1.1 Problems or issues are correctly identified and described.
1.2 Sources of related information are correctly identified and utilised
1.3 The ability to locate and use information resources is demonstrated.
1.4 Relevant information is correctly identified and utilised
1.5 Any choices made can be validly justified
1.6 Recommendations and implementations of plans based on available information can be justified.
1.7 The accuracy and efficiency of recommendations/plans/programs that have been implemented can be justified from available results.
2.1 Appropriate documentation related to the purpose and scope of the task is identified.
2.3 Text is coherently, cogently and unambiguously structured and can be evaluated as such.
2.4 Problem (or plan) related data are clear and understandable
2.5 Valid conclusions can be drawn from the given data
2.6 Needs and knowledge of a group are identified and information conveyed in an appropriate fashion
2.7 Decisions are negotiated between individuals and groups
2.8 Appropriate communication media are used as necessity demands
2.9 Procedures to resolve conflict within a group are effectively applied
3.1 Problems are recognised and pinpointed (identified and locations established)
3.2 Practical skills are appropriately applied to problem analysis
3.3 Theoretical knowledge and skills are applied to analysis
3.4 Problem is described in understandable terminology
3.5 Causes of the problem are identified, described and explained
3.6 Effects of the problem are described and explained
3.7 Explanations for causes and effects are examined and tested
3.8 Appropriate solutions are proposed and implemented
4.1 Problems or issues are correctly identified and described.
4.2 The ability to locate and use appropriate documentation related to the purpose and scope of a task is demonstrated.
4.3 Recommendations and implementations of plans based on available information can be justified.
4.4 Needs and knowledge of a group are identified and information conveyed in an appropriate fashion
4.5 Decisions are negotiated between individuals and groups
4.6 The format of documentation is appropriate to the purpose
4.7 Appropriate communication media are used as necessity demands
4.8 Causes and effects of problems, or difficulties, are identified and appropriate solutions are proposed and implemented.
Integrated assessment:
Written and oral tests, assignments, projects, written examinations and continuous evaluation and external evaluations by professionals from SAMSA. Evaluation of experiential learning from registered logbooks records.