Author: patronellamaroale

  • *SayPro Online Course in Data Capturing 116936

    *SayPro Online Course in Data Capturing 116936

    SayPro is a new-age course that teaches you online data capturing. It is a process where you collect information as and when it arises in your work. Online courses teach you the tricks of online data collection to ensure that you get all the necessary information from your users without any error.

    With SayPro, you can build an app that is user-friendly and reliable, ensuring success for both developers and users.

    SayPro is all about making data easy to understand and accessible for everyone. That’s why we created a course to teach you how to capture data online with ease.

    We’ll walk you through the process from start to finish, from collecting your first piece of information through analyzing your results. You’ll learn best practices and tools that will help you get the most out of your data collection process, whether it’s online or offline.

    By the end of this course, you will have a firm understanding of how to collect and analyze data online in order to make informed business decisions.

    Handling data in real-time is a crucial skill for any modern business. SayPro Online Course teaches you everything you need to know about capturing data at scale. From fundamental concepts like databases and querying to advanced topics like big data and predictive analytics, this introductory course has it all. You’ll learn how to set up a database, work with several types of queries, store and retrieve data from various sources, create graphs, and much more.

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn the latest trends in data management! Sign up today and let SayPro take your career to the next level!

    You might be a sales or marketing professional who’s constantly on the lookout for new ways to boost your business. Or perhaps it’s your own personal online store where you’re striving to grow with every sale. But whatever the case may be, chances are you have found yourself in need of some new data collecting techniques and innovative ideas.

    SayPro is here to help! Our online course offers step-by-step instructions on how to effectively capture user data, including what information is most valuable, as well as how best to capture that information while keeping customers satisfied and making them want to come back for more.

    Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking for ways to improve your current approach, SayPro has everything you need covered. Sign up today and learn from the pros!

    With the ever-growing digital transformation, companies are finding ways to adapt. This is why more and more businesses are moving towards online courses for data capturing. Sure, you could go through a bunch of books, videos, or tutorials to learn the basics, but SayPro has a course that will teach you in an easy-to-understand way. You’ll learn how to take notes while collecting data, how to use a variety of tools like Evernote and Trello, and even get tips on how to improve your speed when taking notes. Not only does SayPro offer online courses for different skill levels but it also gives you access to their experts who can help answer your questions about data collecting in the real world.

  • *SayPro Online Course in Enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging application 116935

    *SayPro Online Course in Enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging application 116935

    Do you feel that your workload is increasing day by day and it seems impossible to keep up with the pace? Then say goodbye to these thoughts! SayPro Online Course in Enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging application will teach you how to handle such a hectic schedule with ease.

    This course will help you master all the essential features of this mighty app, so that you can focus on more important things like your business or personal life. You will learn how to engage in intelligent conversations, organize your messages, and even create eye-catching graphics for an added wow factor!

    An online course to help you enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging application? You’d have thought it’s another course on how to master the intricacies of WhatsApp or Google Allo! However, SayPro is a rather unique offering that is both useful and fun. After all, who wouldn’t love a chance to learn new skills while indulging in some interesting conversation?

    SayPro offers 116935 lessons with beginner-to-advanced level materials – so there’s something for everyone. Plus, it’s completely free so you can sign up now without worrying about payment details or credit card numbers.

    Learn by engaging with real people from around the world while improving your communication skills at the same time!

    While e-messages are increasingly becoming an important source of communication, not all of us have time to go through them and check their contents in detail. SayPro helps you in making the most of your time and energy by offering a comprehensive online course that teaches you how to edit, view, organise, and send e-mail with one GUI-based application. Not only this but also it enables you to understand the working principles of different types of electronic messages so that you can save time when communicating with people.

    Get more from your email today!

    SayPro is a GUI-based messaging application that allows you to manage, edit and organise your electronic messages with ease. It has loads of features and tools, so you can get the most out of it. By using this app, you’ll be able to view the latest updates from your friends and family on the go without having to worry about data charges or limits.

    SayPro is an all-in-one solution that gives you everything you need in one place. And because it’s intuitive and easy to use, there’s no learning curve – once you’ve got the hang of things, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!

    Messaging is ever-changing and evolving. SayPro Online Course gives you the edge you need to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. This comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to know about using Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based messaging applications such as Gtalk, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, IMO etc.

    Over 116935 online courses have been launched on our platform so far, providing a wealth of knowledge for everyone from beginners to experts interested in learning more about this booming field. Our courses are developed by industry leaders and trainers who understand what it takes to become an expert in your field. From theory updates to live-online classes, SayPro makes learning fun and interactive!

  • 116935-5-16 Assessor’s Contingency Plan


    As the assessor of Southern Africa Youth Academy herewith state that we are aware of unforeseen events to happen to.


     Candidate – as Southern Africa Youth Academy we are aware of the unforeseen events that can occur prior assessments date and our courses are only available for 56 weeks before they expire and candidates must communicate with the assessor online on Southern Africa Youth Academy.

  • 116935-5-15 Candidate Appeal Form

    Candidate Appeal form will be completed online on Southern Africa Youth Academy and the learner by clicking complete will allow the Assessor and the Moderator to see the appeal form.

  • 116935-5-14 ASSESSMENT REVIEW


    The principles/criteria for good assessment were achieved.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that principles/criteria for good assessment were achieved.

    The assessment related to the registered Course.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that the assessment relate to the registered course.

    The assessment was practical.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that the assessment was practical.

    It was time efficient and cost-effective and did not interfere with my normal responsibilities.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that the assessment was time efficient and cost-effective and did not interfere with my normal responsibilities.

    The assessment instruments were fair, clear and understandable.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that the assessment instrument was fair, clear and understandable.

    The assessment judgment was made against set requirements.

    ·         The candidate and assessor herewith agree the assessment judge was made against the set requirements.

    The venue and equipment was functional.

    ·         The candidate and assessor herewith agree that the venue and equipment was functional.

    Special needs were identified and the assessment plan was adjusted.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that Special needs were identified and the assessment plan was adjusted.

    Feedback was constructive against the evidence required.

    ·         The candidate and assessor herewith agree that Feedback was constructive against the evidence required.

    An opportunity to appeal was given.

    ·         The candidate and the assessor herewith agree that an opportunity to appeal was given.

    The evidence was recorded.

    The candidate and assessor herewith agree that the evidence was recorded on online Southern Africa Youth Academy.





    I am aware of the moderation process and understand that the moderator could declare the assessment decision invalid