For award of the whole qualification, candidates must achieve the required number of credits as specified in the rules of combination, as well as the criteria specified for integrated assessment.
Should candidates exit the qualification without completing the whole qualification, recognition may be given for each Exit Level Outcome achieved. For award of a particular Exit Level Outcome, candidates must achieve:
All the Core and Elective unit standards associated with the particular Exit Level Outcome as per the specifications contained within each unit standard.
The criteria specified for integrated assessment.
Integrated assessment:
Assessment will take place according to the detailed specifications indicated in the unit standards associated with each exit level outcome (see point 16, “associated unit standards”).
Over and above the achievement of the specified unit standards, evidence of integration will be required as per the following broad criteria, all within the context of an active learning environment.
Assessors should note that the evidence of integration (as below) could well be presented by candidates when being assessed against the unit standards – thus it is not suggested that there should necessarily be separate assessments for each unit standard and then further assessment for integration. Well designed assessments should make it possible to gain evidence against each unit standard while at the same time gain evidence of integration.
Exit Level Outcome 1: Communicate in a variety of ways
Communication within and about the ETD process is clear, understandable and effective.
Exit Level Outcome 2: Engage with all aspects of the education, training and development cycle
Contributions and practices are aligned with outcomes-based principles.
Contributions and practices address individual and organisational objectives.
Exit Level Outcome 3: Conduct research and needs analyses
Performance gaps and opportunities are identified and analysed in terms of possible causes and impact on individuals and the organisation.
Interaction with relevant stakeholders and role-players is professional and carried out through consultative processes
Training needs are clearly defined in terms of outcomes, linked to performance on the job (present and potential).
The analysis meets organisational imperatives/strategies, and is present and future focused.
Current and emerging trends are identified at local, national and international level, with analysis of their impact on ETD.
Analysis is provided of extent of alignment of Skills Development objectives and practices, with organisational strategic objectives.
Recommendations take account of data/analysis and help position the organisation in terms of its strategic objectives, including possible models, instruments, evaluation instruments.
Exit Level Outcome 4: Design and develop learning programmes and processes
Learning outcomes are aligned with given standards, including unit standards, assessment standards, qualifications, job requirements.
Methodology used is consistent with the outcomes-based philosophy.
Learning theories are applied to meet target audience needs, and are appropriate to the subject matter and expected facilitators.
Approaches used comply with adult learning principles and are suitable for achieving the defined outcomes
The design includes evaluation strategies capable of informing how the value of programmes or interventions will be judged.
Learning and assessment design are compatible.
Presentation of materials is fit-for-purpose.
Learning systems are coherent, fit-for-purpose and quality driven.
Designs provide mechanisms of delivery, support, management, quality assurance processes, resources, processes, links to career pathways and links to Skills Development mechanisms such as learnerships.
Exit Level Outcome 5: Facilitate learning (within the context of varied group dynamics and complex subject matter)
Preparation is sufficient to ensure all resources and arrangements are in place and the learning site is fit-for-purpose
Formal plans and structures are implemented according to plan, using appropriate methodologies and in a manner that achieves the learning objectives.
Facilitation methods and approach are professional and ensures the physical and psychological safety of the learners, while building relationships conducive to promoting learning.
Problems are solved appropriately using a range of techniques.
Facilitation is self-monitored and behaviour is modified to address weaknesses or difficulties.
Facilitation provides for application in workplace.
Facilitation approaches create opportunities for assessment.
Opportunities are created for self analysis.
Feedback on performance is given in a constructive manner and is direct, relevant, honest and valuable.
Recommendations are provide to facilitate personal and professional growth of learners.
Exit Level Outcome 6: Engage in and promote assessment practices
Assessment candidates are adequately supported, prepared and assisted in the assessment process, including for cases of RPL, without compromising the assessment process or results.
Assessment instruments are fit-for-purpose, and promote integration in learning and work environments.
Assessment practices are in line with the principles of standards-based assessment.
Assessment judgements are reliable and relevant to pre-determined outcomes.
Feedback is given in a constructive manner and is direct, relevant, honest and valuable.
Exit Level Outcome 7: Provide learning support to learners and organisations
Issues or learners requiring support are identified proactively and sensitively
Support is given in a manner that enables learners to define objectives, clarify issues, help manage expectations and identify learning path and opportunities
Support assists learners to identify and understand assessment opportunities, processes and benefits, including the nature and benefit of RPL
Support ensures learners experience the maximum benefit from learning and assessment, and helps them prepare for and cope with learning and assessment
Barriers to learning (e.g. psychological, social, historical, gender, disability) are diagnosed and problems are solved cooperatively within given frameworks. Referrals are made as required to appropriate professionals.
Support helps to create a safe learning environment and promotes objectives of learning and the principle of life-long learning.
Advise is informed, helpful, realistic, sufficient, relevant, valid, current, open, impartial, based on learner need, contemporary and future focused.
Individual learning plan reflects learning objectives, process, cost, timeframes, support required, resources, learning style, possible barriers, personal circumstances
Exit Level Outcome 8: Provide learning strategy, leadership, direction and administration
Plans address individual learning needs and are aligned with organisational strategic objectives
Resources are allocated and used effectively and within budgets
Leadership provides focus and direction in line with individual needs and organisational strategy
Records are clear, accessible, accurate and kept up to date
Records meet the quality requirements of the organisation
Exit Level Outcome 9: Provide quality assurance services related to education training and development
Contributions to policies and procedures enable the organisation and practitioners to deliver quality ETD services
Evaluation instruments provide reliable feedback on the ETD cycle
Evaluation instruments are administered as designed
Findings and recommendations reflect the reality and facilitate improvements and changes that add value to the learning environment and process
Exit Level Outcome 10: Define and evaluate standards and qualifications
Processes used to determine required standards and qualifications are consultative and ensured to meet stakeholder imperatives.
Standards definition is based on analyses of needs.
Standards and qualifications define stakeholder requirements in clear, measurable terms.
Standards and qualifications are presented in a format as required by the registering body.
Evaluations of standards and qualifications identify the extent to which they are fit-for-purpose.
Assessment principles:
Assessment should be in accordance with the following general and specific principles:
The initial assessment activities should focus on gathering evidence in terms of the main outcomes expressed in the titles of the unit standards to ensure assessment is integrated rather than fragmented. Where assessment at title level is unmanageable, then the assessment can focus on each specific outcome, or groups of specific outcomes. Take special note of the need for integrated assessment.
Evidence must be gathered across the entire range specified in each unit standard, as applicable. Assessment activities should be as close to the real performance as possible, and where simulations or role-plays are used, there should be supporting evidence to prove that the candidate is able to perform in the real situation.
All assessments should be conducted in accordance with the following universally accepted principles of assessment:
Use appropriate, fair and manageable methods that are integrated into real work-related or learning situations.
Judge evidence on the basis of its validity, currency, authenticity and sufficiency.
Ensure assessment processes are systematic, open and consistent.
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