All relevant information as to the status of the depot regarding the preparation of product movement is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Information is extracted and captured on applicable systems and pipeline equipment is prepared for product movement in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions, and the operations notice.
Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the specific operation is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
A depot check is performed in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Start up of product movement is performed and related information is communicated to all relevant role players in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
The start up of product movement and pipeline equipment is monitored and related substandard conditions are corrected in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Information relevant to depot start-up is correctly captured on applicable information systems.
All relevant information as to the status of the depot regarding the metering of product is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
Information relevant to product metering is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
Functional personal protective equipment for the specific operation is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Metering equipment is checked for functionality and metering proved for accuracy in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
All relevant information as to the status of launching and receiving pigs/spheres is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
Information relevant to the launching and receiving of pigs/spheres is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the launching and receiving of pigs/spheres is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Pigs/spheres are launched and/or received correctly and unforeseen occurrences are dealt with in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
All relevant information regarding the determining of the tank volume is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
Tank gauging procedure is correctly performed, substandard conditions dealt with and volumes are correctly calculated in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Information relevant to tank volume calculations is extracted and captured on applicable systems.
Functional personal protective clothing and equipment for the gauging of tanks is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Test environment and quality testing equipment is prepared to perform relevant product quality test in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Relevant product quality tests are performed, results recorded and communicated to all role players.
Product samples are retained or disposed of correctly in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Product quality test centre is cleared and made safe in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
All relevant information regarding the planning and handling of transmixture and intermixtures is communicated with all role players by utilising company operating systems.
Information related to the planning and handling of transmixture and/or intermixtures is extracted and captured on applicable information system.
Functional personal protective clothing and equipment relative to the planning and handling of transmixture and intermixtures is identified and used in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
The transmixture and intermixture is handled in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
The blending of intermixture is planned and handled in accordance with product specifications.
Information as to the risk status of depot is, extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players.
Company and legislative regulations pertaining to risk status of depot is applied.
Relevant emergency plan is activated in accordance with company policies, procedures and instructions.
Fire-fighting equipment is identified and used correctly.
Information as to the scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance tasks is extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players.
Scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance is planned and performed in accordance with company technical instructions.
Functional personal protective clothing and equipment relative to the scheduled and unscheduled minor maintenance is identified and used correctly in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Company operating systems to control pipeline equipment for preparing for minor maintenance is utilised correctly.
The pipeline transport industry, pipeline terminology, purpose and function of pipeline equipment and company specific operational procedures, policies and instructions are explained and discussed.
Pipeline operations documentation and reports are generated and/or obtained in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Information regarding the shut down status of product movement in the pipeline depot is extracted, captured and communicated to relevant role players in accordance with the operations notice.
The shut down status of the pipeline equipment is monitored, substandard conditions are dealt with and the corrective actions applied.
The pipeline depot and relative pipeline equipment is isolated and made safe in accordance with company operations policies, procedures and instructions.
Integrated assessment:
Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the qualification.
Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards should be integrated.
Assessment of the communication, language, literacy and numeracy should be conducted in conjunction with other aspects and should use authentic Pipeline Operations contexts wherever possible.
A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.
The term `Integrated Assessment` implies that theoretical and practical components should be assessed together. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and assess combinations of practical, foundational and reflective competencies (applied competence).
Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.
Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge.
Formative Assessment
This kind of assessment will typically take place during training and merely serves to guide the learner towards full competence.
Assessment can be done in any agreed upon method of assessment of the knowledge required to perform the various competencies.
To be allowed access to the final qualifying assessment a learner must show that she/he has reached a level of overall integrated competence.
Summative Assessment
For the learner to be certified competent against the qualification, s/he must prove overall integration of the competencies expressed in the unit standards. The elements of importance here are overall abilities, problem solving capability and safe working. In addition assessors should be satisfied that the learner has achieved that level of competence to be able to take charge of any aspect of pipeline operations.
The learner’s ability to demonstrate competence against a particular unit standard, under real-life working conditions and in the presence of an assessor, will be assessed. The summative assessment can also be used as a diagnostic assessment tool aimed at identifying the learner’s skills gaps.
Workplace Assessment
Workplaces are used for assessment purposes provided that the appropriate facilities, tools, equipment, and support systems are available and accessible to both the assessor and the learner. The pipeline operations industry agreed on the following requirements for workplace assessment:
Assessment needs to occur in a familiar environment so that the learner is not asked to cope with different equipment and a strange environment at the time of assessment. (This will not detract from the portability of the generic skill being assessed. Portability will be supported through a short depot or region specific orientation session.)
Assessment needs to take place at a time and venue mutually agreed to by the assessor and the learner.