SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516636438

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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

1. The application is explained of a range of key learning points drawn from analysing international trends and national and provincial policies and strategies in economic development as well as at least two Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) from municipalities of different sizes and challenges by referring to practical examples of successful implementation in South Africa

2a The application of the operational management practices of preparing and planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting and evaluating to research, project management and facilitation activities is demonstrated by referring to practical local economic development examples in the South African context

2b. The application of a variety of institutional arrangements for local economic development is explained by referring to practical examples of a project and a programme in own work context

3. The implementation of local economic development practice is explained through the application of success factor analysis to a specified SMME promotion project and a selection of other local economic development strategies and tools in own work context

4. A budget covering both capital and operational aspects of a specified local economic development project is prepared and the relevant financial reports are compiled in the form of a presentation to be made in own work context

5. Strengths and areas for improvement in own learning and performance are identified and evaluated and appropriate corrective action is taken in own work context.

Integrated Assessment

Assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable and should ensure that no learner is disadvantaged. Learners who wish to be assessed against this qualification should direct enquiries to the appropriate ETQA.

The focus of assessment must be on the assessment of the learning outcomes rather than learning outputs. The specific outcomes in the unit standards guide the learning and training process towards the exit level outcomes on a continuous basis. The purpose is to determine whether these outcomes have been attained. Situations should present a wide range of options. Applications should require significant choices from a wide range of procedures and in a number of contexts.

Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Where appropriate, assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values indicated in the various unit standards should be integrated. Assessment in communication and mathematical literacy should use authentic Local Economic Development contexts wherever practical.

Assessment has a formative monitoring function. Formative assessment should be used to assess gaps in the learners` skill and knowledge and to indicate where there is a need for expanded opportunities. The goal is to promote learning and to assess the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. Feedback from assessment informs teaching and learning and allows for the critique of outcomes, methodology and materials. Formative assessment is diagnostic and as such it should guide the learner and the facilitator of learning. It is continuous and is used to plan appropriate learning experiences to meet the learner`s needs. It provides information about problems experienced at different stages in the learning process. As it is criterion referenced, if the learner has met the assessment criteria, s/he has achieved the outcomes.

Assessment should also have a summative component. Summative assessment may be used on completion of a number of unit standards, but should not be the only form of assessment.

A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Assessment should take place in an authentic context as far as is possible. Where it is not possible to assess competence in the workplace, simulations, case studies and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.

Integration implies that theoretical and practical components should where possible be assessed together.

Integrative techniques should be used to assess applied competence. Learners should be required to demonstrate that they can perform the outcomes with understanding and insight.

Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and Critical Cross Field Outcomes are evaluated. Assessment of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of the specific outcomes. The Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are implicit in the unit standards and programmes should be designed to extend and further reflect the integration. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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