Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516620733

    Assessment is performed to ensure that the learner has achieved the purpose of the qualification, including oral, written and practical assessment moderated by internal and external assessors

    Integrated assessment:
    Written examinations
    Oral examinations
    Problem solving case studies
    Practical development project planning and execution 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516622024

    Currently formative assessment is available in the form of “Criterion Tests” after each training module and relates to attitudes, knowledge and practical skills evident in the specific module

    This is followed by a “Phase Test” that consists of all modules completed during that particular phase of training. This test consists of theoretical and practical components to required quality standards

    Summative Assessment is done under the adjudication and evaluation of the Central Organisation for Trade Testing (COTT/Indlela) during a “Trade Test”.

    Once this qualification is unpacked into Unit Standards as specified in the Skills Development Act and relates to a National Qualification, the assessment must conform to ETQA requirements. (For example, the test will be conducted by an internal/external assessor, verified by an internal/external verifier and moderator as accredited by the relevant ETQA) 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516622437

    Integrated assessment to ensure that the purpose on the qualification is achieved:

    Continuous assessment is done in order to compile a term mark for the learner
    Summative assessment is conducted through a national examination
    Practical training will be assessed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sector.
    Relate learning gained from individual experience to knowledge encountered in an Academic environment and vice versa.
    Relate learning from experience and academic concepts to different contexts using present and future scenarios. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516623121

    Assessment Criteria (product):

    Proof must be given that stated outcomes have been achieved by:

    1. Clinical skills test that comply with a professional checklist.
    2. Nursing care plans written to comply with set professional standards.
    3. Mini-research project completed according to set research requirements.

    Forms of integrated assessment:

    Formative Evaluation:

    oral and written class test
    case presentations
    continuous evaluation of clinical skills

    Summative evaluation:

    written examination
    competency evaluation of clinical skills by continuous assessment. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 1151662347

    1. Internal panel evaluation of practical work
    2. External moderation of practical work.
    3. Internal evaluation of written/theoretical submissions.
    4. External moderation of written/theoretical submissions.
    5. Written/oral examination of theoretical/ academic components.
    6. Assignments, projects and tests.
    7. Continuous evaluation of both practical and theoretical skills.

    Integrated assessment:

    A combination of formative and summative skills are methodologies applied, integrating theory and practical demonstration.