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Critical cross-field assessment criteria:
The candidate must be able to
Demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills in interaction with individuals, families or stakeholders and partners in communities and partners in health care
Work effectively in a team
Resolve conflict constructively, facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health and nursing care plans for individuals, family and community
Initiate and design research plan
Specific assessment criteria:
Must be able to
Do comprehensive individual, family, community and environmental assessment
Make individual, family, community and environmental diagnosis
Identify health indicators and risk factors
Refer appropriately
Design and prepare a searching plan with active involvement of the individual/family to meet the individual’s/family’s learning needs for participating in own care in a variety if settings
Integrated Assessment to ensure that purpose of the qualifications is achieved
Formative Evaluation done throughout teaching and learning period by means of
Clinical Evaluation
Case studies and presentation
Self and peer evaluation
Summative Evaluation
2×3 hour papers
Objective structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE)
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