Author: Neftaly Malatjie

  • 114072 LG 1.17 Installing protocols

    Protocols are the software components that will enable computers to communicate with each other. The main protocols for a local area network are as follows:

    • TCP/IP: the protocol used on the Internet. You will need it if you decide to connect your local area network to the internet
    • IPX-SPX: a simple protocol, sometimes used for certain video games.
    • Client for Microsoft networks: Microsoft’s proprietary protocol, enablingfile sharing and printer sharing, among others.

    By default, the operating system installs the common protocols, which will be sufficient for almost all users. Unless you have a specific need, you do not need to read the rest of this section.

    To install specific protocols, open the properties of the desired network connection and click Install, then choose protocol or services.

  • 114072 LG 1.16 Installing drivers

    Before installing drivers, you are strongly advised to visit the website of the network adapter’s manufacturer, to retrieve the latest versions of the drivers, even if you have recently purchased your hardware. Major updates generally take place when hardware is put on the market. In addition, drivers in their packaging are sometimes several months old.

    When installing a network card or adapter, it is necessary to refer to the documentation provided, since the procedure may vary from one manufacturer to another. Some manufacturers ask, for example, that you not connect the peripheral device before you’ve installed the drivers.

    If you run into an installation problem, it is possible, and recommended, to perform a search on your favorite search engine with the brand and reference number of your hardware as keywords and one or more keywords such as “installation”, “drivers” and “windows”.

    If the installation goes smoothly, in Windows XP, a prompt window should appear to ask you

    Click Continue. A balloon should appear stating that new hardware has been installed and prompting you to execute the automatic configuration.


    Is it necessary to install a network card in each computer that may be part of the local area network?

    The first thing to do is to open your computer and insert the network card. 

  • 114072 LG 1.14 Architectures to avoid

    The following network structures will not work, even if they appear to be correct at first, unless the computers have several network interfaces (several cards) and the cables used between two computers are crossover cables:

  • 114072 LG 1.13 Network architecture

    To create an RJ45 local area network, it is recommended that you adopt a so-called “star” structure, where the computers are each connected to the hub via an RJ45 cable. A hub is a device that transfers data from one computer to another. The choice of hub will be made in function of the number of connected computers in order to have enough plugs (called “ports”) on the hub.

    In the event of a large network or a network with substantial bandwidth requirements, a switch will favourably replace the hub, as it makes it possible to distribute packets only to the computers concerned, whereas a hub systematically sends packets to all connected computers.

    The structure of such a network looks like this:

    If you want to connect two computers only, it is possible to avoid using a hub, by directly connecting the two computers with a crossover RJ45 cable.