1. Has demonstrated the ability to base practice on adequate, relevant and contemporary theory from nursing, ethics and related sciences.
2. Has demonstrated competence in specialist skills in assessment, intervention and evaluation of care, with each competency including mastery of skills, teaching and researching it.
3. Articulates professional role within his/her own specialist content area.
4. Demonstrate functioning as a nurse scientist within her/his designated area.
5. Demonstrated functioning as a programme manager: assess community and service needs, plan and implement a programme, and evaluate it.
6. Demonstrate functioning as a consultant in a specialist field of practice.
7. Shown competency in motivating for, initiating and stabilizing change in a health service.
8. Demonstrate developing nursing theory in a specialist area through practice and research.
Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved:
Clinical supervision gives the opportunity for formative integrative assessment of knowledge, skills (cognitive and personal) and attitudes. The research project and many other projects are integrative and authentic. Summative evaluation in each module includes clinical assessment, which represents evaluation of integrated competency in an authentic work setting, for instance:
Programme implementation evaluation (Mental Health Nursing)
Management of a woman in high risk labour (Adv. Midwifery)
A programme evaluation (Community Health Nursing)
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