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  • ***SayPro Online Course SAQA 113836 ICT Basic Skills NQF Level 03 Credits 11

***SayPro Online Course SAQA 113836 ICT Basic Skills NQF Level 03 Credits 11

56 Weeks
107 lessons
2 quizzes
856 students

Say goodbye to basic skills! SayPro is here to teach you all about the intricacies of ICT. Whether you want to further your knowledge or want to change your career path, our online courses will get you there in no time. We have a wide variety of subjects that you can choose from, and every course comes with interactive assessments that will help you gauge your progress.

There’s no need to go it alone anymore! Register for SayPro today and let us take care of all your ICT-related needs.

What a great way to brush up on your basic skills! SayPro is offering you a chance to enrich your ICT knowledge in an easy, convenient way.

The SayPro Online Basic Skills Course is designed for everyone who wants to upgrade their ICT skills and make them relevant for the workplace. You’ll learn about using devices like a computer or a phone, and how to navigate the internet. All of this will come in an easy, one-stop-shop format, so you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of your time on SayPro.

Sign up today before your competitors do!

Want to make your teleworking, home-working and online presence more professional? Then SayPro is the solution you have been looking for!

Let’s face it – the world is changing by the minute. And to keep pace with changes, we must learn new skills. With SayPro online course, you can easily brush up on your ICT basics and advance your career in this growing realm. We offer comprehensive content on mobile device usage, web development, social media marketing, etc. You don’t have to be a prodigy in Computer Science or a tech-wiz to take advantage of our services!

All you need is a stable internet connection, a good amount of time to invest and some willingness to learn. To add on, we offer free lifetime access to our courses so you never have to worry about missing out on something important again!

These days, the world is going digital! From hotels to schools, businesses are switching over to online platforms and systems. As a pro who understands the importance of this shift, you surely know how to make it work in your favor.

With SayPro’s online courses, you’ll be up to date on all the latest developments in the ICT field. The course covers basic skills such as using a computer, internet usage, and email correspondence, helping you to feel confident when handling these areas yourself or teaching them to your team. With a minimum duration of 11 weeks and 3 credits toward your SAQA-recognized qualification, it’s suitable for both new and experienced learners alike.

Have you ever felt like you don’t know enough about computers or the latest technologies? If so, SayPro is here to help!

Our online course teaches you the basics of ICT (information and communication technology) in a fun and engaging way. We take you through each topic systematically, covering everything from basic computer terminology to using digital devices. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently use computers and digital devices without getting distracted by unfamiliar terms and concepts. And when you’re done with our course, you’ll also have confidence in your ability to pass the SAQA 113836 ICT Basic Skills exam.

Sign up today and start mastering this exciting field!

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Jeffrey Olokile Motapina

For every new startup, there is a lot of stress, uncertainty, and confusion while simultaneously learning how to run the business. In such cases, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is the answer to all your questions. With over 15 years of experience working in various startups and corporates, he is the expert who can help you out with everything related to developing skills in teams. He’s helped companies grow by learning new languages, accessing new markets, and understanding what matters most when making decisions. He’s also an expert at coaching and mentoring employees on how to become more confident and self-assured in their roles. Not only that, but his words of wisdom echo through the corporate world as well. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator from SayPro. He is an expert on imparting skills in various fields, and has vast experience in the same. Jeffrey is an inspiration for many, and his straightforward approach to life makes him an example for us all. He teaches us how to be bold, to be fearless, and that everything we do in life should have passion attached to it. He encourages us to learn new things and live life in full throttle – just like him! Making the transition from school to work is never easy, and when you do it in an unfamiliar city, it can be even more confusing. To help make things easier for him, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina has decided to join SayPro as a Skills Development Facilitator. In this role, he will be teaching individuals the basics of office etiquette, along with important computer skills like Word and Excel. The opportunity to support Jeffrey in his goal is our way of saying thank you for all his hard work in making SayPro a great place to work! He’s the guy who knows just how to teach it. And that’s why he has so many students. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who can teach anyone anything, from basic computer skills to advanced programming. Not only does he have extensive experience, but he’s also an expert in the field of digital marketing. He’s one of a kind: smart and skilled, with 0% fat-saturated cholesterol and no harmful artificial colors or flavors. That makes him the perfect partner for any brand! Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who helps you build your business intelligence and think proactively. Catch him on one of his sessions and say hello to the next level of success!


  • National Identity Document, Passport, Work Permit or Asylum
  • Have physical Address where you will receive a certificate
  • Have a functioning cell phone number and the email address

Target audiences

  • All Ages Qualify
  • Everyone Qualifies for our Courses
  • All countries qualifies for our Courses

20 responses to “***SayPro Online Course SAQA 113836 ICT Basic Skills NQF Level 03 Credits 11”

  1. I know nothing about computer that is why I what to lean how to use computer or laptop, my cellphone gives me a problem to use with my Email. leaning to use these equipment will make me understand about using the equipment more accountable will be added in to my mind. Its more vital using computer and laptop.

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