Author: Neftaly Malatjie

  • 10066 LG Consumer Buying Decision Process

    .     The consumer buying decision process is a five-stage purchase decision process which includes problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and post-purchase evaluation.

    1. The actual act of purchase is only one stage in the process and is not the first stage.
    2. Not all decision processes, once initiated, lead to an ultimate purchase; the individual may terminate the process at any stage.
    3. Not all consumer buying decisions include all five stages.
  • 10066 LG Distinguish customer purchasing motives and behaviours

     Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior

    1. Buying behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products.
    2. B.     Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of ultimate consumers—those who purchase products for personal use and not for business purposes.
    3. Understanding buying behavior requires knowledge of the consumption process and consumers’ perceptions of product utility.
  • 10066 LG Purpose

    This standard is an Elective unit standard and forms part of the Qualification, National Diploma and is registered at Level 5 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Learners working towards this standard will be learning towards the full qualification, or will be working within a marketing environment, specialising in Customer Management, where the acquisition of competence against this standard will add value to one’s job.

    This standard will also add value to learners who wish to start their own formal or informal business, acting as a vendor of products or services.

    The qualifying learner is capable of:

    Distinguishing customer purchasing motives and behaviours

    Assessing and responding to customer needs

  • 10066 LG Learning Unit 1