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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516617219

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Nature of Processes
Learners at this level display a well developed range of skills and performs a significant choice of procedure in a range of familiar context

Scope of Learning
Learners posses some relevant theoretical knowledge, be capable of information processing at a level of interpreting available information and from a problem solving perspective provide a range of known responses to familiar problems, based on limited discretion and judgement

With regards to orientation of activity have his/her activities directed and apply his/her responsibility under general supervision and quality checking, and from a perspective of orientation and scope of responsibility assume significant responsibility for the quantity and quality of output, and possible responsibility for the output of others.

Specific assessment:

a) Dogs are handled in various context in terms of the legal requirements and the
standard operating procedures

b) Minimum dog training standards are evaluated in terms of the standard operating

c) Dogs are adapted to the work context in terms of the legal requirements and the
standard operating procedures

d) Dog performance and the equipment is checked for duty in terms of the legal
requirements and the standard operating procedures

e) Post guarding dog duties are carried out in terms of the company specific

Integrated assessments :

Continuous and formative assessments

Assessments will take place on a continuous basis during the program. Learners will be assessed before embarking on the program as well as during the program. Learners will be assessed at the end of each module in the program to establish the their positive achievements and plan the appropriate next steps.

Assessment criteria and performance indicators will be developed per module.

During the formative assessment phase learners will be assessed on both the critical cross-field outcomes and the specific outcomes where a program module is linked to a unit standard or a part thereof.

A wide range of assessment methods and tools will be used during the formative assessment phase. Assessment tools will be designed to ensure that the learner meets the assessment criteria of the unit standard. Learners will be assessed on their foundational and practical competence during this phase.

Integrative and holistic summative assessments

Formative assessment
Formative assessment outcomes will serve as an input into the formal assessment process. Outcomes of the formative assessment phase will be used to make decisions about the learners’ readiness to complete a summative assessment. A registered assessor using an assessment guide will conduct summative assessments at an assessment site.

Summative assessment:
During the summative assessment phase both integrative and holistic assessment will be used which relates to the demonstration of the achievement of the entire qualification. In this instance the range of unit standards comprising the qualification would not be assessed in isolation but in relation to each other. Thus the security officer would need to integrate the unit standard outcomes with components of competence described in other unit standards.

The context of formal assessments and the level of quality will resemble the requirements of the security officers work environment. 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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