Author: Neftaly Malatjie


    IT service providers must do follow up with customers. Maintaining follow-ups with clients has the following benefits;

    1. Build Trust

    When engaged in the initial resolution of a customer request, your technicians should enthusiastically support the customer and let him know the support was in his best interests. If that was true, then the enthusiasm shouldn’t wane. Instead, the technician should continue to support his decision and strengthen his resolve that he made the right decision.

    When you don’t have anything further to gain after you’ve made the support intervention, the customer trusts that you were telling the truth when you encouraged the purchase.

    1. Head Off Problems

    Returns and complaints are a nightmare for technicians, and yours can head off many of the objections that cause returns by following up shortly after they’ve given support. Make sure technicians answer questions and help customers figure out how to use the products they have received. Make sure the delivery went smoothly and all items are working well.

    1. Create Goodwill

    Technicians should use the follow-up call after to thank customers for their business. Even before they ask for referrals, they should show customers that the business appreciates them. Technicians will make a positive impression on clients for them and for your company. Remember, technicians are representatives of the business, and they should use every opportunity to build goodwill for it.

    1. Sell More

    Naturally, the ultimate goal of follow-up is to generate more sales. Customers request future assistance from someone they trust who acknowledges their patronage and provides excellent customer service. Once technicians build a trusting relationship, they should ask for referrals.

    They need to use the call to explain any incentives your business may offer for referrals and assure customers that everyone you serve receives the same consideration and follow-up care. Set a schedule for your salespeople to contact former clients on a regular basis to keep your business’s name in front of them and build on that goodwill they started with the initial follow-up call.


    ) Don’t react. While this is not easy to do because we are biologically primed to fight or flee, sometimes not reacting is incredibly effective. It takes two to play tug-of-war, and if you refuse to engage, there is no game to be played. An intentional pause serves as a mirror for the antagonizer, as their aggressive words reverberate in the silence and seem to hang in the air, hopefully inspiring reflection and awareness. If you refuse to sink to the same level, you can be the bigger person and anchor the conflict in a more civil place before it spirals downward. This requires strength, patience, groundedness and detachment from ego (for it is the ego that gets hooked during conflict and feels compelled to fight until proven the victor). Pause, count to 10, breathe deeply and see what happens from there.

    2) Respond from a place of sadness, rather than anger. When we are angry, it is to protect our feelings of sadness. When we speak from our anger, we can scare people, make them defensive, and can negatively impact our relationships. When we speak from our hurt, we are sharing from a deeper and more vulnerable place of truth, and are not as threatening to others. If we teach others how to care for our wounds, rather than biting them back, we can expedite the healing process.

    3) Do not triangulate. Triangulation is when you don’t speak directly to the person with whom you are having a conflict and involve somebody else. For example, speaking to your mother-in-law about your agitation at your wife. Or, throwing your BFF under the bus when you are mad at your boyfriend by saying she thinks he is a selfish ass as well. While it is very tempting to vent to others or to use them as allies, none of this is useful. Triangulation is counterproductive as it causes additional relational strain with others and takes the focus away from the primary issue at hand. Furthermore, it simply isn’t cool.

    4) Understand conflict is neither bad, wrong nor a sign of failure. We are human: We all regress and act like babies sometime. Cut yourself some slack, don’t be afraid of your mistakes, make amends and forgive yourself and others. Chalk it up to growth and learning and forge ahead.

    5) Before speaking, ask yourself, “Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true?” Take some advice from Shirdi Sai Baba and ask yourself these three questions before tossing verbal (or written) grenades. If the answer to even one of these questions is no, bite your lip and choose words that meet all of these criteria. The conflict will diffuse and your relationship will deepen. 

    6) Be specific about what you need. Sometimes we want people to magically know what we need in order to feel better. This is normal, yet irrational. Speed things along

    and specific for what you need (i.e. “I need for you to say you are sorry for calling me that name” or “I need for you to give me the rest of the weekend alone to reflect” or “I need for you to hold me and stop trying to make it better with words.”).

    7) Be willing to let go and “reboot.” My colleague Ross Rosenberg recommends a mental rebooting when at the point of stalemate in conflict resolution. This involves letting go of any mental energy that is keeping you fixated on the conflict. In a moment of quiet reflection, imagine you are dropping your sword and hitting the “refresh” button on your psychological browser, and revisit your relationship with renewed perspective and energy.

    8) Be grateful for the wisdom the conflict brought you. Conflict can be emotionally exhausting and it is easy to be annoyed that it even took place. Look at the good part by reflecting on any lessons that could be learned about yourself, the other party, the relationship, or life in general. Give thanks for this wisdom so that the universe knows you have sufficiently learned this lesson and it isn’t presented for you again!

    9) Enjoy the intimacy in making up and reconnecting. Conflict is like fire: While it can be destructive if left untended, it can promote warmth and heat if managed effectively. Resolving conflict promotes intimacy (the term, “make-up sex” didn’t come from nowhere…) Also, there is great reassurance knowing that loved ones can “stand a little shaky ground” and has “got the guts to stick around” (thank you, Bonnie Raitt).

    ) Understand nobody is perfect and learning effective conflict resolution is a life-long process. Working on conflict resolution is an indication of maturity, integrity and character. We are all works in progress. Commit to these conflict resolution strategies in order to improve your relationships and become your best self.

  • 114052 LG 1.29 The 5 Approaches to Conflict Management

    According to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), there are five styles of handling conflict. An understanding of the five styles should be used to plan an approach to a difficult conversation or meeting, or it can be used to understand the other party’s position and approach. 

    1. Competing: Under this style, you disregard the wants of the other person and aggressively pursue your goal. This should only be used if there is little hope of salvaging the relationship or an immediate action or conclusion to the situation is needed.
    2. Collaborating: In this mode, you are both assertive and cooperative, working to find a solution that satisfies both teams.
    3. Compromising: In the compromising approach, you know that neither you nor the client will be completely happy at the resolution of the issue. Your main goal is to find a solution that partly satisfies both sides. You each need to give a little. These conflict resolutions are more complex, requiring both sides to reveal what they care about and to trust the other person.
    4. Avoiding: This approach to conflict is all too common. You simply avoid the issue, hoping that you won’t have to deal with it. Sometimes it works to avoid problems that will eventually resolve themselves. But in most cases, this is not a long-term solution as these problems reappear, uglier than ever.
    5. Accommodating: In the accommodating mode, you work to solve the resolution and are so focused on the other person’s needs or solving the problem that you end up working against your own objectives.

    It’s also useful to consider how much power you have in this situation. Is it more or less than the other party? What are you willing to lose in the conflict situation? Know this before you start the resolution process. 

  • 114052 LG 1.27 Step Six: Take Action and Follow-up

    Once you’ve both agreed on a solution, you need to take action immediately. Explain every step that you’re going to take to fix the problem to your client

    If she has contacted you by phone, make sure that she has your name and contact details. This gives her a feeling of control because she can get hold of you again if she needs to.

    Once the situation has been resolved, follow up with your client over the next few days to make sure that she’s happy with the resolution. Whenever you can, go above and beyond her expectations. For instance, you could send her a gift certificate, give her a great discount on her next purchase, or send her a hand-written apology.

  • 114052 LG 1.25 Step Four: Be Empathic and Apologize

    Once you’re sure that you understand your client’s concerns, be empathic. Show her you understand why she’s upset. And, make sure that your body language also communicates this understanding and empathy. For example, you could say, “I understand why you’re upset. I would be too. I’m very sorry that we didn’t get the samples to you on time, especially since it’s caused these problems.”