Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151664609

    Integrated Assessment

    The forms of assessment which are employed differ depending on whether it concerns a full research programme or a coursework programme:

    1. Research Programme

    Formative assessment takes place in two ways:

    An oral examination of the candidate by a panel of experts;
    Continuous assessment by the candidate’s supervisor through discussion sessions and the writing of draft research reports.

    Summative assessment takes place through examination of a research report in the form of a dissertation

    2. Coursework programme

    Formative assessment takes place through structured peer group discussions as well as written assignments

    Summative assessment takes place through written examinations and a treatise 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516648440

    Component 1: Producing effective and creative interior design.

    Assessment for this component of exit level outcome is done predominantly by means of assessing learner`s competence in practical applied design projects.

    Competence is evident when learners are able to:
    Independently answer a brief successfully, following the design process from start to finish and fully understands all the contextual aspects related to the project – at the level of competence expected of an industry entry level interior designer;
    Compile and document relevant research and process information;
    Conceptualise innovative and fresh design at industry level of sophistication;
    Solve functional spaces creatively through the correct and creative application, installation and construction of relevant materials and services;
    Use technical skill, including digital technology effectively to produce relevant drawings and design presentations;
    present the design solution, clearly indicating comprehension of the design process and intended result (produce a design rationale).

    Component 2: Technical skill

    Learner`s competence in this component of exit level outcomes is assessed by means of practical exercises and projects, many of which are extensions of applied design projects. Interactive tests are also completed.

    Competence is evident when learners are able to:
    Produce relevant technical drawings using a CAD system;
    Demonstrate a confident knowledge of various construction methods using a variety of materials and services available;
    Complete a specification document of materials and services used within a design solution at industry entry level;
    Present a visual design solution through hand rendered and computer rendered artwork.

    Component 3: Visual and design literacy

    Assessment of a learners`s competence of exit level outcomes is done predominantly by means of analytical essays, written and verbal research presentations and practical application projects.

    Competence is evident when learners are able to:
    Demonstrate the way in which a space impacts upon people and how to manipulate a space to meet certain requirements, eg: creating a productive working environment versus a non-productive environment;
    Demonstrate a professional (industry) level of knowledge about interior design in general, specific projects and designs, design trends, the history of interior design and architecture and the economic and social context of interior design through a verbal presentation;
    Use industry related terminology confidently;
    Critique interior deign solutions at a professional level;
    Distinguish between successful and unsuccessful design solutions through the knowledge that they have gained;
    Conceptualise and produce design solutions that display the learners understanding of design trends, styles, the history of interior deign and architecture and the economic and social context of interior design;
    Understand and discuss ethical practice in an informed manner, and apply thorough knowledge of the history of interior deign and architecture in applied design projects and understand its relevance to the current practice of interior deign.

    Component 4: Knowledge of the interior design industry

    Assessment of a learner`s competence of exit level outcomes is done predominantly by means of analytical essays, written and verbal research presentations and practical application projects.

    Competence is evident when the learners are able to:
    Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the nature of the interior design industry and understand the structure, activities and functions of various typical types of design business;
    Display industry level knowledge of the activities and responsibilities they will have as designers in industry; and
    Demonstrate the relevance of a thorough knowledge of materials and services available to them.

    Component 5: Time and self management and collaboration in teams

    Assessment of a learner`s competence in this component of exit level outcomes is through practical applied design projects and written and verbally presented research projects.

    Competence is evident when learners are able to:
    Confidently complete a design project following the design process from the initial brief to site supervision;
    Understand the importance of scheduling realistic deadlines and meeting them subject to conditions out of their control;
    Collaborate with other designers and personnel relevant to the industry at all levels.

    Assessment is outcomes based – outcomes are defined for each exercise and project and learners` work (learning) is assessed against these outcomes. An integrated assessment is performed by assessing critical, specific and developmental outcomes. Projects are designed in such a way that the critical crossfield outcomes are automatically
    achieved when learners complete a project successfully.

    Assessment is project based with every project or exercise in a particular subject resulting in a mark. Learning is assess according to the required specific outcomes – Knowledge, Skills and Values – defined for a project.

    Learning is assessed by means of the following strategies:
    Continuous project based assessment;
    Continuous evaluation of learners` progress during interactive group critique of learners` work;
    Peer assessment during interactive group critique of learners` work;
    Self assessment – learners critique their own work; and
    Internal and external moderation.

    Continuous assessment during projects allows learners to improve and remedy insufficient learning during the completion of a project. This also allows learners to learn at their own pace. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516662346

    1. identify and assess the marketing orientation of a given contact
    identify and describe the role of marketing within a given context
    identify and analyse the elements of the marketing mix of a given business scenario

    2. explain the importance of transportation planning and development
    define and explain the concepts related to transportation planning
    distinguish between the different spatial development patterns and processes in cities, towns and rural areas
    indicate the relevance of the transportation policy in the overall planning process
    outline the origin and growth of urban settlements

    outline the components of the Integrated Transportation Planning (ITP) process
    explain the guidelines to take into account in the ITP Process
    highlight examples of spatial development initiative in the Southern African context
    describe the conventional transportation planning process
    argue the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional transportation planning process

    identify different sources to fund transport infrastructure
    provide and evaluate examples of road user charges
    select and appraise appropriate financing options for transport
    infrastructure and project applicable in a developing country

    explain travel demand management
    formulate and analyse different travel demand management strategies
    implement plans to promote the use of public transport

    define modal integration
    identify and implement strategies to promote model integration
    highlight constraints and challenges facing modal integration
    highlight international perspectives on modal integration
    evaluate modal integration projects and initiatives

    explain the national transport vision
    apply the principles of the moving South Africa strategy
    illustrate the strategies in the Moving South Africa project for different customers and operations in the transport sector
    identify and analyse strategic challenges for implementing the Moving South Africa strategy

    motivate and describe the passenger transport surveys required in the TRP2 process.
    Describe the types of parking surveys or studies relevant to a typical Southern African study
    Execute a survey to address a particular transportation issue
    Identify vehicle movements to set the timing on the traffic signals

    3. develop systems to review the organisation’s external operating environment
    to identify customer needs with regards to, as well as opportunities and threats related to product and service development
    evaluate and respond to driving forces in the political, statutory, regulatory, economic, social, technological and natural environments
    identify and evaluate existing and potential competitors and collaborators
    identify problems and opportunities in products
    review and improve the organisation’s structures and systems
    identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the management team
    formulate a plan to develop the effectiveness of a management team
    .develop systems to review the generation and allocation of financial services
    identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of human resources
    identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation’s marketing effort as well as the organisation’s positioning in the market
    identify and evaluate the strengths of the organisation’s positioning in the market
    identify and evaluate the strengths of the organisation’s technology and infrastructure
    identify the current and likely future interests of stakeholders
    evaluate stakeholders capabilities to help or hinder the achievement of the organisation’s objectives

    create a shared vision
    develop a mission to give purpose to the organisation
    formulate appropriate objectives and strategies to guide the organisation
    define values and policies to develop an appropriate organisational culture
    develop a social programme and a code of conduct for the organisation
    gain support for the organisation’s shared vision, mission, objectives, strategies, values, policies, social programme and code of conduct

    prepare and submit proposals for programmes, projects and plans to meet the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives
    evaluate and amend proposals for programmes, projects and plans in light of the organisation’s vision mission and objectives
    provide professional and technical advice on preparing and implementing programmes, projects and plans.
    Negotiate and obtain agreement for programmes, projects and plans
    Negotiate contracts and agreements with staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans
    Delegate responsibility and authority to areas of action within the organisation
    Agree on targets for staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans
    Provide advice, motivation and support to staff and external executors of programmes to solve problems
    Identify, formulate and evaluate collaborative and consultative working agreements
    Provide guidance on the ways in which values are to be expressed in work and working relationships
    Select key financial and other indicators to monitor programmes, projects and plans
    Obtain and evaluate data on performance against key indicators
    Develop systems for managing future performance

    Develop measures and criteria to evaluate the achievement of the organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies
    Identify causes of success and failure in the implementation of programmes, projects and plans
    Identify possible strengths and weaknesses in an organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies.

    4. Administer work practices appropriately
    Administer processes and activities for the acquisition, development and management of people
    Document and administer human resource policies, programmes and procedures correctly and effectively in accordance with strategic human resource objectives and legislative requirements

    5. Complete practical applications using a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation software package.

    Identify and describe principles relevant to computer hardware and software, operating systems, data communications and business information systems.

    Integrated assessment:

    1. written exam
    2. projects / class tests/ assignments
    3. case studies
    4. practical evaluation 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516662391

    Financial statements are prepared according to statutory requirements
    Business interest can be correctly valuated
    Financial statements can be analysed and interpret correctly
    Basic consolidated financial statements for companies can be compiled correctly
    Statutory and accounting requirements in respect of liquidations, amalgamations and the reconstruction of companies can be performed

    Budgets and projects can be planned according to costing principles
    Budgets for the short, medium and long-term can be compiled and financial reports can be produced
    All the financial or standardised systems can be integrated
    Bank accounts, fund requests, internal charges, the trading accounts and ledger accounts can be managed

    The scope of economics and the basic macro-economic entities in the economy can be identified
    The basic price theory can be explained and analysed
    Current economic issues can be identified and addressed

    Integrated assessment:

    An application of the following stipulated forms of assessment to a varying degree according to the existing SERTEC requirements:

    Formative assessment

    Written or oral tests
    Field work/experiential learning
    Peer evaluation
    Case studies

    Summative assessment

    Written or oral examinations
    Collaborative projects

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516662390

    Develop groups, teams and individuals to enhance performance.
    Create, maintain and enhance effective working relationships.
    Lead individuals, groups and teams to achieve enterprise goals.
    Facilitate the change in an enterprise.
    Identify the need for change in the enterprise.
    Identify ways of responding to a need for change.
    Supervising manufacturing, reporting of results and doing product and process development involves the ability to work effectively with production and other personnel.
    A plan for continued professional growth, which includes self-knowledge of strengths and weaknesses, awareness of role of professional bodies and keeping abreast of relevant literature will contribute to the full personal development of each learner.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the various types of pyrotechnics and its applications.
    Supervise the safe manufacturing, filling, transport and storage procedures of pyrotechnics.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the history, development and use of commercial explosives in SA.
    Supervise the manufacturing of commercial explosives.
    Designated development tasks and production needs to be performed within time limits using the equipment effectively.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the Explosives Act, regulations and other explosives related regulations.
    Interpret and apply the Explosives Act and regulations.
    Ensure the safe manufacturing and handling of explosives and explosives filled items.
    Compliance with the health and safety legislation, good laboratory and manufacturing practice and established workplace safety protocols will ensure that science and technology is used effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others.

    Perform relevant Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures to ensure that processes remain within designated limits.
    Apply principles of a variety of relevant quality control/quality assurance programs such as International Organization for standardization (ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO guide 25).
    Quality control charts are constructed and interpreted.
    Appropriate corrective protocols are adhered to in response to test results.
    Data from measurements and analysis has to be organised, analysed and critically evaluated using computers when necessary.
    Results have to be communicated effectively using visual and language skills in written and oral format.
    Integration of related systems including quality systems is crucial in interpreting and assessing of results and identifying problems in the workplace.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelated dependence of various processes and procedures by means of a work related mini project.
    Identify opportunities for improvement and the impact on the world as an integrated and open system.
    Analyse the main and other relevant problem areas and develop solutions to the constraints.
    Do a viability study from both a technical and financial point.

    Integrated assessment:

    The applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive competencies) of this qualification will be achieved if a candidate is able to achieve all the exit level outcomes of this qualification.

    Identifying and solving problems, team work, organising one-self, using of applied science, the implication of actions and reactions in the world as a set of related systems must be assessed during any combination of practical, foundational and reflexive competencies. Assessment methods and tools are developed to determine the integration of applied knowledge and skills.

    A detailed portfolio of evidence is required to prove practical, applied and foundational competencies of the learner.
    Assessors and moderators should develop and conduct their own integrated assessment by making use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and should assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies, that includes specific and critical cross-field outcomes.