Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151662351

    Integrated assessment.

    In order to assess whether the exit-level outcomes have been achieved, a range of formative and summative assessments are done throughout the four years of study. These include seminars, research projects, practical work in the Medunsa Oral health centre and the Ga-Rankuwa Hospital, portfolios and written and oral tests and examinations. In the case of knowledge assessment samples of the qualifier’s knowledge is tested for depth and width of knowledge.
    A qualifier must have, through the above assessment procedures, proved that s/he has achieved the NQF level 8A standards. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516623619

    Subfield: Cost and Management Accounting

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate the ability to allocate and apportion overheads to calculate rates of recovery.
    Use these rates to calculate recoveries, and know how to treat under- or over-recoveries.
    Demonstrate the ability to prepare budgets resulting in the budgeted income statement and balance sheet
    Demonstrate the ability to flex a budget
    Evaluate the necessary capital budgets.
    Identify revenue and cost curves and demonstrate ability to highlight marginal revenues and costs.
    Compute prices using cost plus or other strategies.
    Produce a cash flow statement from information available.
    Identify the components of working capital and determine strengths and weaknesses in policy, which they could use to prepare a new policy.
    List the types of capital and costs of debt
    Demonstrate the ability to calculate marginal cost of capital
    Discuss the effects of financial leverage.
    Explain the different forms of finance available and to choose optimum components.

    Subfield: Economics

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the economic problem
    Demonstrate an understanding of the production possibility frontier
    Demonstrate an understanding of various economic systems
    Differentiate between micro- and macro-economics.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of micro-economics
    Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of macro-economics
    Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of international trade and finance
    Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of monetary theory and policy
    Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of public finance
    Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of labour economics
    Discuss the economic growth and development of the South African economy

    Subfield: Human Resources Management

    Level: NQF5
    Describe various organisational structures and discuss their respective merits and demerits.
    Explain the human resource planning process
    Describe job analysis and job design processes and techniques
    Demonstrate an understanding of recruitment, selection, placement and induction processes
    Demonstrate an understanding of performance management issues and techniques
    Discuss the need for career management in an organisation.
    Describe how wages and salaries are determined.
    Demonstrate a clear understanding of health and safety issues in the work environment.

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate a sound appreciation of organisational and functional relationships in an organisation
    Demonstrate a basic understanding of the writings and theories of pioneers in behavioural science to modern thinking in the management of people at work.
    Discuss the communication process in organisations
    Demonstrate an understanding of theories of leadership
    Evaluate various theories of leadership in order to apply them to practical day-to-day working in an organisation.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the need for and importance of staff development and training.
    Demonstrate a clear understanding of equity issues in the work place

    Subfield: Labour Relations

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the background and development of industrial relations in South Africa
    Demonstrate an understanding of the legislative framework governing the employment relationship in South Africa
    Provide definitions of labour relations terms
    Demonstrate a general understanding and application of grievances procedures and disciplinary codes
    Identify key role players in the labour relations arena in South Africa

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding the interaction and processes within the labour relationship
    Demonstrate an understanding of factors regulating the interaction of labour relationships
    Demonstrate an understanding of external influences on the labour relationship
    Demonstrate an understanding of different approaches to the labour relationship
    Demonstrate a basic understanding of the labour relations systems of countries outside South Africa
    Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of labour economics
    Demonstrate an understanding of the general principles and practices of collective bargaining
    Demonstrate an understanding of the practice of collective bargaining in South Africa
    Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of negotiation
    Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and practice of dispute settlement

    Subfield: Management

    Level: NQF4
    Demonstrate an understanding of the personnel function as is affects the role of the supervisor.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the role of first-line management in an enterprise

    Level: NQF5
    Identify the contemporary environment, problems and practices of international marketing.
    Apply the principles of international marketing.
    Evaluate the strength and sophistication of global competitors.
    Describe the dynamic and complex nature of the industrial marketplace.
    Analyse the activities in industrial and services marketing
    Explore the broad policies and specific practices in industrial and services marketing.
    Distinguish the different product and services marketing characteristics and strategies.

    Subfield: Law

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate knowledge of the nature, sources and classification of the law.
    Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the law of contract.
    Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the law of purchase and sale.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the law governing credit agreements.
    Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the law of lease.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the general principles of the law of employment.
    Demonstrate knowledge of the law of agency.
    Demonstrate knowledge of the law of partnership.
    Demonstrate knowledge of the law governing negotiable instruments.
    Demonstrate knowledge of the law governing securities.

    Subfield: Business and Office Administration

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of ergonomics and its contribution to conducive working conditions
    Demonstrate efficient records management
    Demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively and efficiently
    Demonstrate an understanding of stock control systems
    Compile a business information manual
    Demonstrate the ability to deal with difficult situations and people in a professional manner
    Plan business receptions and social functions
    Make travel arrangements for a manager
    Prepare correspondence for a range of situations
    Demonstrate an understanding of the mechanics of cash control
    Demonstrate an understanding of banking and forms of payment

    Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualifications is achieved

    Assessment is conducted in several ways:

    Self-assessment which is carried out by the learners on a daily basis, and which improves the quality of learning and mastery;
    Formative assessment by means of contact tuition during the course of their studies
    Continuous assessment incorporating assignments.
    Summative assessment by way of examinations at six monthly intervals

    The above provides for a holistic approach to assessment. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516623618

    Subfield: Communication

    Level: NQF5
    Understand, identify and apply concepts of communication theory
    Understand text and apply appropriate communication principles as well as style, tone and choice of language to writing of business correspondence.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of groups and the procedures involved within an organization.
    Demonstrate a knowledge of the formats for talks and oral presentations in a written format.
    Understand and demonstrate the different graphic communication techniques available.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of advertising.

    Subfield: Public Relations

    Level: NQF5
    Understand the background and context of communication.
    Demonstrate a knowledge of common definitions of public relations
    Explain the purpose of public relations
    Demonstrate a background knowledge of the milieu within which the profession of public relations has developed.
    Explain the reasons for practising public relations at all, as well as illustrate the high degree of responsibility all organisations must accept for the effects of their actions on the societies in which they operate
    Describe the way in which the public relations profession regulates itself.
    Explain both the purpose of public relations activities as well as how particular public relations techniques are used to achieve particular aims and objectives of the organisations concerned.
    Explain why an organisation should want to employ the services of a public relations practitioner in terms of what purposes professional practitioners are expected to fulfil.
    Describe what technical tasks professional public relations people need to be able to do to achieve those purposes.
    Explain what academic, experiential and professional qualifications are needed, as well as what kind of person will succeed in the profession.
    Identify, and describe the nature of the many different forms of communication media available to the public relations practitioner. Learners should be able to point out the functional differences between those communication media with similar characteristics.
    Draw a diagram clearly showing that public relations practice is a systematic and methodical process requiring the completion of specific steps, each of which covers a number of different actions.

    Subfield: Administrative Practice

    Level: NQF5
    Explain how corporate personalities make use of individuals to think and act for them.
    Identify and explain the proceedings at a general meeting.
    Demonstrate an understanding of administrative practice with regard to meetings of clubs and companies
    Draft minutes of meetings and write resolutions
    Identify extracts from minutes
    Draft reports
    Describe the procedure at meetings other than clubs and companies
    Define the term defamation and explain the defences that may be raised against accusations of defamation in meetings
    Describe the conduct of a close corporation
    Describe the conduct of a trust

    Subfield: Business and Office Administration

    Level NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of a secretary in the organisation
    Use the telephone as a resource in business
    Demonstrate competence as a receptionist
    Demonstrate competence in handling correspondence and mail.
    Prepare correspondence
    Understand the principles of reprography
    Demonstrate competence in records management
    Draft documentation relating to meetings
    Demonstrate an understanding of security measures in a range of situations

    Subfield: Financial Accounting

    Level: NQF5
    The business forms relevant to bookkeeping and accounts
    Apply fundamental accounting equations
    Understand the basic account cycle
    Use the double entry system
    Complete books of account
    Handle reconciliations
    Make adjustments
    Calculate depreciation and disposal of assets
    Apply the principles for vat
    Manage stock and stock valuation
    Draw up control accounts including salary control accounts
    Draw up income statements
    Draw up a balance sheet

    Subfield: Cost and Management Accounting

    Level: NQF5
    Identify and understand the basic concepts of Cost and Management Accounting
    Apply the principles of stock control.
    Know the various methods of labour remuneration and the functions required for efficient labour administration.
    Identify overheads, both fixed and variable.
    Determine, apply and analyse overhead allocation.
    Distinguish between Process and Job Costing.
    Calculate equivalent units in an enterprise using a first-in-first-out method or a weighted average cost method.
    Determine the profit of a task or job and deal with over- or under-applied overheads.
    Explain the characteristics of long-term contracts.
    Draw up contract accounts.
    Demonstrate an understanding of how computers are used in an enterprise for Cost and Management Accounting
    Make accounting entries in the general ledger to cover all aspects of these concepts.

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate the ability to allocate and apportion overheads to calculate rates of recovery.
    Use these rates to calculate recoveries, and know how to treat under- or over-recoveries.
    Demonstrate the ability to prepare budgets resulting in the budgeted income statement and balance sheet
    Demonstrate the ability to flex a budget
    Evaluate the necessary capital budgets.
    Identify revenue and cost curves and demonstrate ability to highlight marginal revenues and costs.
    Compute prices using cost plus or other strategies.
    Produce a cash flow statement from information available.
    Identify the components of working capital and determine strengths and weaknesses in policy, which they could use to prepare a new policy.
    List the types of capital and costs of debt
    Demonstrate the ability to calculate marginal cost of capital
    Discuss the effects of financial leverage.
    Explain the different forms of finance available and to choose optimum components.

    Subfield: Marketing

    Level: NQF5
    Explain the nature of the marketing process.
    Distinguish between a marketing orientation and other management orientations.
    Apply marketing principles in the market-oriented workplace.
    Identify the elements of the marketing environment and be able to illustrate its dynamics.
    Differentiate between market segments and apply a segmentation process.
    Demonstrate a basic understanding of marketing information systems.
    Demonstrate an understanding of consumer behaviour
    Describe and conceptualise a product or service as the object of need satisfaction, its nature and development.
    Relate products and their development to marketing decisions.
    Relate pricing issues to marketing decisions
    Discuss issues related to the logistics of marketing management.
    Demonstrate an understanding of marketing communication.
    Describe the strategic marketing process in detail.
    Identify the nature of various marketing sectors and the implications of such sectors for marketing decisions.

    Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualifications is achieved

    Assessment is conducted in several ways:

    Self-assessment which is carried out by the learners on a daily basis, and which improves the quality of learning and mastery;
    Formative assessment by means of contact tuition during the course of their studies
    Continuous assessment incorporating assignments.
    Summative assessment by way of examinations at six monthly intervals

    The above provides for a holistic approach to assessment. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516623617

    Subfield: Information Technology

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate an understanding of the concept “the information age”
    Demonstrate an understanding of the computer in terms of systems
    Explain the impact of the computer on the world of work
    Identify and describe computer hardware.
    Identify and describe computer software.
    Identify and describe databases
    Name and describe the various personnel involved in information technology operation and development
    Discuss issues relating to database security and identify the range of options available to an enterprise
    Demonstrate and understanding of the computer in terms of its communication function
    Identify and describe the components of a network
    Identify threats to computer systems with a view to finding solutions to minimising such threats
    Describe the basic components of the Internet
    Identify the uses of the Internet and explain the impact of this technology on modern society

    Subfield: Local Government Management

    Level: NQF5
    Explain the distinctiveness of Local Government as part of the public sector in development and service delivery.
    Differentiate between the roles of the various government spheres and -agencies in co-operative government.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of governance within a prescribed statutory and legal framework.
    Comprehend the influence of the environment on Local Government and differentiate between the influences of the various role players in this regard.
    Identify and describe the structure, powers, functions of local government.
    Distinguish between the different organisational components of Local Government and explain each component`s contribution to the Local Authority`s functioning.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the components of the external environment and its impact on local government.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the underlying principles of democracy and its manifestation through the political- and electoral processes.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the procedure at meetings
    Differentiate between the systems of policy making and service delivery in an organizational context.

    Subfield: Local Government Accounting and Finance

    Level NQF5
    Describe the procedures for accounting for fixed assets, capital accounting and accounting for reserves and provisions
    Discuss the purchasing and stock management principles
    Draw up a tender and select the most suitable tender and make recommendations to accept the tender
    Select a quotation and motivate the selection
    Describe the applied computer accounting systems
    Using a computer, design a spreadsheet suitable for a financial application
    Describe the legislative controls that regulate local government finance

    Subfield: Human Resources Management

    Level: NQF5
    Demonstrate a sound appreciation of organisational and functional relationships in an organisation
    Demonstrate a basic understanding of the writings and theories of pioneers in behavioural science to modern thinking in the management of people at work.
    Discuss the communication process in organisations
    Demonstrate an understanding of theories of leadership
    Evaluate various theories of leadership in order to apply them to practical day-to-day working in an organisation.
    Demonstrate an understanding of the need for and importance of staff development and training.
    Demonstrate a clear understanding of equity issues in the work place

    Subfield: Internal Auditing

    Level: NQF5
    Describe the background and raison detre for internal auditing
    Define risk
    Define control
    Demonstrate a knowledge of control measures in managing risk
    Demonstrate an understanding of the auditing process with reference to the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
    Carry out an organisation impact assessment
    Carry out an unit impact assessment
    Assess the present internal auditing controls strategy
    Assess the adequacy of the present internal controls
    Assess the effectiveness of the present internal controls
    Assess the quality of present performance of an organization
    Report on a unit assessment
    Carry out a follow-up assessment
    Demonstrate the skills used in performing an internal audit

    Integrated assessment appropriately incorporated to ensure that the purpose of the qualifications is achieved.

    Assessment is conducted in several ways:

    Self-assessment which is carried out by the learners on a daily basis, and which improves the quality of learning and mastery.
    Formative assessment by means of contact tuition during the course of their studies.
    Continuous assessment incorporating assignments.
    Summative assessment by way of examinations at six monthly intervals.

    The above provides for a holistic approach to assessment 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516623633

    Integrated assessment:

    For awarding of the qualification, a candidate must achieve each exit level outcome in the core, and each exit level outcome for one of the specialisation areas:

    The specified outcomes for exit level outcomes are performance-based (applied competence as opposed to required knowledge only). This means that workplace experience may be recognised when awarding credits towards this qualification.

    The candidate will be required to demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in various contexts, related to the area of work, selected in a random and integrative fashion.