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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516619086

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Write research proposals that indicate that learners are able to identify a problem or problems in human resources management, formulate a research problem and suggest solutions to the problem(s); formulate hypotheses; know, select and utilise research instruments that are relevant in the research of a specific problem in human resources management; select and use appropriate data analysis methods to interpret the findings of the investigation; conduct fieldwork during the actual investigation; evaluate and interpret findings; report the findings of the investigation and formulate recommendations that emanate from the findings; create a new model that can be applied to solve the problem investigated.

Identify and analyse different scientific procedures in terms of the problem being researched.

Critically read, interpret and analyse literature from different sources; search for literature on the identified research problem; compare the writings of different authors on the same related topic; synthesize reading material on the topic being researched; draw conclusions from different readings and indicate anomalies; create a theoretical framework provided by the literature review; create a new model/approach/theory that is applicable to the research problem; compile a complete bibliography.

Integrated assessment:

The integrated assessment procedure with regard to the research proposal consists of considerations and approval of it by a permanent standing committee of the Faculty Board, namely the Faculty Research Committee, then the Faculty Board and lastly the Senate.

The integrated assessment procedure with regard to the thesis consists of the thesis being examined and adjudicated by the appointed promoter(s), who acts/act as the internal examiner(s) and two external examiners.

The integrated assessment procedure with regard to the oral or written examination consists of the appointed internal examiner(s) submitting the examination paper(s) and having the paper(s) marked by the internal examiner(s) and moderated by the external examiners. 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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