1.1. Livestock industry must be described correctly regarding:
Total Numbers
Distribution within breeds and countries
Production figures
Conception of products
1.2.Evaluation of different beads in terms of:
Breed standards
1.3. Structure & function of digestive systems of the ruminant and the monogastric animal must be described correctly in respect of:
Identification of anatomical features of the ruminant and the monogastric animal
Description of the digestive process in the ruminant and the monogastric animal.
Contrasting the monogastic and the ruminant digestive systems, processes and its consequences for the type of food it can deal with.
1.4. Animal feeds must be evaluated correctly in respect of:
Identification of common animal feeds.
Classification of common animal feeds.
Stating the constituents of feeds and their functions.
Using feed analysis tables to compare feeds.
Feed energy and protein requirements for maintenance & production.
Maximum inclusion rates of common feeds for different classes of animals.
Diseases & disorders associated with feeding.
1.5. Livestock breeding must be interpreted correctly in respect of:
Basic genetic principles
Hereditary value
Selection goal
Male/Female Selection
1.6. Livestock management systems must be investigated in terms of:
Management principles
Reproduction management
Feeding management
Vet nary management
Crisis management
1.7. Assessment will be done on production factors related to animal production management:
Economical and Entrepreneurial principles
Planning by objectives
Management of farming factors
2.1. The introduction of the Plant Production industry must be described correctly regarding:
Size of industries in relation to production, production areas
Distribution of crops in countries/region.
Specific management problems.
2.2. Education of the production management skills in terms of:
Potential yield vs. yield
Management of specific problems for example: brackish soil, compaction, etc.
Management climate and soil factors.
Relation between soil functions and type of crop produced.
Relation of good management and successful crop production.
2.3. Identification of plant parts must be correct in respect of:
Parts of a plant cell
2.4.Life cycle of plants and their relationships with environmental factors must be outlined correctly in respect of
Seed germination
Mineral water uptake
Plant Growth
Pollination & fertilization
Effect of processes on yield and quality
2.5. Development of plants must be described correctly in respect of:
Main plant types
Life cycles
Plant growth & Growth stages
Vegetative propagation
Plant families of agricultural importance.
2.6. Control techniques must be outlined correctly for minimizing infestation of weeds, diseases & pests in respect of
Cultural techniques
Biological control
Chemical application
Plant breeding
Impact on industry
Impact on environment
2.7. Life cycle of the relevant organisms and its relationship with agricultural crops must be outlined correctly in respect of:
2.8.The description of how infestations affect crop growth must be correct in respect of:
Role of pests in enhancing profitability of crop production
Interpretation of an IPM program
2.9. Procedures to be followed must be outlined correctly in respect of:
Recognition and description of circumstances of conditions necessary for pesticide application
Spraying techniques
Types and restrictions in the use of pesticides.
Interpretation of manufacturer’s literature/label.
Consumer demands and fears.
3.1. The suitability of soils for farming practices must be assessed correctly with regard to:
Identifying parent material
Soil profile1.3 Soil structure
Soil composition
Soil formulation
Plant nutrition
Fundamental concepts of soil classification
3.2. Description for soil improvement must be correct in respect of:
Cultivation of crops adapted to specific soil classes.
Soil disturbance and cultivation method.
Defining the different soil forms in the SA classification system.
Managing the organic matter fraction.
Group a soil up to the form and specie level according to the SA classification system.
3.3. Major elements must be related to soil fertility and management with regard to:
Listing the important macro & micro elements
Stating significance of the important nutrients
Role of lime and pH
Making up deficiencies with fertilizers.
Role of the micro nutrients.
3.4. Standard soil test must be used correctly in accordance with recommended practice for:
Soil sampling technique.
Completion of SA soil sample ID form.
Interpretation of SA soil analysis report.
Calculation of quantities of fertilizer required.
3.5. The suitability of soils and water must be assessed correctly with regards to:
4.1. Describe the theoretical concepts of Information Technology.
4.2. Testing the practical use of the computer and the managing of files.
4.3. Practical testing the use of Word Processing programs.
4.4. Practical testing the use of Spreadsheet programs.
4.5. Practical testing the use of Database programs.
4.6. Practical testing the use of Presentation and Drawing programs
Practical testing the use of Internet and E-Mail systems
4.7. Practically demonstrate the ability to use the following applications:
Agri financial
Crop production planning
5.1.The learner will be introduced to business management regarding:
Needs and need satisfaction.
The main economic systems.
The need-satisfying institutions of the free market.
The nature of business management
5.2. The business enterprise will be analysed for:
The functioning of a business enterprise.
The establishment of a business enterprise.
Agricultural Cooperation
Agricultural Organization
5.3.The enterprise and the operational environment will be discussed:
The organization and environmental change.
The composition of the business environment.
The micro-environment.
The market or task environment..
The macro-environment
5.4. Managerial skills at different managerial levels will be identified:
The role, definition, different levels and types of management in an organization.
Planning, organizing, leadership and control in management.
5.5. The learner will be introduced to the basic concepts of prices and competition in markets:
The role of prices in the competitive economy
Relative prices
Equilibrium price
Floor and ceiling prices
Price discovery
Demand and supply analysis
Factors causing change in the demand and supply curves.
Elasticity of demand and supply.
Perfect competition, monopoly, monophony, oligopoly.
5.6. Marketing will be analysed for:
Components of the marketing process
Consumer behaviour
Market segmentation
Target market selection
Product decisions
Price decisions
Distribution decisions
Marketing communication decisions
Entrepreneurship, risk an uncertainty.
6.1. Principles of management must be described in respect of:
Veld assessment1.2 Identification of veld types.
Identification of indicator species and species composition.
Grazing/Browsing capacity.
Veld planning
Grazing systems
Water points distribution
Fodder flow planning
6.2. The description must be correct with regard to:
Pasture mixture
Establishment of pastures
Weed control
Fertilization and productivity
Grazing management
6.3. Principles of pasture conservation must be described in respect of:
Hay making
Hay storage
Making of silage
Compare costs of different harvesting systems
6.4. Performance of fodder flow planning must be correct in respect of:
Stock flow and herd composition
Fodder flow
Growth curves and productivity
Matching supply and demand
Fodder bank
Drought resistance fodder crops
7.1. Description of methods of:
Goal setting
7.2. The development and implementation of forecast techniques with regard to:
Basic theory
Time calculations
Progress measurement
Bar diagrams
7.3.The identification and scheduling of resources
Time cost exchange of resources
7.4. Identifying and estimation of cost factors
Describing time and cost implications
Programming of cost calculations
7.5. Describing productivity and work study
Describing of work study techniques
Applying work study techniques
Integrated assessment:
Continuous evaluation of mastery of theoretical/academic components of learning by way of exams, tests, projects and assignments.
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