Nursing Dynamics
Projects, assignments, case studies, study materials, written tests and examinations and clinical assessment.
Learners will be assessed on their ability to:
Apply relevant legislations to the practice of nursing.
Use ethical codes and principles to act as an advocate for patient, families and groups.
Take responsibility and accountability within the limits of own competence as a clinical nurse specialist according to scope of practice and relevant legislation.
Recognise, analyse and debate the current factors that contribute to the transformation of the nursing profession.
Perform a health/disease profile of the community.
Make recommendations based on identified needs guided by the National Health Plan.
Utilise available data to initiate and facilitate quality nursing service.
Analyse health and health related policies relevant to the clinical nurse specialist and use these to give input for the promotion of the health status of the population.
Show awareness and tolerance of cultural diversity and others’ opinions.
Communicate effectively with all age groups and with people having mental and physical disabilities.
Collaborate and consult effectively with members of the multidisciplinary team.
Apply effective interpersonal skills in managing conflict.
Create a supportive environment for colleagues and patients.
Design and implement teaching programmes for the identified learning needs.
Give relevant health information using the Primary Health Care Approach.
Demonstrate competence in written and oral presentations.
Choose the most effective method of assigning nursing care in accordance with the available resources.
Exercise leadership skills in given situations.
Prepare the budget and account for the financial needs and expenditure for the unit.
Determine, formulate and monitor nursing care standards.
Compile and implement a risk management programme.
Plan a disaster programme and evaluate the effectiveness thereof and manage emergencies appropriately.
Support and facilitate changes as identified.
Formulate and implement an orientation programme.
Apply grievance and disciplinary procedures affectively.
Conduct performance appraisal interviews.
Create a therapeutic and supportive environment.
Support staff development activities.
Apply the fundamentals of research in the practice of nursing.
Critically analyse clinical researched articles/reports.
Evaluate the possibility for research projects for the self, clinical environment, management and education.
Negotiate/facilitate the implementation of relevant research results to patient care.
Capita Selecta
In the form of case studies and presentations, assignments, projects, clinical assessments, written tests and examinations, learners will be assessed on their ability to:
Analyse and interpret the Child Health profiles at national, provincial, district and community levels using available medical and nursing literature and resources.
Identify causes/ predisposing factors of morbidity and mortality rates conduct a community disease profile.
Make specific, attainable recommendations to the relevant health authorities by means of written reports or memoranda.
Implement the WHO and UNICEF strategy to promote health and prevent disease.
Give health information and anticipatory guidance on an ongoing basis to individuals, families, groups and communities according to identified health needs/problems.
Use the scientific process of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of the physical status of well or sick children.
Make an ethical, legal and professional decision with regards to management of identified health problems and recommendations of medication.
Utilise appropriate referral system.
Assist in developing and implementing self help programmes that are flexible, culturally competent and responsive to the identified health needs/problems of children.
Participate in health planning activities aimed at providing new health services and/or promoting the highest quality of existing ones.
Recognise family strengths and individuality, and respect different methods of coping.
Facilitate family/professional collaboration at all levels of child health care.
Assist children and their families to make informed choices and act in the interest of children.
Honour the racial, ethnic, religious, cultural and socio-economic diversity of children and their families.
Explore own cultural values/beliefs and recognise how they influence one’s attitudes and behaviours.
Share with family members, on a continuing basis, and in a supportive manner, complete and unbiased information within the ethical and legal framework.
Use available information to explore and interpret problems of child health and how these are influenced by factors such as poverty, culture, violence, racism, religion and community development.
Take an informed stand on child health and social issues with courage, confidence, assertiveness and professional responsibility.
Demonstrate respect and sensitivity in the process of caring for well or sick children.
Acknowledge the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of Children during all stages of wellness and illness.
Consider the developmental needs of infants, children and adolescents when planning for health care delivery.
In the form of case studies and presentations, assignments, projects, clinical evaluations, written tests and examinations, learners will be assessed on their ability to:
Evaluate various viewpoints on current child nursing care situations and compare such with own view.
Collaborate with multi-disciplinary and multi – sectoral team to provide a comprehensive child health service.
Assess each child’s health needs/problems by purposeful collection of data pertaining to the biophysical, psychological, socio-economic, cultural and religious background.
Identify the risk factors which predispose the child and family to a dysfunctional health pattern and implement appropriate interventions to address such factors.
Make an appropriate nursing diagnosis, and suggest/perform relevant investigations/tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Design specific individualised nursing care plans for the management of child health problems.
Set nursing care standards with regard to administrative, educational, professional/ethical aspects of child nursing practice.
Evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of interventions, diagnostic and treatment methods.
Promote teamwork for successful patient care.
Liase and consult with multi – sectoral team to provide ambulatory home based care and rehabilitation services.
Demonstrate skills to effectively perform life support procedures and the use of technology.
Provide crisis support to the child and his/her family in any child nursing practice situation.
Respect the cultural, ethnic and religious differences of children and their families.
Analyse the environment for safety and create a therapeutic milieu for a child whose normal functioning is impaired.
Apply relevant legislation to the practice of Child Nursing Science, especially the Child Care Act No. 74 of 1983 as amended.
Respect the human dignity for each child.
Empower individuals, families, groups and communities to take care of their own health at primary, secondary and tertiary levels through involvement at all the phases of health care delivery.
Assist individuals, groups and communities to make informed choices.
Assessment criteria associated with Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
In the form of case studies and presentation, assignments, projects , clinical assessments, written tests and examinations, learners will be assessed on their ability to :
Use the nursing process as a scientific and systematic method to explore and analyse direct and indirect factors which give rise to health problems.
Generate alternative strategies to deal with health problems at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care.
Apply the principle of group participation in problem solving and decision-making.
Utilise theoretical and experiential knowledge to solve problems
Establish and maintain an environment in which opinions can be exchanged freely.
Promote team cohesion and commitment to achieve goals and objectives.
Make a purposeful contribution by sharing information.
Work efficiently within health teams composed of different professional groups.
Manage and organise personal, academic, professional activities, and life responsibly and effectively.
Participate in professional interest groups such as a professional society where workshops, symposia and conferences are arranged to promote professional growth and development in the field of child nursing practice.
Continuously evaluate own knowledge and skills.
Collect data and analyse from a variety of sources for interpretation and recommendation.
Facilitate the implementation of relevant information to the practice of nursing.
Evaluate research projects for self, clinical environment, management and nursing education.
Collaborate with other members of the multi-sectoral team.
Use appropriate referral system.
Communicate health information appropriately to individuals, groups and communities from different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Select and use appropriate technology to suit the needs to individuals, groups and communities.
Perform relevant diagnostic tests, investigations and/or procedures within the ethical framework of nursing practice, interpret the results and implement the necessary interventions.
Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of diagnostic methods and interventions.
Assist individuals, groups, and communities to make informed choices.
Draw upon prior personal and professional knowledge and experiences when investigating and analysing health situations.
Recognise the interrelationship of the factors that influence the achievement of optimal health, and draw upon the knowledge of the complex nature of health and health care to find appropriate solutions to health related issues.
Look beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries for possible health solutions.
Reflect and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively.
Assess, own strengths and weaknesses, and develop coping strategies.
Investigate different career opportunities in nursing and plan own work life purposefully.
Facilitate the formation of professional interest groups where they do not exist.
Arrange group discussions or workshops to keep oneself and others abreast of developments in the field of child nursing practice.
Integrated assessment:
Formative assessment
Learning and assessment are integrated. The scheme of work includes tests and assignments, clinical laboratory work and competency evaluation of clinical skills. The process is continuous and focuses on smaller sections of the work in limited number of outcomes.
Summative assessment
Summative assessments test the students’ abilities to manage and integrate a larger body of knowledge and to achieve the stated outcomes of a course/module. The summative assessment also focuses on the students’ ability to integrate knowledge and skills in the practical health care related situations relevant to the particular area of specialisation.
Summative assessment includes examinations in both theory and practical.
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