Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516635939

    1. > Quality procedures are explained and applied in wood yard operations.
    Safety, health, environmental and fire prevention procedures within wood yard operations are adhered to and explained, using appropriate examples and descriptions.
    2. > The origin, use and properties of raw materials are understood and explained.
    The fundamental principles of the woodyard processes are understood and explained.
    The main components of the woodyard process are described and explained.
    Utilities are described and explained.
    3. > Pre-checks are carried out, the process is started up, monitored and controlled and shut down.
    Basic business principles (level 2) with regards to woodyard operations are understood and implemented.
    Fixed and variable costs relating to transport, raw materials, chip production and waste.
    4. > Logs are received and stored in a wood yard.
    Woodchips are produced and stored.
    The process and variables in wood yard operations are understood and described, using appropriate examples and descriptions.

    Integrated Assessment

    The unit standards, on which this qualification is based, describe the competent performance in woodyard operations. The criteria, by which competence is judged, as well as the range of circumstances in which competence is demonstrated, are found in each unit standard.

    Integrated assessment methods and tools for this qualification must allow the learner to demonstrate the acquired knowledge and the safe and efficient competencies required in woodyard operations. For summative assessment the tools include:
    Written and/or oral tests to determine level of knowledge and
    On-the-job observation to determine applied competence.

    The tools used for formative assessment during the learning programme include:
    Written tests
    Oral testing
    On-the-job observation
    Role-play situations.

    For each learner a portfolio of evidence of all these assessments must be built up for record-keeping purposes. This portfolio may include, inter alia:
    Poduction reports
    Journals/logbooks, records of work performance.
    Work samples
    Supervisor and peer reports
    Relevant awards or certificates.
    Previous assessment records.
    The learner’s level of prior learning will determine the way an integrated assessment will be conducted. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516636105

    Learners must demonstrate an ability to consider a range of options and make decisions about:

    Identifying and describing the marketing orientation and place of marketing in a given context
    The importance of external environments and how to use marketing research when taking a closer look at customers
    Identifying and developing a marketing mix for a given context
    Controlling marketing plans and understanding ethical marketing
    How marketing fits into other functional areas
    Demonstrate an understanding of concepts such as resource constraints and scarcity, opportunity cost, absolute advantage, comparative advantage and terms of trade
    Distinguishing between different market forms
    Explaining the optimizing behaviour of consumers and producers
    Explaining the monetary aspects of closed and open economies
    The importance of communicating effectively in a business environment
    Showing the effective use of communicating verbally, in a group, written and graphic communication as techniques
    Addressing business correspondence requirements to a particular circumstance
    Utilising inter-cultural communication effectively
    The appropriate use of language under different business situations
    Defining and describing the management process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in a given context
    Explaining and applying the processes of effective strategic planning and goal setting
    Describing the systems approach to managing change and discuss the dimensions of diversity and change within an organization
    Analysing the types of managerial decisions and power/authority
    Interpretation of legal issues around the law of contracts, sale, lease, credit agreements, insurance, partnerships, labour law, negotiable instruments, agency, suretyship, trade marks, copyright, patents and the maintenance and promotion of the competitions act
    Explain the types of statistical methods used for a given context
    Recognise applications of statistical methods used in market research
    Formulate results and interpret data for a given context using inferential statistical methods
    Explain and distinguish between the various forecasting methods
    Compute answers using regression analysis
    Understanding the role of advertising, personal selling and sales promotion as a form of marketing communications
    Understand other forms of marketing communications
    Processing, controlling and maintaining an inter-departmental traffic system between all stakeholders
    Defining and explaining the concepts of marketing communications and integrated marketing communications

    Advertising Specialisation
    The creativity of different advertising mediums (radio, television, outdoor and print) within a marketing context
    The important criteria in creating the different forms of advertising
    Discussing and evaluating the various creative strategies available to the marketer
    Understand the role and scope and advertising
    Criticise advertising approaches and control mechanisms
    Explain the planning for advertising and evaluate the process
    Identify and explain the three main arms of creative media and production
    Identify and explain the five specialist sub-sections of retail, direct response, pharmaceutical, recruitment and business-to-business


    Public Relations Specialisation
    Discuss public relations from a marketing perspective for a given context
    Identify the specialized areas of public relations and apply public relations as a management function
    Discuss the profile of a public relations practitioner
    Examine and explain the various techniques of public relations
    Identify and evaluate ethics, communication skills and the future of a public relations practitioner


    Direct Marketing Specialisation
    Name and discuss the main elements of a direct marketing framework
    Explain the process in planning for direct marketing taking account of the financial implications, marketing research and meeting the needs of the customer
    Discuss the use of various forms of media usage and the effectiveness each has on the direct marketing approach
    Analyse business-to-business marketing and international direct marketing for a given context
    Explain how creative strategy fits into the direct marketing plan
    Take account of the people involved in the creative work, and the their functions in developing a plan within a set budget having researched the market
    Demonstrate the mail format design, testing the format and how to write copy and direct the art process
    Understand direct mail in business-to-business, retail markets and how to develop a creative strategy for fund raising and non-profit marketing
    Be able to discuss the use of media such as direct response print ads, creative catalogues, back-end marketing, broadcast direct marketing media and the role of public relations in direct marketing
    Preparing artwork for printing and working with suppliers

    Integrated Assessment

    Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid and reliable and ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the qualification.

    Various forms of assessment are used, such as learning, assignments, case studies, projects, tests and examinations.

    The IMM`s role, with regard to its education programmes, is that of an examining body. The Examiners are university academics and marketing specialists, who undertake the setting and marking of the various examination papers to required standards. The structure gives considerable attention to workplace application. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151663619

    The learner can:

    1. Display thorough knowledge of the field of enquiry.
    Formulate an appropriate hypothesis.
    Plan and carry out an appropriate experimental programme
    Analyse results obtained correctly.

    2. Display ability to co-operate with fellow students.
    Display ability to contribute meaningfully to group efforts to work on a problem

    3. Display a mastery of subject material by independent study.
    Display ability to work on a project without help
    Prove the ability to write a project or progress report independently.

    4. Present an acceptable project proposal on a topic
    Be able to motivate the reasoning behind the proposal satisfactorily
    Be able to perform the actions required to complete the collection of information
    Be able to relate the information obtained to that which is known.

    5. Display knowledge of current information retrieval systems and processes.
    Demonstrate mastery of the use of technical and professional language and terminology.

    6. Demonstrate awareness and recognition of the need for careful laboratory techniques
    Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate technology correctly, safely and responsibly.

    7. Present a project proposal in which all the appropriate aspects relating to the broad social and environmental considerations are addressed
    Be able to suggest possible changes in the proposal should certain aspects not turn out as expected.
    Demonstrate understanding of the philosophy of the bio-sciences.

    8. Show awareness of the need for different ways of learning and assimilation of knowledge.
    Show awareness of the need for continued study so as to remain constantly up to date.

    9. Demonstrate awareness of the effects of pollution and industrialisation on society and the environment.
    Demonstrate awareness of the need for responsible management of environmental and biological resources and diversity.
    Participate as responsible biochemists in the life of local, national and global communities

    10. Demonstrate awareness of where the chosen field of study impinges on society and where further studies may be done. This includes medicinal, industrial, recreational and aesthetic considerations

    11. Demonstrate the ability to relate the field of study to society and thus know where those skills are likely to be required.

    12. Demonstrate the knowledge of what the chosen field of study involves and how it can be used for entrepreneurial activity.
    Show understanding of how the field of study impinges on society.

    Formative assessment practices that will be implemented:
    Learners are continuously assessed via informal class tests and formal semester tests (in written or oral mode), seminar presentations, practical laboratory experiments and tests. They also do independent research that leads to a scientific assignment (at least one per year), which must be presented to their co-learners and lecturers/assessors at the end of each semester.

    Summative assessment practices that will be implemented:
    Integrated assessment, focusing on the achievement of the exit-level outcomes, will be done by means of writing one written examination per module. Learners are expected to pass eight written examinations per year in total – four towards the end of each semester. In addition, learners have to present a formal seminar on a research paper related to the field of Biochemistry and have to present a poster of their research project in the form of a mini-symposium held in the department. Learners have to submit practical reports of the formal experiments set out in each semester course in the form of a scientific research paper. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151663661

    Does the learner:

    1. Demonstrate their ability to identify and solve problems in the field of Clinical Psychology correctly by applying the relevant theoretical principles and reflect on the application made? (problem solving skills)

    2. Are the learners able to plan and exercise research in the field of Clinical Psychology, including the gathering, analysing, synthesising and interpretation of information on psychology related issues correctly by utilising the relevant research principles and reflect on the research undertaken? (research skills)

    3. Can the learners communicate effectively orally and in writing (e.g. report writing) with the different role players in the field of Clinical Psychology by applying the theoretical principles of communication and reflect on the application made? (communication skills)

    4. Have the learner developed an accountable theoretical and practical macro vision of Clinical Psychology internationally, nationally, provincially/regionally and locally? (development of macro vision)

    5. Are the learners able to effectively and responsibly organise and co-ordinate resources and opportunities in the field of Clinical Psychology by applying the relevant theoretical aspects and reflect on the application made (including entrepreneurship, where relevant), as well as acceptable responsibility for their own activities in the field of Clinical Psychology? (entrepreneurship/responsibility skills)

    6. Can the learners practise acceptable social sensitivity in the relationships with others and work effectively in a team by implementing the relevant theory and reflect on the implementation made? (team ship)

    7. Are the learners able to utilise appropriate technology (e.g. computer, e-mail, fax, psychometric tests) effectively in the Clinical Psychology environment? (technological and environmental literacy)

    8. Are the learners able to explore different effective learning strategies to acquire the different capabilities of a practitioner in the field of Clinical Psychology? (explore learning strategies)

    9. Are the learners able to promote responsible citizenship through their approach/attitude towards the holistic application of Clinical Psychology related skills? (promoting citizenship)

    10. Are the learners able to practise social, cultural and aesthetic sensitivity towards the people of different communities and the role players in the field of Clinical Psychology by applying the theoretical principles and reflect on the application made? (cultural and aesthetic sensitivity)

    11. Do the learners demonstrate the acceptable employment seeking skills for entry into the different sectors of the field of Clinical Psychology by applying the theoretical principles of employment seeking skills and reflect on the application thereof? (employment seeking skills)

    Formative assessment practices that will be implemented:

    Learners are continuously assessed by various qualified psychologists and learners are given feedback on their performance and progress. The learners are exposed to various practical contexts where they learn to apply their skills. They are also assessed by means of class tests, oral and written examinations. For the requirements of the qualification they have to do independent research in their second year and the results of the research is written up in a dissertation that is examined internally and externally.

    Summative assessment practices that will be implemented:

    Learners are exposed to four examinations, i.e.:
    Psychopathology and psycho-diagnostics that is a written examination at the end of the first year;
    Psychotherapy: Basic principles that is a written examination at the end of the first year;
    Psychotherapy: Advanced techniques, which is oral examination at the end of the first year;
    Integration of theory and practice, which is an oral examination at the end of the second year. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151664437

    Students’ achievement of the critical cross-field, general and specific learning outcomes will be assessed through a range of assessment methods in the final programme (exit level)of the programme.

    For the purposes of stipulating the criteria by which student performance will be assessed, this interim submission focuses on the key sites of integrative assessment which are located in the final year core courses (see integration assessment for full description of integrated assessment).

    A BCom (Economics and Statistics) graduate will be assessed specifically on foundational competencies in critical literacy, critical reasoning, numeracy, and computer-literacy in all prescribed and optional courses from the first year of the programme. Such competence will be assessed, across all programme courses, through a mix of formal written examinations, individual and group projects, individual and group presentations, team problem-solving workshops and simulations. In all such assignments, a learner’s performance will be assessed on the basis of his or her: (i) demonstration of ability to organize ideas and facts in a logical, coherent way; (ii) demonstration of ability to anticipate the responses and objections of an imagined reader; (iii) ability to integrate numerical data into prose descriptions and arguments; (iv) demonstrated understanding of the need to cite references fairly and accurately; (v) demonstrated ability to represent and consider views and perspectives alternative to his or her own.

    A BCom (Economics and Statistics) student will be assessed specifically on practical competencies in ability to formulate arguments, research goals, research strategies and public description and justification of goals, tasks and findings from the second year of the programme. Such competence will be assessed, across all programme courses, through assigned individual projects and classroom debate in second year, and through team problem-solving workshops and simulations in third year. The learner’s performance will be assessed on the basis of his or her demonstrated ability to integrate these competencies to the level expected of a junior manager delivering a professional report to a meeting of colleagues.

    Integrated assessment for Economics and Statistics takes the form of two multi-dimensional projects completed within the third year. The first project will be completed within the Advanced Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Economics (EC0320f) course, the topic of which is generally macroeconomic and covers areas of economic growth, convergence and development. The second project topic will be completed with the Quantitative Methods in Economics (EC0321s) courses and utilises quantitative economic techniques and econometric software packages to model economic behaviour. Students will be assessed on the basis of demonstrated competence in the following areas:
    (1) Internet skills-accessing data and economic resources from the internet. Both projects require students to download data and readings from some of the key economic web sites on the internet.
    (2) Data analysis and manipulation -a core component of the first project is the selection of the relevant data and the subsequent calculation of growth rates, growth accounting decompositions and indicators of economic convergence using spreadsheet packages such as Microsoft Excel. The second project involves the manipulation of time series data for use in the estimation of simple regression models.
    (3) Analytical skills – students are required to interpret the data calculation and regression results, critically evaluate the regression models estimated, make comparisons with other countries and draw relevant economic conclusions. This forms the body of the project and assesses students’ ability to apply economic theory and economic models to real world contexts.
    (4) Presentation skills – students present the final report in the form of a written project and are required to utilise graphs and tables for expository purposes.

    Student assessments will be differentially scaled against the threshold-levels in these foundational, practical and reflexive competencies as described immediately above.

    Integrated assessment for Economics and the Statistics takes the form of two multi-dimensional project completed within the third year. The first project will be completed within the Advanced Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Economics (ECO320f) course, the topic of which is generally macroeconomic and covers areas of economic growth, convergence and development. the second project topic will be completed with the Quantitative Methods in Economics (ECO321s) courses and utilises quantitative economic techniques and econometric software packages to model economic behaviour. Students will be assessed on the basis of demonstrated competence in the following areas:
    (1) Internet skills – assessing data economic resources from the internet. Both projects require students to download data and reading from some of the key economic web sites on the internet.
    (2) Data analysis and manipulation – a core component of the first project in the selection of the relevant data and the subsequent calculation of growth rates, growth accounting decompositions and indicators of economic convergence using spreadsheets packages such as Microsoft Excel. The second project involves the manipulation of time series data for use in the estimation of simple regression models.
    (3) Analytical skills – students are required to interpret the data calculation and regression results, critically evaluate the regression models estimated, make comparisons with other countries and draw relevant economic conclusions. This forms the body of the project and assesses students’ ability to apply economic theory and economic models to real world contexts.
    (4) Presentation skills – students present the final report in the form of a written project and are required to utilise graphs and tables for expository purposes.

    Student assessment will be differentially scaled against the threshold-levels in these foundational, practical and reflexive competencies as described immediately above.