Category: SayPro Blogs

SayPro blogs were first launched in 2014 when Neftaly Malatjie the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of SayPro received the request from the staff at Nelson Mandela Children Fund.

They requested Neftaly Malatjie to start documenting the work which SayPro and its intermediaries it is writing.

He then firstly launched SayPro Blogs to ensure that we share the stories of the work that we do. SayPro Blogs also shares the work, SayPro Services, Activities and Projects which we are currently working on or intends to work on in future.

SayPro blogs has managed to achieve Neftaly Malatjie’s request to ensure that we document and share what is currently happening at SayPro.

We hope that you will find our articles and posts as informative as you want them to be.

Feel free to give us feedback and your inputs as we are also a learning institution.

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516672152

    1. Assignments, practical projects, tests, written and practical examination

    2. Research knowledge obtained
    Mastering design and manufacturing skills
    Creative solutions
    Managerial skills

    Integrated assessment:

    Written examinations: Academic component.
    Evaluation of advanced research projects.
    Panel evaluation; practical component. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516672165

    1. Conduct a seminar on a chosen discipline and to produce a written seminar paper.
    Assess contemporary tourism development strategies and make recommendations.
    Prepare a strategic flow of actions, priorities and programmes.

    2. Demonstrate the competence to implement sustainable tourism management strategies to the industry.
    Compile and appraise an environmental audit.
    Identify appropriate strategic solutions.
    Propose and conduct a tourism related market research project.
    Research and analyse information using appropriate methods.
    Appraise research results.

    3. Conduct research and present the findings in a written research report.

    4. Produce a thorough scientific research report, individually or as a team member.

    Integrated assessment:

    The learner’s ability to integrate the elements of the programme is assessed through case studies, projects, presentations, portfolios, tests and formal examinations. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516672164

    Integrated assessment:

    Formative assessment:
    The knowledge, skills and values relating to academic and professional competencies will be assessed through tutorials, assignments, laboratory work, projects, and experiential learning placement assessments.

    Summative assessment:
    A number of methods of assessment are used to assess the result of the learning and accredit the learner. These include written examinations, tests and presentations. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516672250

    1.1 Problems or issues are correctly identified and described.

    1.2 Sources of related information are correctly identified and utilised

    1.3 The ability to locate and use information resources is demonstrated.

    1.4 Relevant information is correctly identified and utilised

    1.5 Any choices made can be validly justified

    1.6 Recommendations and implementations of plans based on available information can be justified.

    1.7 The accuracy and efficiency of recommendations/plans/programs that have been implemented can be justified from available results.

    2.1 Appropriate documentation related to the purpose and scope of the task is identified.

    2.3 Text is coherently, cogently and unambiguously structured and can be evaluated as such.

    2.4 Problem (or plan) related data are clear and understandable

    2.5 Valid conclusions can be drawn from the given data

    2.6 Needs and knowledge of a group are identified and information conveyed in an appropriate fashion

    2.7 Decisions are negotiated between individuals and groups

    2.8 Appropriate communication media are used as necessity demands

    2.9 Procedures to resolve conflict within a group are effectively applied

    3.1 Problems are recognised and pinpointed (identified and locations established)

    3.2 Practical skills are appropriately applied to problem analysis

    3.3 Theoretical knowledge and skills are applied to analysis

    3.4 Problem is described in understandable terminology

    3.5 Causes of the problem are identified, described and explained

    3.6 Effects of the problem are described and explained

    3.7 Explanations for causes and effects are examined and tested

    3.8 Appropriate solutions are proposed and implemented

    4.1 Problems or issues are correctly identified and described.

    4.2 The ability to locate and use appropriate documentation related to the purpose and scope of a task is demonstrated.

    4.3 Recommendations and implementations of plans based on available information can be justified.

    4.4 Needs and knowledge of a group are identified and information conveyed in an appropriate fashion

    4.5 Decisions are negotiated between individuals and groups

    4.6 The format of documentation is appropriate to the purpose

    4.7 Appropriate communication media are used as necessity demands

    4.8 Causes and effects of problems, or difficulties, are identified and appropriate solutions are proposed and implemented.

    Integrated assessment:

    Written and oral tests, assignments, projects, written examinations and continuous evaluation and external evaluations by professionals from SAMSA. Evaluation of experiential learning from registered logbooks records. 

  • SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516673878

    Display an understanding of historical context and historical process as critical historical awareness in the identification of the research problem, the planning of the research, the selection and evaluation of evidence, the written seminars and thesis and the communication of the outcome of the research to all stakeholders.submit a written identified research problem, relevant to the discipline and defend it verbally, as well as formulate this research problem based on the historical methodology of inquiry and critical analysis.
    Plan and write a simple research strategy for a comprehensive thesis, which conveys the inclusion of all interested parties/stakeholders in such historical research strategy.
    Identify relevant sources in archives, libraries, private collections, research collections and oral sources in communities about the research problem.
    Conduct and completely comprehensive, systematic research.
    Critically evaluate the originality and validity of source material based on historical validation techniques of internal and external criticism.
    Select. relevant information to solve the research problem in historical context.
    Write a logical and systematic thesis including exposition and findings.
    Reflect the following values in the writing of the thesis.
    Honesty in selecting, evaluating and interpreting historical sources.
    Conscientiousness in consulting all relevant sources and stakeholders.
    Perseverance in conducting research until all relevant material has been consulted.
    Empathy with all stakeholders in the research, without displaying any form of bias.
    > Formulate against the social and economic macro-context of the specific historical research problem. Does the research contribute towards a better understanding of related issues affecting communities.
    > Communicate the outcome of the research clearly in written form, with empathy towards all stakeholders, and published the outcome.
    > Relate the outcome of the research to similar research outcomes of studies in different historical contexts. .display. the intellectual capacity to link historical events over time and interpreted the significance of the comparison.
    > Utilise different research, evaluation and reference techniques towards the formulation of a well-founded thesis.

    Integrated Assessment:
    Formative assessment practices that will be implemented:
    Oral formative assessment is conducted continuously through the supervisor.

    Summative assessment practices that will be implemented:
    Integrated assessment, focusing on the achievement of the exit-level outcomes, will be done using oral examinations and the writing of a comprehensive thesis. The thesis is submitted to the promoter as well as to at least two external assessors (specialists in the field of study) from other universities.

    The assessing committee will typically judge the thesis in accordance with the following criteria:
    The originality of the thesis and the contribution it makes to the subject discipline.
    The standard of the research methodology.
    The scientific and academic quality of the processes and structures.
    The technical presentation and layout, including the standard of language usage and editing.