Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516663991

    Component 1 (Fundamentals):

    Competencies Relating to Fundamental Learning:

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1.1:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers both verbally and in writing, using appropriate terminology.
    Locate, cite and critically evaluate information which is accessible online or otherwise.
    Create and maintain user documentation for an IT system or solution.
    Create and maintain technical documentation for an IT system or solution.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1.2:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Recognize that the foundation of IT is built upon the various aspects of mathematics.
    Apply mathematical and statistical concepts and procedures in a programming environment.

    Component 2 (Core):

    Competencies relating to content essential to obtaining a baccalaureate degree in Information Technology:

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.1:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Identify and explain concepts and practices related to core information technologies.
    Apply concepts and practices related to core information technologies.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.2:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Identify current and emerging technologies.
    Evaluate current and emerging technologies to assess their applicability to address user needs.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.3:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Identify best practices and standards of relevance in a particular context.
    Apply best practices and standards that have been selected as relevant in a particular context.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.4:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Identify, analyze and define user requirements to determine what the needs are in terms of creating an IT-based solution.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.5:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Design, develop and implement IT-based solutions according to user needs.
    Do the design, development and implementation according to a project plan.
    Execute the process with due consideration for issues of relevance when integrating the solution into an existing user environment.
    Execute the process using a collaborative approach, in a team striving to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative and group cooperation.

    Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.6:

    Competence is evident when candidates are able to:

    Assess the impact of technology on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal and policy issues.
    Recognize and apply principles of teamwork, including (but not limited to) conflict resolution, group dynamics, leadership styles, collaboration and cross-functional teams.
    Assess the impact of technology on group work in project teams collaborating in IT-related projects.

    Integrated Assessment:

    Written tests and examinations, portfolio assessment as well as practical tests and examinations are used to assess the learning that has taken place. A major project in the third year (capstone module) assesses the students’ capacity to integrate and apply cumulative knowledge across various subject domains. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516649216

    All relevant information as to the status of the depot regarding the preparation of product movement is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Information is extracted and captured on applicable systems and pipeline equipment is prepared for product movement in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions, and the operations notice.
    Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the specific operation is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    A depot check is performed in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    Start up of product movement is performed and related information is communicated to all relevant role players in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    The start up of product movement and pipeline equipment is monitored and related substandard conditions are corrected in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Information relevant to depot start-up is correctly captured on applicable information systems.

    All relevant information as to the status of the depot regarding the metering of product is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
    Information relevant to product metering is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
    Functional personal protective equipment for the specific operation is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Metering equipment is checked for functionality and metering proved for accuracy in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    All relevant information as to the status of launching and receiving pigs/spheres is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
    Information relevant to the launching and receiving of pigs/spheres is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
    Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the launching and receiving of pigs/spheres is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Pigs/spheres are launched and/or received correctly and unforeseen occurrences are dealt with in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    All relevant information regarding the determining of the tank volume is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
    Tank gauging procedure is correctly performed, substandard conditions dealt with and volumes are correctly calculated in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Information relevant to tank volume calculations is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
    Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the gauging of tanks is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    Test environment and quality testing equipment is prepared to perform relevant product quality test in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Relevant product quality tests are performed, results recorded and communicated to all role players.
    Product samples are retained or disposed of correctly in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Product quality test centre is cleared and made safe in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    All relevant information regarding the planning and handling of transmixture and intermixtures is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
    Information related to the planning and handling of transmixture and/or intermixtures is extracted and captured on applicable information system.
    Functional personal protective clothing and equipment relative to the planning and handling of transmixture and intermixtures is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    The transmixture and intermixture is handled in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    The blending of intermixture is planned and handled in accordance with product specifications.

    Information as to the risk status of depot is, extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players.
    Company and legislative regulations pertaining to risk status of depot is applied.
    Relevant emergency plan is activated in accordance with company policies, procedures and instructions.
    Fire-fighting equipment is identified and used correctly.

    Information as to the scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance tasks is extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players.
    Scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance is planned and performed in accordance with company technical instructions.
    Functional personal protective clothing and equipment relative to the scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance is identified and used correctly in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
    Company operating systems to control pipeline equipment for preparing for minor maintenance is utilised correctly.

    The pipeline transport industry, pipeline terminology, purpose and function of pipeline equipment and company specific operational procedures, policies and instructions are explained and discussed.
    Pipeline operations documentation and reports are generated and/or obtained in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    Information regarding the shut down status of product movement in the pipeline depot is extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players in accordance with the operations notice.
    The shut down status of the pipeline equipment is monitored, substandard conditions are dealt with and the corrective actions applied.
    The pipeline depot and relative pipeline equipment is isolated and made safe in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.

    Integrated assessment:

    Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the qualification.

    Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards should be integrated.

    Assessment of the communication, language, literacy and numeracy should be conducted in conjunction with other aspects and should use authentic Pipeline Operations contexts wherever possible.

    A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.

    The term `Integrated Assessment` implies that theoretical and practical components should be assessed together. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and assess combinations of practical, foundational and reflective competencies (applied competence).

    Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge.

    Formative Assessment

    This kind of assessment will typically take place during training and merely serves to guide the learner towards full competence.

    Assessment can be done in any agreed upon method of assessment of the knowledge required to perform the various competencies.

    To be allowed access to the final qualifying assessment a learner must show that she/he has reached a level of overall integrated competence.

    Summative Assessment

    For the learner to be certified competent against the qualification, s/he must prove overall integration of the competencies expressed in the unit standards. The elements of importance here are overall abilities, problem solving capability and safe working. In addition assessors should be satisfied that the learner has achieved that level of competence to be able to take charge of any aspect of pipeline operations.

    The learner’s ability to demonstrate competence against a particular unit standard, under real-life working conditions and in the presence of an assessor, will be assessed. The summative assessment can also be used as a diagnostic assessment tool aimed at identifying the learner’s skills gaps.

    Workplace Assessment

    Workplaces are used for assessment purposes provided that the appropriate facilities, tools, equipment, and support systems are available and accessible to both the assessor and the learner. The pipeline operations industry agreed on the following requirements for workplace assessment:

    Assessment needs to occur in a familiar environment so that the learner is not asked to cope with different equipment and a strange environment at the time of assessment. (This will not detract from the portability of the generic skill being assessed. Portability will be supported through a short depot or region specific orientation session.)
    Assessment needs to take place at a time and venue mutually agreed to by the assessor and the learner. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516649750

    The assessment process will be based on the following framework principles:

    Using appropriate methods and tools to measure performance in both specific and critical outcomes in an integrated manner.
    Using both formative and summative assessment to determine learning progress and the learner’s ability to attain exit requirements at given pathway points.
    Applying criterion-referenced assessment and using a combination of tools to gather evidence of learning performance.
    Measuring both the quality of demonstrated practical skills, observed performance and the underpinning theory (facts, principles, concepts, etc).
    Maintaining a balance between practical skills and performance on the one hand, and theoretical knowledge on the other, to ensure that each is measured in accordance with the exit level and outcomes of the qualification.

    Associated Assessment Criteria

    In the assessment the following criteria will apply:

    1. Demonstrate mastery of core knowledge, attitudes, and skills in accordance with the level and outcomes of this qualification.
    2. Maintain a balance between theoretical assessment and practical application of knowledge within the world of work.
    3. The weight applicable to theory in comparison to practical knowledge and skills will vary according to the type and level of qualification.
    4. A repertoire of assessment methods will be used relevant to stated learning outcomes, both in specific and cross-field terms. These must include assessment of attitudes, as well as thinking and problem-solving skills.
    5. Learners must comply with all requirements and standards related to computer operating practices in the world of work, including accuracy, presentation, and correct data input.

    Integrated assessment

    Comprehensive learning assessment is conducted throughout the programme (formative assessment), focusing on both theory and the application of knowledge as well as skills as applied to specific job-related situations and problems such as “programmers” where they have to integrate theory and practice. This increases the relevancy of training offered by this Institution, and assessment at different learning levels. Generally, the following assessment methods will be used in combination when necessary:

    Written examinations.
    Coursework (portfolio) evaluations.
    Evaluation of experiential learning assignments.
    Evaluation of practical tasks. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516649859

    Demonstrate, in written or oral form, an ability to identify, analyse and solve high-level problems relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.
    Solve relevant legal problems relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts by skillfully identifying, analysing, and commenting thereon.

    Display an ability to function effectively in and lead a high level team.
    Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in debating solutions and approaches to particular legal problems.

    Undertake independent research and writing at an advanced level.
    Analyse related legal problems relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts and their solutions independently.

    Display an ability to conduct a high-level research project successfully.
    Define a particular related topic, arrange the subject matter coherently, accurately and succinctly reflect, formulate and interpret scholarly opinion on the topic.
    Identify particular problem areas and develop a clear line of argument by means of analysis and interpretation.

    Advise clients on the legal implications of and on solutions for particular problems and questions relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.
    Write a high-level research report in which problems relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts are identified, analysed and discussed.

    Utilise written and electronic data in writing a report/assignment and the dissertation.

    Participate in a seminar on the implications of relevant legal information concerning the interpretation and drafting of contracts.
    Report on a coherent approach towards problem-solving and policy-making relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.

    Undertake advanced research and write a dissertation on a law topic relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.

    Debate the impact on society in general, and on certain interest groups in particular, of related legal provisions and principles relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.

    Reveal an ability to distill moral and cultural values underlying related realities in society relating to the interpretation and drafting of contracts.

    Display an awareness as to how the qualification may be utilised to access the labour market.

    Display an ability to develop and maintain a career in law.

    Integrated assessment:

    Assessment seeks to:

    Assess learner performance in order to determine whether learners comply with assessment criteria.
    Encourage and guide the improvement of learner performance.

    Assessment is therefore based on the principle of continuous and regular assessment and complete and prompt feedback. Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the qualification. Both formative and summative assessment processes are accounted for to monitor progress during the programme and to determine competence at the end of the programme.

    Formative (continuous) assessment practices that will be implemented:

    Formative assessment is aimed at the development of a life-long learning culture based on continuous self-study. More particularly, in this qualification, formative assessment aims at the preparation of learners for writing an examination of each module and for writing a quality dissertation. Formative assessment is conducted by class discussions, seminars, assignments, and the writing of the dissertation. Discussion of assignment and examination results and questions and other forms of feedback are an integral and critical part of assessment.

    Regular meetings between the learners and their study leaders take place during which all aspects pertaining to the preparation for and drafting of the research dissertation or the high-level knowledge of relevant topics dealt with in the course of the qualification, and of the research topic gained from the research into the topic and from the scholarly writing thereon. The purpose is to demonstrate a reflective and scholarly understanding of contracts law and the research topic. In conjunction with formative assessment, summative assessment determines whether the learner is awarded the qualification. In the summative assessment, the four modular examinations and the final dissertation is submitted to and are examined by not less than two examiners. The qualification is obtained if the learner passes all four modular examinations and the dissertation.

    As a further demonstration of the learner’s ability in this regard, the learner may be required to submit an article based on the dissertation which may, at the discretion of the study leader, be submitted for publication in a law journal under the name of the learner or the names of both the learner and the study leader.

    Summative (final) assessment practices:

    Integrated assessment, focusing on the achievement of the exit-level outcomes, will be done by means of:

    Both in the examinations at the end of each module and in the minor dissertation, learners are assessed on their ability to integrate prior knowledge gained in preceding studies with a deeper, high-level knowledge of relevant topics dealt with in the course of the qualification, and of the research topic gained from the research into the topic and from the scholarly writing thereon. The purpose is to demonstrate a reflective and scholarly understanding of the interpretation and drafting of contracts and the research topic. In conjunction with formative assessment, summative assessment determines whether the learner is awarded the qualification. In the summative assessment, the four modular examinations and the final dissertation are submitted to and are examined by not less than two examiners. The qualification is obtained if the learner passes all four modular examinations as well as the dissertation.

    As a further demonstration of the learner’s ability in this regard, the learner may be required to submit an article based on the dissertation which may, at the discretion of the study leader, be submitted for publication in a law journal under the name of the learner or the names of both he learner and the study leader.