1. identify and assess the marketing orientation of a given contact
identify and describe the role of marketing within a given context
identify and analyse the elements of the marketing mix of a given business scenario
2. explain the importance of transportation planning and development
define and explain the concepts related to transportation planning
distinguish between the different spatial development patterns and processes in cities, towns and rural areas
indicate the relevance of the transportation policy in the overall planning process
outline the origin and growth of urban settlements
outline the components of the Integrated Transportation Planning (ITP) process
explain the guidelines to take into account in the ITP Process
highlight examples of spatial development initiative in the Southern African context
describe the conventional transportation planning process
argue the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional transportation planning process
identify different sources to fund transport infrastructure
provide and evaluate examples of road user charges
select and appraise appropriate financing options for transport
infrastructure and project applicable in a developing country
explain travel demand management
formulate and analyse different travel demand management strategies
implement plans to promote the use of public transport
define modal integration
identify and implement strategies to promote model integration
highlight constraints and challenges facing modal integration
highlight international perspectives on modal integration
evaluate modal integration projects and initiatives
explain the national transport vision
apply the principles of the moving South Africa strategy
illustrate the strategies in the Moving South Africa project for different customers and operations in the transport sector
identify and analyse strategic challenges for implementing the Moving South Africa strategy
motivate and describe the passenger transport surveys required in the TRP2 process.
Describe the types of parking surveys or studies relevant to a typical Southern African study
Execute a survey to address a particular transportation issue
Identify vehicle movements to set the timing on the traffic signals
3. develop systems to review the organisation’s external operating environment
to identify customer needs with regards to, as well as opportunities and threats related to product and service development
evaluate and respond to driving forces in the political, statutory, regulatory, economic, social, technological and natural environments
identify and evaluate existing and potential competitors and collaborators
identify problems and opportunities in products
review and improve the organisation’s structures and systems
identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the management team
formulate a plan to develop the effectiveness of a management team
.develop systems to review the generation and allocation of financial services
identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of human resources
identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation’s marketing effort as well as the organisation’s positioning in the market
identify and evaluate the strengths of the organisation’s positioning in the market
identify and evaluate the strengths of the organisation’s technology and infrastructure
identify the current and likely future interests of stakeholders
evaluate stakeholders capabilities to help or hinder the achievement of the organisation’s objectives
create a shared vision
develop a mission to give purpose to the organisation
formulate appropriate objectives and strategies to guide the organisation
define values and policies to develop an appropriate organisational culture
develop a social programme and a code of conduct for the organisation
gain support for the organisation’s shared vision, mission, objectives, strategies, values, policies, social programme and code of conduct
prepare and submit proposals for programmes, projects and plans to meet the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives
evaluate and amend proposals for programmes, projects and plans in light of the organisation’s vision mission and objectives
provide professional and technical advice on preparing and implementing programmes, projects and plans.
Negotiate and obtain agreement for programmes, projects and plans
Negotiate contracts and agreements with staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans
Delegate responsibility and authority to areas of action within the organisation
Agree on targets for staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans
Provide advice, motivation and support to staff and external executors of programmes to solve problems
Identify, formulate and evaluate collaborative and consultative working agreements
Provide guidance on the ways in which values are to be expressed in work and working relationships
Select key financial and other indicators to monitor programmes, projects and plans
Obtain and evaluate data on performance against key indicators
Develop systems for managing future performance
Develop measures and criteria to evaluate the achievement of the organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies
Identify causes of success and failure in the implementation of programmes, projects and plans
Identify possible strengths and weaknesses in an organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies.
4. Administer work practices appropriately
Administer processes and activities for the acquisition, development and management of people
Document and administer human resource policies, programmes and procedures correctly and effectively in accordance with strategic human resource objectives and legislative requirements
5. Complete practical applications using a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation software package.
Identify and describe principles relevant to computer hardware and software, operating systems, data communications and business information systems.
Integrated assessment:
1. written exam
2. projects / class tests/ assignments
3. case studies
4. practical evaluation