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  • SayPro Training Course in Business Administration 7785

SayPro Training Course in Business Administration 7785

56 Weeks
28 lessons
2 quizzes
922 students

Have you ever thought of being a professional in the field where your passion lies? SayPro has changed the way people think about their career path and is now all set to change the way you look at it. In no time, this course will teach you all that you need to know about functions in business environment and how they are implemented. If a career as a professional who knows his/her job inside out seems interesting to you, then let’s get started!

In a corporate environment, it’s important to have a true understanding of the functions and processes involved. That’s why SayPro has created this course, which covers every aspect of a business environment in NQF Level 3.

Using visual aids and engaging examples, the course helps you understand the basic mechanics of running a company. With its comprehensive coverage, you’ll be ready for any role in the modern workplace.

What do you get when a company’s greatest asset is its employees? SayPro Course 7785 – Function in a business environment, NQF Level 03 Credits 04.

This course will help you develop the skills to function effectively in a business environment and be successful. By following the curriculum and using the resources provided, you’ll learn how to work as part of an effective team, perform your job duties effectively, and acquire new skills that will give you an edge in today’s changing workplace.

Whether you’re looking for a new opportunity or planning on staying with your current employer for some time, this course is perfect for developing the skills necessary to succeed. With our staff expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, we can’t wait to see you on campus!

Do you want to score high marks in your next business function? If so, SayPro is the perfect way to do it.

This 7-week course will teach you how to master a variety of functions in a business environment. Whether you want to impress with your knowledge of accounting or customer service, or just want to make friends for easy access at an upcoming party, this class has something for everyone!

Classes run every Saturday from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm, and are taught by accomplished teachers who have been teaching classes at NQF Level 3 level for years. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn skills that will help you shine at any event or function. And the best part? The course is free!

How to ace your next interview? This course will teach you all the right answers. Focusing on 7785 functions, this immersive program prepares you for interviews and business situations. You’ll build a comprehensive understanding of how businesses operate and what skills are needed to succeed in today’s competitive environment.

We’ve structured the curriculum with an eye towards real-world application, so that by the end of the course you’ll have learned not only about theory but also about how to apply these principles in a practical setting. Our instructors are experts who have more than 20 years’ experience in both teaching and working within the business world and can help you gain an advanced level of understanding without even getting bogged down in theory!

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Jeffrey Olokile Motapina

For every new startup, there is a lot of stress, uncertainty, and confusion while simultaneously learning how to run the business. In such cases, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is the answer to all your questions. With over 15 years of experience working in various startups and corporates, he is the expert who can help you out with everything related to developing skills in teams. He’s helped companies grow by learning new languages, accessing new markets, and understanding what matters most when making decisions. He’s also an expert at coaching and mentoring employees on how to become more confident and self-assured in their roles. Not only that, but his words of wisdom echo through the corporate world as well. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator from SayPro. He is an expert on imparting skills in various fields, and has vast experience in the same. Jeffrey is an inspiration for many, and his straightforward approach to life makes him an example for us all. He teaches us how to be bold, to be fearless, and that everything we do in life should have passion attached to it. He encourages us to learn new things and live life in full throttle – just like him! Making the transition from school to work is never easy, and when you do it in an unfamiliar city, it can be even more confusing. To help make things easier for him, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina has decided to join SayPro as a Skills Development Facilitator. In this role, he will be teaching individuals the basics of office etiquette, along with important computer skills like Word and Excel. The opportunity to support Jeffrey in his goal is our way of saying thank you for all his hard work in making SayPro a great place to work! He’s the guy who knows just how to teach it. And that’s why he has so many students. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who can teach anyone anything, from basic computer skills to advanced programming. Not only does he have extensive experience, but he’s also an expert in the field of digital marketing. He’s one of a kind: smart and skilled, with 0% fat-saturated cholesterol and no harmful artificial colors or flavors. That makes him the perfect partner for any brand! Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who helps you build your business intelligence and think proactively. Catch him on one of his sessions and say hello to the next level of success!


  • Laptop Or Cell Phone
  • Read and Write English
  • Course Available Online


  • Each person should contribute to the smooth running of the office and as such should help others wherever possible. 
  • The right attitudes will lead to more efficient operations with greater respect for others.
  • All staff should be able to do basic maintenance and replenishment of consumables.

Target audiences

  • All Countries Qualify
  • All Ages Qualify

3 responses to “SayPro Training Course in Business Administration 7785”

  1. Thank you so much saypro for this opportunity and knowledge, i Thank God to show me this good youth projet, and thank for the experiences

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