Author: Neftaly Malatjie

  • 114054 LG 1.30 INTRODUCTION

    Network monitoring is the information collection function of network management. Network monitoring applications are created to collect data for network management applications. The purpose of network monitoring is the collecting of useful information from various parts of the network so that the network can be managed and controlled using the collected information. Most of the network devices are located in remote locations. These devices do not usually have directly connected terminals so that network management application cannot monitor their statuses easily. Thus, network monitoring techniques are developed to allow network management applications to check the states of their network devices. As more and more network devices are used to build bigger networks, network monitoring techniques are expanded to monitoring networks as a whole.

    As more people communicate using networks, networks have become bigger and more complex. The proliferation of the internet has increased the pace of network expansions. At this age of big and complex networks, network monitoring applications need to use effective ways of checking the status of their networks so that network management applications can fully control their network and provide economical, and high-quality networking services to the users. It is very important to know what are the goals to achieve in network monitoring. By knowing the goals of network monitoring, network monitoring application can choose among network monitoring techniques that will best help them monitor their networks.

    There are generally three basic goals for network monitoring;

    • Performance monitoring
    • Fault monitoring
    • Account monitoring
    • Performance monitoring deals with measuring the performance of the network. There are three important issues in performance monitoring. First, performance monitoring information is usually used to plan future network expansion and locate current network usage problems. Second, the time frame of performance monitoring must be long enough to establish a network behaviour model. Third, choosing what to measure is important. There are too many measureable things in a network. But the list of items to be measured should be meaningful and cost effective. This list of items to be measured is called network indicators because they indicate attributes of the network. Here is an example list of network indicators in Table 1.

      Performance monitoring deals with measuring the performance of the network. There are three important issues in performance monitoring. First, performance monitoring information is usually used to plan future network expansion and locate current network usage problems. Second, the time frame of performance monitoring must be long enough to establish a network behaviour model. Third, choosing what to measure is important. There are too many measureable things in a network. But the list of items to be measured should be meaningful and cost effective. This list of items to be measured is called network indicators because they indicate attributes of the network. Here is an example list of network indicators in Table 1.

      Table 1: A list of network indicators.

      Network indicators


      Circuit Availability

      The actual time that a user can dial up to a network and the network connection is available for the user

      Node Availability

      The actual time that a user can use network nodes, multiplexers and routers without having error.

      Blocking Factor

      The number of user who cannot access the network because of busy signal in theory.

      Response Time

      The time to transmit a signal and receive a response for the signal.

      Fault monitoring deals with measuring the problems in the network. There are two important issues in fault monitoring. First, fault monitoring deals with various layers of the network. When a problem occurs, it can be at different layers of the network. Thus it is important to know which layer is having problem. Second, fault monitoring requires establishing a normal characteristics of the network in an extended period of time. There are always errors in the network but when there are errors, it does not mean the network is having persistent problems. Some of these errors are expected to occur. For example, noise in a network link can cause transmission errors. The network only has problem when the number of errors has suddenly increased above its normal behaviour. Thus, a record of normal behaviour is important.

      Account monitoring deals with how users use the network. The network keeps a record of what devices of the network are used by users and how often they are used. This type of information is used for billing user for network usage, and for predicting future network usage.


    On completion of this section you will be able to monitor performance of a local area computer network

    1. Network performance data is collected according to an industry recommended procedure. 
    2. Network performance data is analysed so that network performance can be evaluated. 

    The directory mapping must be reduced in writing for future references. The following are proven tips when creating IT documentation. The same principles apply when building directory mapping documents.

    1. Document with pictures if possible

    The old adage a picture is worth a thousand words means that by using pictures to augment your text, you can minimize the length and complexity of your documentation. System users like having pictures, diagrams, tables, and bulleted lists for quick reference.

    1. Give examples

    Examples are an excellent way for end users to quickly grasp concepts that they may not fully understand. It is also a good way for an end user learning new software to sit down and tackle a new challenge more easily. 

    1. Don’t presume to assume

    Even if you know your targeted user base, your documentation needs to be written so that anyone with only basic computer skills can read it and learn how to properly use the system. Step-by-step instructions should be provided when possible, but consider placing them in an appendix, a separate chapter, or making them available via a hyperlink to avoid clutter. If you are doing the documentation, change your mindset so that you place yourself in the shoes of a new system user. That can be difficult to do at first, but if you pay attention to details and fully document all features and functions, you can create documentation that doesn’t assume that the user can figure out information and procedures you have failed to include.

    Don’t assume that your end user understands all of those acronyms that litter the IT landscape. The first time you present a new acronym, detail what the acronym stands for.

    1. Anticipate problems

    When testing your system, you should have tried your best to break the software any way you could. If your software has known issues (developers like to call them issues; end users call them bugs), document a workaround and provide it to your users and the help desk. You will not only save a lot of frustration for the end users but also a lot of extra calls to the help desk.

    Document the events that are inevitable during the lifetime of any long-lived system:

    • What workarounds are available while the system or network is down?
    • How do you recover from a server outage, a hard disk crash, or database corruption?
    • How does someone who knows absolutely nothing about your system get the system up and running again?

    Your documentation should anticipate these problems and provide a detailed plan and instructions for system recovery.

    Will the person who replaces you know where to find your documentation and any purchased vendor application documentation? All of these documents should be neatly organized and stored together in a safe and known place.

    1. Test your documentation

    Sit down and follow your own instructions. If you are documenting the building of a server, a network, or any other IT system, start with a clean partition and build everything from scratch. You will undoubtedly discover that you have left something out or that some of your instructions are unclear.

    Work with an uninformed but committed co-worker to get feedback before you publish. Let them test out your documentation.

    You will be amazed at what you will learn when you sit a person down to work with your software and documentation for the first time. A lot of features of the software that are obvious to you will not be so obvious to someone who is honest and willing to work with you. Watch closely what your guinea pig does while navigating your software. Ask for feedback and take notes.

  • 114054 LG 1.27 Keep the lights on

    As far as your presence on the Internet goes, having an accurate, secure, and high-performance DNS implementation is as important as having lights in your offices. Make an investment in your DNS infrastructure by taking control over your domain so that it gets care and feeding commensurate with its importance. Without DNS, the Internet is just a bunch of standalone computers that can’t find each other.

    AppliedTrust has engineers that have been working with DNS, BIND, and other Internet infrastructure since the mid-1980s. Call us if we can help improve your organization’s use of these technologies.

  • 114054 LG 1.26 Pay attention to security

    As you put DNS to work in your organization, pay close attention to security. Put your nameserver behind a firewall and harden the server operating system, and make sure that it’s subjected to vulnerability scanning at least every 30 days. Keep your software, typically Active Directory and/or BIND, patched and up to date. Let only a small number of highly trusted administrators have access to your external authoritative nameservers, and ensure that there is a revision-control system in place that produces an audit trail. Finally, remember that a mis-typed delegation in your domain registration can make your domain disappear for a minimum of three days.

    Test, test, test. DNS helps keep your internal networks secure by hiding hosts and topology from the outside world. Be vigilant about making sure that you don’t inadvertently make internal addresses visible to the outside world. Make sure that you have backups of your DNS server so that if you have a catastrophic failure, an administrator makes a blunder, or if your security is compromised, you can get back online quickly. There are standards in place for a higher-security DNS, with cryptographic zone and record signing for authentication (see These enhancements are not in common use yet because the computational requirements of the cryptography make them impractical. There may be progress on the horizon, however, as the federal government has mandated the use of DNSSEC for the .gov TLD by January 2009.