian Ocean Islands and Maldives.
Australasia and the Pacific Islands.
Middle and Far East.
North and South America.
Book and issue documentation and arrange travel insurance for international, point to point and land travel and accommodation.
Demonstrate knowledge on the accessing of information on travel products and services.
Demonstrate knowledge of the correct handling of foreign exchange.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the processes involved in payment processing in accordance with a billing settlement plan.
Demonstrate knowledge of airport and custom systems and book relevant documentation in the appropriate and correct manner.
Integrated Assessment:
Learners are assessed on a continuous basis throughout the academic period and can only gain access to the examination if they meet the requirements stipulated for each section of the programme. Theoretical knowledge and the application of knowledge are measured against the identified outcomes by means of content driven projects, assignments, class presentations and practical work. This is supplemented by assessment through theoretical and practical class tests and examinations.
The assessment of the programme is governed by the institution Rules and Regulations.
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