The learner can: / Does the learner:
1. Is the learner trained to design a framework for the implementation of knowledge management in an enterprise? Can the learner provide an overview of relevant information systems that can be used for information systems that can be used for information management? Can the learner illustrate the importance of information infrastructures for the effective dissemination of information? Can the learner perform a search strategy on information retrieval systems?
2. Can the learner describe the responsibilities of a WWW manager? Does the learner have the ability to perform managerial duties in the WWW team?
3. Can the learner design and implement information systems in an enterprise?
4. Can the learner do research on the value of information in the different sectors of the SA economy? Can the learner assess the impact of knowledge management for competitive advantage in the enterprise? Can the learner evaluate the quality of electronic publications? Does the learner have the ability to analyse and evaluate the contributions of a web management team? Does the learner have the ability to implement knowledge management enablers and processes? Does the learner have the ability to perform independent research?
5. Can the learner explain the characteristics of electronic publications? Does the learner have the ability to establish and Internet as an information infrastructure? Does the learner have the ability to publish electronic documents on the Web?
6. Can the learner design an intranet/extranet for information dissemination purposes?
7. Can the learner analyse the impact and contribution of the information economy on the SA economy as a whole? Has the learner determined the value of information as an economic resource?
8. Can the learner explain the characteristics and features of information retrieval systems?
9. Does the learner have the ability to work effectively as a member of a management team?
10. Has the learner developed a mindset for the strategic management of information and knowledge?
11. Does the learner have the ability to establish strategies to manage information in an enterprise? Can the learner illustrate the ability to utilise and evaluate information retrieval services? Can the learner develop strategies to manage information in an enterprise?
12. Can the learner explain the importance of information systems in an enterprise? Does the learner have the ability to illustrate the importance of information strategies in the strategic planning of an enterprise?
Formative assessment practices that will be implemented:
Three research reports per module
Three opinion papers per module
Summative assessment practices that will be implemented:
Integrated assessment, focusing on the achievement of the exit-level outcomes, will be done by means of one written examination of 180 minutes in each of the modules
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