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The Learners can:
1.Participate in class discussions, write and present mini seminars, prepare assignments, participate effectively in oral presentations.
2.Submit assessments and reports in an acceptable format according to clear guidelines and deadlines.
3.Participate and interact intelligently in class discussions and presentations and in practical situations.
4.Critically read, interpret and analyze literature, participate in group discussions.
5.Do independent reading and information retrieval in the library and the internet, work with reduced supervision and show initiative.
6.Participate and interact intelligently in laboratory-related sessions and be able to cnduct laboratory tests independently.
7.Prepare assignments, improve computer literacy.
8.1 Write a research proposal, highlighting the research problem.
8.2 Describe the research methods/procedures and techniques to the followed.
8.3 Collect, analyse and interpret data
8.4 Write up the results in a clear, concise and acceptable manner.
Formative assessment methods:
Ongoing evaluation such as students’ participation in discussion groups, assignments, seminar presentations, demonstrations of practical skills and knowledge, field work.
Summative assessment methods:
Written and/or oral tests/examinations, practicum examination and a research project evaluation.
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