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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516617217

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Assessment criteria associated with Specific Outcomes:

1.1 Intervention skills and technologies are applied in the management of common and minor ailments.
1.2 Referrals are made where applicable.
1.3 Communication skills and sound interpersonal skills are demonstrated.
1.4 The ability to create a therapeutic environment is demonstrated.

2.1 The ability to apply the principles of transcultural nursing in the management of health problems of the individual, family and community is demonstrated.
2.2 The ability to identify social and cultural health problems is demonstrated.

3.1 Skills for assessment diagnosis and treatment are applied.
3.2 Preventive and promotive measure are applied at community level.

4.1 Research findings are effectively utilised to solve problems and improve the quality of nursing care.
4.2 Applicable technology and procedures are applied to disseminate information on research findings.

5.1 The ability to manage health care costs optimally is demonstrated.
5.2 Management principles are applied within the health limit.

Integrated assessment to ensure that the purpose of qualification is achieved:

Oral examination
Written examination
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE). 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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