Interact with text (oral and written) through critical listening/reading skills;
Produce texts which integrate information from different sources using appropriate academic and professional conventions;
Interpret and generate numerical data in various formats;
Apply numerical data to research and clinical practice;
Take a medical history at a level appropriate to the specialty and communicate the findings and treatment options effectively with the patient and referring doctor;
Determine signs and symptoms of disease or injury and perform advanced physical examination appropriate to the level of Orthopaedics;
Use cost-effective investigations which provide sufficient relevant information to aid diagnosis;
Gather information from various sources, reflect critically on knowledge and information and in consultation with the patient and other health care professions (where appropriate) plan and implement to completion a treatment option
Initiate and complete a research project.
Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved:
The University of Natal is currently reforming its assessment strategies to include the assessment of applied competence for each qualification. In the meantime, a combination of continuous assessment and traditional written examinations serve to assess the integration of all/most of the learning outcomes for each module in a qualification.
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