SayPro Courses SAQA 115436 Manage teaching and learning NQF Level 6 Credits 20


SayPro Courses SAQA 115436 Manage teaching and learning NQF Level 6 Credits 20 Purpose Of SayPro Courses SAQA 115436 Manage teaching and learning NQF Level 6 Credits 20 This core unit standard at Level 6 can be credited to the Advanced Certificate in Education (School Management and Leadership) at Level 6. The unit standard is suitable for those in school management and leadership positions, for office-based educators supporting school managers, aspirant school managers, and those responsible for subject/learning area/phase leadership in schools. Its purpose is to develop in these educators/school managers the fundamental knowledge, skills, and values/personal qualities so that they…


SayPro Courses SAQA ID: 115436 Manage teaching and learning NQF Level 6 Credits 20
Identifying and solving problems in which responses display responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made.
Relates to specific outcome “Demonstrate the personal qualities necessary for effective management of teaching and learning.”, and its assessment criteria.

Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organization, or community.
Relates to the following specific outcomes and their assessment criteria
Demonstrate the personal qualities necessary for effective management of teaching and learning.
Manage the planning, implementation, and monitoring/evaluation of teaching and learning to ensure quality learning for all in the context of national, provincial, and school policy.
Create, manage, and sustain a safe, caring, and disciplined environment and show commitment to following this through in how teaching and learning are organized.

Organizing and managing oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively.
Relates to specific outcome “Manage the planning, implementation and monitoring/evaluation of teaching and learning to ensure quality learning for all in the context of national, provincial and school policy.”, and its assessment criteria.

Collecting, analyzing, organizing, and critically evaluating information.
Relates to specific outcome “Understand and be able to apply relevant content knowledge in the design, implementation, and evaluation of teaching and learning and the organization of the school environment.”, and its assessment criteria.

I am communicating effectively using visual, mathematical, and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written persuasion.
Relates to all specific outcomes and their assessment criteria.

Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others.
Relates to specific outcome “Create, manage and sustain a safe, caring and disciplined environment and show commitment to following this through in the way in which teaching and learning are organized.”, and its assessment criteria.


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