Demonstration of interactive skills that involve effective communication, listening and sharing.
Demonstration of appropriate communication skills both in the process as well as the development of a product.
A basic proficiency to communicate both verbally and textually within a range of photographer/client context.
Display self-motivated, creative problem solving skills within the formal and informal sectors.
Display basic creative problem-solving skills within a wide range of market related and community-based contexts.
Display basic entrepreneurial skills within a creative context.
Show a basic understanding of local and global political/cultural forces on the professional production of photographic related products.
Adheres to the institution’s technical requirements for the studio work research output
Solutions/conclusions relate to the questions posed in the proposal and are founded on the evidence resulting from the studio work research.
Display a professional approach to the production and presentation of a body of photographic related products
Awareness of the functions and origins of culture
Understanding of individual, group and cultural identities.
Display critical and independent thinking.
Use of investigator techniques to generate personal ideas in the production of a body of photographic related products.
Evidence of a relevant methodology.
Application of technical skills.
Integrated assessment:
Formative assessment:
Internal panel evaluation of exhibition of studio work
External evaluation of exhibition of studio work
Internal evaluation of written theoretical examinations
External evaluation of written theoretical examinations
(120 credits)
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