Learners must demonstrate an ability to consider a range of options and make decisions about:
Identifying and describing the marketing orientation and place of marketing in a given context.
The importance of external environments and how to use marketing research when taking a closer look at customers.
Identifying and developing a marketing mix for a given context.
Controlling marketing plans and understanding ethical marketing.
How marketing fits into other functional areas.
Demonstrate an understanding of concepts such as resource constraints and scarcity, opportunity cost,absolute advantage, comparative advantage and terms of trade.
Distinguishing between different market forms.
Explaining the optimizing behaviour of consumers and producers.
Explaining the monetary aspects of closed and open economies.
The importance of communicating effectively in a business environment.
Showing the effective use of communicating verbally, in a group, written and graphic communication as techniques.
Addressing business correspondence requirements to a particular circumstance.
Utilising inter-cultural communication effectively.
The appropriate use of language under different business situations.
Defining and describing the management process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in a given context.
Explaining and applying the processes of effective strategic planning and goal setting.
Describing the systems approach to managing change and discuss the dimensions of diversity and change within an organization.
Analysing the types of managerial decisions and power/authority.
Interpretation of legal issues around the law of contracts, sale, lease, credit agreements, insurance, partnerships, labour law, negotiable instruments, agency, suretyship, trade marks, copyright, patents and the maintenance and promotion of the competitions act.
Explain the types of statistical methods used for a given context.
Recognise applications of statistical methods used in market research.
Formulate results and interpret data for a given context using inferential statistical methods.
Explain and distinguish between the various forecasting methods.
Compute answers using regression analysis.
Understanding the role of advertising, personal selling and sales promotion as a form of marketing communications.
Understand other forms of marketing communications.
Processing, controlling and maintaining an inter-departmental traffic system between all stakeholders.
Defining and explaining the concepts of marketing communications and integrated marketing communications.
Describing the marketing process including how to plan the marketing process and conduct a marketing audit.
Setting marketing objectives and strategies.
Discussing various marketing communication plans, including pricing and distribution.
Designing and implementing a marketing planning system.
The creativity of different advertising mediums (radio, television, outdoor and print) within a marketing context.
The important criteria in creating the different forms of advertising.
Discussing and evaluating the various creative strategies available to the marketer.
Explaining the role that media plays in providing a vehicle of two way communication between the advertiser and the consumer.
Defining the media available to advertisers and explain their specific relationships with media consumers.
Explaining the importance of media selection in complementing the overall marketing and media mix.
Describing the structure of an agency media department and explain how that structure is geared to handle the separate but inter-related functions of media-buying and media planning.
Describing the interactive process between the media department and other service centres, which exist to create advertising.
Describing the different production departments in advertising agencies.
Recognising the different mechanical materials for press advertising.
Explaining the technical aspects of various products used in advertising.
Explaining why large volumes of money need to be invested in promotions.
Describing why the emphasis of money in promotions has changed.
Explaining the manner in which monies are spent.
Explaining how the expenditure of promotional monies can be maximised to produce the best returns.
Integrated assessment
Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid and reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the qualification.
Various forms of assessment are used, such as learning, assignments, case studies, projects, tests and examinations.
The IMM`s role, with regard to its education programmes, is that of an examining body.The Examiners are university academics and marketing specialists, who undertake the setting and marking of the various examination papers to required standards.The structure gives considerable attention to workplace application.
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