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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516617206

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1. Learners:
Make meaning
Negotiate meaning and understanding
Access education
Access information and literature
Think and express their thoughts and emotions logically, critically and creatively
Respond with empathy to the thoughts and emotions of others
Participate socially, politically, economically, culturally and spiritually
Understand the relationship between language and power and influence relationships through this understanding
Develop and reflect critically on values and attitudes
Communicate in different contexts by using a range of registers and language varieties, and
Use standard forms of language where appropriate

2. Learners:
Construct knowledge that deals with qualitative and quantitative relationships of space and time
Use patterns, problem-solving and logical thinking in an attempt to understand their world and make use of that understanding
Express, develop and contest understanding through language, symbols and social interaction

3. Learners:
Make sense of the physical world in which they live
Make informed judgements about critical ethical issues which directly or indirectly affect them, helping in the understanding of the value of preserving our environment and natural resources
Develop investigative skills and attitudes, enabling them to think critically and logically about problems

4. Learners:
Develop responsible citizenship in a culturally diverse, democratic society within an interdependent world
Make sound judgements and take appropriate actions that will contribute to sustainable development of human society and the physical environment
Investigate relationships between people and between people and their environment
Understand that these relationships are contextualised in space and time and have social, economic, environmental and spiritual dimensions

5. Learners:
Develop the ability to make, create and invent meaning
Use innovation, creativity and resourcefulness
Participate in effective expression, communication and interaction between individuals and groups
Develop a healthy sense of self, exploring individual and collective culture
Gain a deepened understanding of our social and physical environment and our place within that environment
Acquire practical skills within the various forms of art and diverse cultures
Develop respect for human value and dignity

6. Learners:
Develop a healthy sense of their own self-worth and that of others
Practice positive values, attitudes, behaviour and skills
Develop healthy relationships within the context of family, community and nation
Appreciate their own beliefs, values and practices while respecting the right of other people to do likewise
Show care for and delight in themselves, their natural, social and material environments

7. Learners:
Gain insight into business, economic systems and administrative systems
Understand the importance of reconstruction, development and economic growth for a sustainable economic future
Are equipped with knowledge of economic skills and competencies
Are introduced to an understanding of wealth creation
Develop their skills in accounting practice

8. Learners

Develop the ability to perform effectively in their changing environment and contribute towards its improvement
Use technological products and systems effectively
Evaluate technological products, processes and systems from functional, economic, ethical, social and aesthetic points of view
Design and develop appropriate products, processes and systems to functional, aesthetic and other specifications

Integrated assessment:

In order to improve the quality and relevance of education, the process of assessment, based on outcomes, unit standards and moderation comprise the following from entry to exit of the programme:

1. Direct assessment in the form of diagnostic assessment prior to entry into the programme for the purpose of evaluating mastery of all requisite prior knowledge

2. Standardised achievement tests, also administered at entry level to verify the results of the diagnostic assessment

3. A follow-up diagnostic test administered after a 3 to 6 month period in order to determine the validity of the initial diagnostic assessment

4. Self-assessment which is carried out by the learners on a daily basis and which improves the quality of learning and mastery

5. Continuous assessment which takes place through:

Daily analytic, formative and direct assessment by learning managers in each specific module of learning, at set intervals
Frequent direct assessment (every 2 – 2 ? weeks) through standardised testing on each specific module of learning
Summative assessment incorporating portfolios, research projects, literature studies, oral reports, book reports, written reports, test results and preparation for student convention
Yearly standardised an internationally recognised scholastic aptitude test validates the outcomes of the programme
At exit level an internationally recognised scholastic aptitude test validates the outcomes of the programme

The above provides for a holistic approach to assessment 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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