Author: patronellamaroale

  • ***SayPro SAQA Course 242901 Apply the principles of good customer service to achieve public sector objectives NQF Level 04 Credits 06

    When you think of a public service, do you automatically think of quality and customer service? Well, SayPro wants to change your perception. With the help of its course ‘NQF Level 04: Principles of Good Customer Service’, the company aims to impart quality customer service skills to its employees. Through this training programme, they’ll learn how to communicate effectively with their customers while achieving public sector objectives.

    SayPro is making a difference in the world through its commitment to teach others about the importance of good customer service and creating positive impacts on society by teaching others about it. When we say that quality customer service is key for success, we really mean it!

    Customer Service, is the most important skill today. And SayPro is teaching you the principles of customer service, so that you can apply it to achieve public sector objectives!

    “Perfection will be achieved when a customer cannot find anything wrong with your service,” say’s Jayesh Prakash Yadav. We agree – there’s nothing like world-class customer service!

    Making your customers happy is always important, but it is extremely so when you are working in the public sector. Those who work for the government provide their best efforts to make sure that their services and products are delivered on time.

    SayPro has a blog post on how to improve customer service in a government department. They have conducted several courses to teach staff how to be more customer friendly.

    SayPro is a customer-centric organisation that understands the importance of acquiring skills for the future. That’s why we’ve partnered with SAQA to provide you with a comprehensive course that will teach you how to apply principles of good customer service in the public sector.

    In just 6 weeks, you’ll learn how to think like a customer and understand their needs, wants, and expectations. You’ll also learn how to resolve problems quickly and efficiently so that they don’t have any more reason to complain!

    When you’re ready, take the SayPro course and let us know when you’re ready for your interview so we can get started on training!

    Customer-first approach is one of the most common approaches in the public sector. It means that every citizen is your customer, and each customer deserves a good service. If you do it right, people will love you for it! But how does this apply to our lives as employees? And what do we mean when we say ‘customer-centric approach’? We have just answered these questions in SayPro’s new course – Customer-Centric Saaqa ( or 242901).

    This 22-hour long training program covers all the fundamentals of ‘good customer service,’ from basics like greeting customers politely to making sure they are satisfied with their experience. Participants will learn how to think like a customer, which skills they need most at any given time during their interaction, and even how to handle unexpected situations. They will also learn about the different levels of government and other key organizations that work within them, so participants can acquire an understanding for their area of work before beginning on their new career path.

    Learn how to make your workplace better by taking advantage on this special opportunity from SayPro!








    I ______________________________, the assessor, declare the candidate 

    Competent / Not Yet Competent (circle relevant) on all the criteria within the assignment. 
























    I _____________________________________, the candidate, declare that I have received feedback and been informed of my overall competence for the criteria within the assignment. 


    ASSESSOR SIGNATURE                                      LEARNER SIGNATURE 


    ____________________                                      ____________________ 


  • Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    15  Describe a procedure on how you could deal with difficult customers.  10 












    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    16  Describe complaint handling procedures within public service processes.  10 












  • Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    10  What do you understand by Service Quality Management?  5 










    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    11  What could be considered constraints on good service delivery?  5 










    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    12  In the public sector context, what could be threats and opportunities in identifying poor service delivery?  10 











    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    13  Describe a process for managing constraints, threats, and opportunities.  5 












    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    14  Describe continuous improvement and apply it to public service delivery.  10 













  • Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    6  Define supply chain management.  5 









    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    7  Describe the importance of Enhanced Service Delivery in the public sector.  5 










    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    8  Explain the concept of ‘quality is inbuilt’ in delivering quality service.  5 








    Task   Questions Description  Mark 
    9  Differentiate between personal ‘service levels and ‘service level agreements  10