The learner can: / Does the learner:
1. Propose, plan, execute and complete a comprehensive research project independently?
2. Demonstrate the meaning of terms, concepts, definitions, classifications and theories inherent to the development field, and show their strengths and weaknesses?
3. Demonstrate the ability to identify problems in the development field through the analysis of development issues and structure solutions to development problems around these analyses?
4. Demonstrate effective teamship, problem analysis and reflection in situations of teamwork?
5. Understand the relevance of technology of science to development?
6. Demonstrate the use and application of methods, techniques and methodological approaches in a development situation?
7. Demonstrate competance in facilitating and/or evaluating the implementation of development interventions?
8. Demonstrate self-reliance, honesty, responsibility, hard work and sensitivity to differences through the delivery of high quality academic work?
9. Show the ability to identify multiple ways of acquiring knowledge through the delivery of high qulity academic work?
10. Demonstrate employment seeking skills by producing high quality academic work that is relevant to society in its time and place?
11. Demonstrate communication skills by being able to express him/herself in a team situation and in front of an audience?
Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved:
Continuous assessment practices form an integral part of the design of this qualification. Learning outcomes are made explicit to learners and there is a coherent assessment strategy in place for each module, with a fair balance between formative and summative assessment strategies.
Formative assessment practices that will be implemented
Learners in the MA coursework programme are continuously assessed via a range of formative assessment strategies, such as class assignments, essays and seminar presentations. Learners also do practical work (independently and in groups during study visits) which is evaluated by assessors. Self-assessment activities are included in the study guides. In addition, learners will assess one another`s work and reflect on the dynamics of this process. Learners in the MA dissertation programme are assessed via a proposal for study, discussions with study leaders on the progress of the research and the presentation of finding in a seminar.
Summative assessment practices that will be implemented
Learners in the MA coursework programme undergo integrated assessment, focusing on the achievement of the exit-level outcomes which will be done by means of written assignments, and/or a research or practical project, as well as end of semester final examinations. In addition to this, learners are assessed by the completion of a mini-dissertation of at least 70 pages. Learners in the MA dissertation programme are required to complete a dissertation of at least 150 pages on the topic of study, as approved by the department.
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