Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516673876

    1. Demonstrate problem solving skills and reflective competence by writing a thesis on an appropriate level;
    2. Do his/her research independently and make proper progress in the time allotted;
    3. Collect, analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific information when preparing a paper on a literary and /or linguistic topic;
    4. Communicate in German on an appropriate level, and present scientific findings in German, both orally and in writing;
    5. demonstrates the ability to link their studies in German to other languages and cultures;
    6. Exhibit skills in language acquisition by communicating effectively in the target language and improving their ability;
    7. Communicate effectively across cultural barriers and demonstrate cultural sensitivity in dealing with the art and culture of German speaking countries;
    8. Interact with German speaking people (informal assessment at conferences and other occasions where the learners come into contact with German speaking people).

    Integrated Assessment:
    Formative assessment practices that will be implemented:
    Informal discussions with the study supervisor will be conducted;
    Summative assessment practices that will be implemented;
    The learner submits a thesis and is subjected to an oral examination defending his/her thesis to specialists in the field. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516678484

    Assessment criteria are demonstrated fulfilment of the desired outcomes (above) met through successful completion of all the components of the qualification and assessed through a range of methods including tests, assignments, seminars and formal examinations, in written and oral form. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516679887

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1: In-country available health statistics and other information are accessed and utilised to provide evidence based reports. Discussion forums and peer reviewed interaction are participated in using accessed and evaluated information. Practical ways to obtain information in cases where relevant health information is not available are proposed. Practical ways to implement health information systems are proposed.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: Knowledge and skills are integrated at an advanced level within the health systems of own country so as to submit a feasible, practical and cost-effective intervention strategy for priority diseases in own country context. Expert reviews, group discussions are participated in and reports of intervention strategies of own and other learners on the programme are analysed in terms of their effectiveness, and cost-efficiency.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: Detailed written reports on the inter-relationships between the factors impacting on the health of populations are drawn up. The impact that current and emerging infectious diseases have on population dynamics, health systems and health service delivery are discussed in detail. The impact that infectious diseases have on international strategies and health criteria such as the Millennium Development Goals are shown.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: Ethically-based case studies on the provision of health services are critically analysed in terms of the ethical issues impacting on them. Discussion forums on ethical issues and problems are participated in.Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5: Various tasks and roles are performed as part of a health or inter-sectoral health team according to relevant legislation and regulations taking into account ethical norms and the applicable code of conduct. Reports and reviews are drawn up giving evidence of functions performed, team participation and ethical decision-making.Integrated Assessment:The assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and ability for ethical reasoning and social responsibility will be assessed through written submissions of reports and discussion papers as well as through assessment of learner participation in on-line discussions through the electronic on-line myUNISA portal. External experts form part of these discussions and are also used as external moderators. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516696921

    1. Government policies are analysed and executed in compliance with the provisions of relevant legislation.
    Applied research is initiated and conducted to address societal needs based on sound research methodological practices.
    Executive policies are formulated according to government policies.
    2. Reports are compiled and disseminated to relevant government structures according to stipulated guidelines.
    The establishing and maintaining of international and national public and business sector relations are explained according to cooperative agreements.
    3. A project business plan is developed and programmes are managed according to the strategic objectives of the institution.
    Reports to Parliament and the auditor-General are compiled based on actual expenses in line with the project business plan.
    Programmes to ensure equitable employment are developed in accordance with relevant legislation and policy guidelines.
    Transformational organisational development is effected through visionary leadership practices.

    Integrated assessment:
    The qualification provides for sufficient practical applications of knowledge, skills and attitudes across modules to ensure that the learners’ competencies can be assessed through the following assessment forms:
    a) Formative assessment:
    Written or oral tests.
    Field work/experiential learning.
    Peer evaluation.
    Case studies.

    b) Summative assessment:
    Written or oral examinations.
    Collaborative projects.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516699260

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
    Samples, including the appropriate recording, associated documentation, housekeeping, reporting and communication, are taken and prepared as required in underground geological sampling activities.
    Underground mining operations and sampling activities are explained according to underground geological sampling activities.
    Policies, standards, codes of practice and operating procedures and practices on underground geological sampling are identified and implemented.
    Operational and performance requirements in underground geological sampling activities are adhered to.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
    Start-of-shift, inspection, emergency and end-of-shift underground mining procedures for data collection activities are correctly conducted.
    Underground mining data collection is conducted using appropriate recording and analysis, associated documentation, housekeeping, reporting and communication as required.
    Underground mining operations and data collection activities are explained.
    Policies, standards, codes of practice and operating procedures and practices of underground mining data collection are identified and implemented.
    Operational and performance requirements of underground geological data collection are met.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
    Underground mining geological data processing and administrative activities are performed as required.
    Underground mining operations and Geological Technician functions in data processing are explained.
    Knowledge and understanding of policies, standards, codes of practice and operating procedures and practices pertaining to data processing is demonstrated.
    Operational and performance requirements in data processing and administrative activities are met.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Integrated Formative Assessment:
    The skills development provider will use the curriculum to guide them on the stipulated internal assessment criteria and weighting. They will also apply the scope of practical skills and applied knowledge as stipulated by the internal assessment criteria. This formative assessment leads to entrance into the integrated external summative assessment.

    Integrated Summative Assessment:
    An external integrated summative assessment, conducted through the Assessment Quality Partner, is required for the issuing of this qualification. The external assessment will cover the following focus areas: – Carry out geological sampling activities – Carry out geological data collection activities – Perform data collection and processing activities. The external assessment will be conducted through an on-the-job evaluation by a registered assessor. The assessor will not have been directly involved in the training or internal assessment of the candidate.