A). Critical Cross-field Assessment:
1. Problems are solved by means of exploring and critically evaluating abstract and personal situations.
Problems are solved by generating alternative strategies for dealing with those problems.
2. Collaborative work as part of a team, group, organisation or community is effective.
3. Organisation and management of self and activities are responsible and effective.
4. Information is collected, analysed, organised and critically evaluated.
Recognition of the problem solving context as part of a larger context is demonstrated
5. Understanding of the world as a set of related systems is demonstrated.
Strategies to manage effectively are explored and reflected on.
6. Education and career opportunities are explored.
7. Entrepreneurial opportunities are developed.
8. –
9. The environment is seen on a macro basis.
Current environment is enhanced.
10. Communication using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and / or written persuasion is effective.
11. Understanding of the economic world as a dynamic, interactive world that does not exist in isolation is demonstrated.
12. Decision making is responsible and effective.
13. Creative thinking patterns are stimulated and developed.
14. Information from the media and other sources is interpreted.
15. Current trends and developments are monitored.
Appropriate responses to current trends and developments are made.
16. Technology is used effectively and responsibly.
17. Research is conducted independently.
B). Specific Assessment Criteria:
1. Management III
To demonstrate that all management are integrated, interactive and re-enforce each other
Identify, especially the decision-making and resource allocation roles of top management and the chief executive
Identify and apply methods leading to the effective utilisation of all the organisation’s resources
2. Economics
Explain the theory of demand, cost and supply.
Measure total economic activities.
Explain the critical factors and themes, which influence:
– International trade and finance.
– Monetary policy.
– Public finance.
– Labour economics.
Describe the growth and development of the South African economy.
3. Financial Accounting I
Explain and demonstrate the ability to use the double entry system.
Record financial transactions in the books of original entry.
Post totals in books of original entry to the general ledger and extract a trial balance while demonstrating the ability to apply concepts such as matching, accrual, prudence, consisting and on-going concern concepts.
Reconcile bank statements with cash records.
Record transactions while posting correctly to control accounts.
Interpret accounts.
4. Information systems and technology (Concepts of management computing)
Provide an overview an information system and its components.
Define the main terms.
Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement a computer system with due considerations to existing applicable legislation.
5. Business Communications
Identify the major theoretical aspects of communication.
Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively via the media and the medium of advertising.
Identify barriers to effective communication and demonstrate strategies to overcome such barriers.
Prepare and present written information.
Deliver oral presentations.
6. Management I
Differentiate the major differences between profit and non-profit making undertakings.
Provide an overview of the basic principles of management including planning, organising leading and controlling and their associated application in the workplace.
Describe the objectives of co-ordination and apply these.
Identify and apply in work-related examples communication in organisations.
Provide a framework for organisation change and methods to manage change.
Demonstrate an understanding of the strategic planning process.
Identify the importance of management information systems, and demonstrate an understanding of the development of MIS in an organisation.
7. Management II
Develop a fundamental understanding of the nature of management and the various functions within the organisation, the interrelationship between these various functions and their impact on the achievement of organisation objectives.
Apply various management principles to a work situation.
Develop a fundamental understanding and application of social responsibility and business ethics in the organisation.
8. Principles of Law
Explain and apply the most important aspects of:
– Contracts
– Sale agreements
– Law of agency
– Partnership agreements
– Companies, and
– Leases
And apply them to working examples.
9. Employment Law
Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of legislation affecting the workplace and the impact of such legislation affecting the workplace and the impact of such legislation on the organisation
10. Organisational Behaviour
Demonstrate an understanding of human behaviour in the work environment
Apply the concepts to typical industrial problems
11. Human Resource Development I
Display a fundamental understanding of training and the differences between training, education and development.
Identify legislation that affects training and implement these requirements within the organisation.
Develop a core understanding of the training principles applied to adult learning and apply these when training in the workplace.
Develop an understanding of the training process in organisations including job analysis and basic training needs analysis, development of training programmes, evaluation of training.
12. Human Resource Management I
Describe the human resource management function.
Outline the principles of organisation; and
Explain the role played by human resource management in the establishment and maintenance of the organisation structure.
Identify the role of the human resources management in bringing expert advise to line management.
13. Labour Relations I
Demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the nature of labour relations and the parties involved, specifically trade unions, the State, and employers and employer organisations and to review the societal, historical and legal development of labour relations in South Africa.
Define and discuss the terms in labour relations, mechanisms for registration and the basic rights of employees and employers.
Analyse the impact of legislation on the organisation (Range: Labour Relations Act of 1995, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act and Skills Development Levies Act).
Describe the functioning of the grievance procedure and disciplinary codes.
14. Human Resource Development II
Identify the role of the trainer in the analysis of skills needs, preparation of training programmes and delivery of training within the organisation.
Describe the impact of training within the organisation on the individual and the organisation.
Prepare, present and evaluate training programmes.
15 Human Resource Development III
Conduct training needs analysis and develop workplace skills plans
Prepare, conduct and evaluate training and development
Plan a management development programme and a mentorship programme
Prepare and implement an affirmative action programme within the work situation
Demonstrate a critical understanding of organisational development and various implications of OD
16. Accounting and Finance
Demonstrate broad knowledge of accounting and financial principles and practice
Use financial terminology
Interpret financial statements at a basic level
Use and understand financial information at a basic level
Integrated assessment:
1. Continuous assessment in the form of self-assessment is carried out by the learner. This is done using activities and self-evaluation exercises. Continuous assessment is also carried out by the facilitators in the form of assignments that the learner must submit upon completion of each module of the learning programme
2. Formative and summative assessment are integrated in a final portfolio assessment, case studies, reports, tests and practical tasks. The learner builds up a portfolio of activities, assignments and projects which are assessed in order to determine whether the learner has achieved the exit level outcomes of the qualification
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