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Assessment criteria associated with Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
1.1 Solve problems by means of exploring and critically evaluating abstract and personal situations.
1.2 Solve problems by generating alternative strategies for dealing with such problems.
2. Identify the stakeholders in health care.
3.1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in planning daily activities.
3.2 Execute delegated duties logically using knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance to his/her theoretical background.
4. Initiating adequate health education and health promotion interventions.
5.1 Communicate in an acceptable and effective way across the cultural spectrum.
5.2 Applying the principles of health education in giving appropriate, relevant health education to groups, individuals and families including effective use of resources.
5.3 Communicating effectively with all age groups and people with mental and physical disabilities, illness and stake holders.
5.4 Establishing and maintaining therapeutic or effective relationships.
5.5 Applying effective leadership skills.
6. Demonstrate appropriate and effective leadership skills.
7. Involving other disciplines in problem solving.
8.1 Ensure continuous personal development.
8.2 Identify own learning needs for enhancing knowledge and skills and improving practice.
8.3 Explore and use opportunities for personal development.
8.4 Participate in self-directed learning activities aimed at improving knowledge and skills.
8.5 Assume responsibility for life long learning.
9. Conduct research and develop appropriate interventions.
10. Becoming actively involved in all activities in local, national and global communities.
11. Able to live with other cultures respecting and understanding their beliefs and customs.
12. Attend in service education, workshops, seminars, symposiums and epodes and further his studies.
Assessment criteria associated with Specific Outcomes:
1. Encourage community participation, self-reliance and self determination.
2.1 Conduct research, manage the clinic.
2.2 Initiate and support community development projects.
2.3 Update herself by attending in service education, seminars, workshops etc.
2.4 Apply the scope of practice in executing duties.
2.5 Apply ethics in clinical and community settings.
2.6 Collect comprehensive history, perform thorough examination, doing appropriate relevant investigations, formulate diagnosis and implement realistic management plan.
2.7 Give appropriate health education.
2.8 Record all the information appropriately.
3. Interpret findings, make correct diagnosis, appropriate management and referral.
4.1 Manage emergencies and deal with physical, psychological responses.
4.2 Actively involve the community in the management of disasters.
5.1 Attend to physical, social and psychological needs of childbearing women and children.
5.2 Actively involved in the social, psychological, economical and political initiatives.
6. Respect habits, customs and tradition of individuals, families and community.
7.1 Act within the scope of practice for registered nurses.
7.2 Constantly display respect for patients.
7.3 Interpret and apply the Acts and regulations that govern and influence the Nursing practice of South Africa.
8.1 Apply advocacy process in dealing with individuals, families and communities.
8.2 Identify and utilise relevant social network and resources appropriately and ethically.
9.1 Collaborate with traditional healers and other relevant stakeholders.
9.2 Demonstrate ability to work well in a team.
9.3 Communicate effectively with all age groups.
9.4 Demonstrate understanding of the involvement of stakeholders in healthcare.
9.5 Communicate in an acceptable and effective way across cultural spectrums.
10. Empower the community with knowledge and skills in community development.
11. Give health education to individuals, families and community applying adult education approaches.
Integrated assessment to ensure that the purpose of qualification is achieved:
1. Continuous assessment is done in the form of:
Tests after each module
Role plays during training/teaching sessions
Multiple problem case study
Single problem case study
Assignments – 4 per year
Peer group evaluation is encouraged
Demonstrations during sessions
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluations as planned
Work book to be completed before course participants write external examination
Oral examination
2. Formative and summative assessment:
Oral examination
Multiple problem case study
Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Written papers, paper one and paper 2 – South African Nursing Council examination.
Year mark from tests and OSCEs.
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