Author: patronellamaroale

  • 116935-5-13 Moderator’s Report

    The overall decision shall be consolidated on the Course name under my profile at Courses.


    The dates and time below confirm that.

    • I will agree to the results or outcomes of my marks.
    • I also acknowledge that the Assessor has prepared me for the results.


    The learner confirms by clicking COMPLETE on the section, and the data confirms.


    The moderator shall confirm on the Moderator Report.







  • 116935-5-12 Assessor’s feedback report to the candidate

    The feedback to the candidates will be provided on the online Southern Africa Youth Academy, and the Assessment Decision will also be provided on Southern Africa Youth Academy and available for the student to see upon completion of the assessment.



    I herewith confirm that I have been given feedback by the Assessor through the online Southern Africa Youth Academy on all the aspects of my assessment. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and the above feedback was given by me in respect of my assessment. I am aware of the assessment process and the appeal procedure.


    I as a candidate herewith AGREE with the assessment decision.


    The source of evidence is the on Southern Africa Youth Academy which is the Summative assessment and Formative  assessment which will be used for the assessment decision.






    The student confirms that I am a student participating in Use computer technology to research a computer topic.


    Herewith confirm that the assessment decisions shall be recorded on my Assignment Section of the report. Therefore, this will be declared by the system on the following Specific Outcomes:


    • Plan the research of a computer Topic (Results available on the Quiz/Assignment Section of student profile)
    • Conduct research of a computer topic using computer technology (Results available on the Quiz/Assignment Section of student profile)
    • Present the results of research of a computer topic using computer technology (Results available on the Quiz/Assignment Section of student profile)


    The overall decision shall be consolidated on the Course name under my profile at Courses.


    The dates and time below confirm that.

    • I will agree to the results or outcomes of my marks.
    • I also acknowledge that the Assessor has prepared me for the results.


    The learner confirms by clicking COMPLETE on the section, and the data confirms.


    The Assessor shall confirm on the Assessor Report.







  • 116935-5-10 RECORD OF LEARNING

    Use computer technology to research a computer topic

    The dates and time below confirm that.

    • I will agree to the results or outcomes of my marks.
    • I also acknowledge that the Assessor has prepared me for the results.


    The learner confirms by clicking COMPLETE on the section, and the data confirms.


    The Assessor shall confirm the Assessor Report, and the moderator will also confirm the moderator’s report.



    Your Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) contains the evidence needed to declare you competent and award credits towards this qualification award. Evidence should be authentic and reflect both your knowledge of the subject and your ability to apply this knowledge in the workplace. Thus, evidence of day to day activities supporting the specific outcomes addressed by this learning programme should complement the theoretical learning you attended and were assessed on.

    There are FIVE key steps in creating a portfolio that will reflect your competence.

    Plan Your Portfolio

    Plan and document the sequence, graphics and layout of your Portfolio. This will assist you in following a logical sequence, which makes the Portfolio also much more user friendly and understandable for the Assessor. It will also reflect your professional approach and attitude towards the subject matter, your work and your life. Impact and appearance always contribute to or affect your chances of being taken seriously and declared competent!

    Gather The Evidence

    An evidence checklist has been provided (Section 4) to tell you what evidence needs to be gathered for assessment purposes. However, there are four broad categories of evidence that you should include:

    Knowledge evidence (your knowledge questionnaire).

    Direct performance evidence (actual samples of your work or records of activities captured on videotaped tape).

    Indirect performance evidence (documentary records of your performance, e.g. appraisals, photographs, testimonials, self-assessments, customer ratings etc.).

    Supplementary evidence (to confirm the authenticity of your evidence).

    Evaluate Your Evidence

    Once you have collected your evidence, evaluate each piece by ensuring that it is:

    Valid (relevant to the unit standard/s being assessed).

    Authentic (clearly your work).

    Current (not more than two years old).

    Sufficient (adequate to prove your competence against all of the assessment criteria and range statements in the unit standard/s).

    Cross-Reference Your Evidence To The Course

    Evidence for assessment against course must be linked to the outcomes of the unit standard in question. An evidence locator grid is useful for this.

    Completed Assessment Activities

    Completed activities will be on the online Academy.