Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcomes:
1. Identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking.
2. Use science and technology appropriately.
3. Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
4. Work as a team member.
5. Demonstrate empathy and sensitivity to the individual and community, acknowledging cultural and religious differences.
6. Organise and manage one’s activities responsibly and effectively.
7. Collect, analyse and critically evaluate information.
Integrated Assessment:
Certification by Head of Department of four years of satisfactory service as Registrar. “Satisfactory service” implying adequate clinical skills, operative ability and good interaction with patients and staff. Final examination of College of Urologists of South Africa:
2 three-hour papers.
2 hours clinical examination.
1 hour oral examination.
Evaluation of dissertation: Learning the principles of clinical audit and outcome-based medical practice, and applying these to his or her daily clinical work.
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