Once you have your filing system set up with subfolders, an easy way to move one or more messages to a subfolder is to select the message or messages that you want to move and then use the shortcut menu:
- Right-click the message.
- On the shortcut menu, click Move to Folderto open the Move Items dialog box.
- In the Move Itemsdialog box, select the destination (under Personal Folders) and click OK.
Other ways to move messages include:
- Dragging them.
- Using the Move to Folder button on the Ribbon. (This button is available when you have double-clicked the message to open it.)
- Using rules that you set up to move messages automatically.
Once you have created a personal folder, you will need to open it to see your data.
- Search your hard drive for the folders (usually they have the extension .pst, so you can use the search string *.pst).
- Launch Outlook and from the File menu choose Open => Outlook Data file.
- Select your personal folder(s).